Chapter 10

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Lu's POV
I awaken strapped to a chair in a darkened room, with the only light coming from the cracks between the heavy steal door and the door frame. My eyes dart around the room, searching for anything I can use. Nothing, just great.

The door slowly unlocks with a loud clank and slowly opens. "Mornin' Luiza" a man says as he steps in and closes the door behind him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I ask in a demanding tone. The man starts to chuckle evilly to himself.

"My dear Luiza, isn't it obvious" he asks me as he walks over to a rack filled with knives, syringes and other torture devices. I shake my head in response as he picks out a sirated knife. "I want all that information in that pretty little head" he informs me as he runs the knife through my hair whilst wearing the same devilish grin as before. I feel my stomach do flips as he slowly digs the knife into my arm and runs it along the length of my arm. I scream in pain as the burning hot pain shoots down my arm. "Now, tell me where your camp is?" He asks whilst pointing the blood dripping knife in my face. I shake my head in response before he nicks the side of my neck, making me flinch as the searing hot pain spreads through my neck. "This is gonna be fun if you keep this up" he says as me continues to slice through my skin.
Jaz's POV

I plummet three stories before I hit the ground and into the waiting arms of the zombies. The impact made me lose all the air out of my lungs and I struggle to breathe let alone move as every zombie for kilometers slowly stumble closer and closer.

Within a minute, I am back up and a zombie is trying to bite me. I ram my machete into its head and it falls to thw ground next to me. Then another comes up to me, then another, then another. Soon they've completely surrounded me. "Fuck!" I say in a mixture of frustration and annoyance. I swing my machete in every direction, landing every target.

Within ten minutes, I am about to collapse from pain and exhaustion. My heart thumps loudly in my head as the endless sea of zombies staggers towards me, groaning with drool dangling out of their mouths. My right arm is filled with a white hot pain from swinging my machete in every which direction. "C'mon!" I hear Tyson yell from the rooftop "the ladder!" I don't waste another second, I race to the ladder and climb as fast as my body will go. The zombies reach up for my feet but all either missing or getting kicked before I continue up the rusted ladder.

Tyson offers his hand to help me up onto the roof and he pulls me to my feet. "What was that about?" He asks in an annoyed tone.

"My right femur started to muck up again before you urged me to jump" I yell in frustration. I clasp a hand over my mouth as I look over the side and see more zombies coming towards us.  Okay, maybe I shouldn't have yelled that, I think as more and more zombies come from all directions.

"Bravo genius, what are we gonna do now?" Tyson asks next to me as he looks in all directions.

I scan the nearby streets below, searching for anything that we can use. Then I spot something that would work perfectly. "Bingo" I say as I allow a smile spread across my face. I face Tyson before asking "ready for a wild ride?"

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