Chapter 5

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Eboni's POV

How could we have done this, how could we have abandoned Jaz, Jodie and Lu. We stop running when we reach a woodland area and turn back to the city we had just fled from.

"We-we just abandoned them" Alyse says with a tear rolling down her cheek.  "We abandoned..."

"Jaz was swarmed and we don't know where Lu and Jodie are" Marley states.

"But we abandoned them!" Alyse cries clearly upset that her best friend is gone.  And she's right, we did abandon them. I feel a tear roll down my face as I take one last look at the city before we all run off into the woodland area. 
Jodie's POV

Lu pokes her head out bushes where we have taken refuge in. "They're gone" she says in relief as she climbs out of our little hiding spot. I follow her out and see the bodies scattered on the street. "Come on" she says as she starts to walk back to the treehouse with me not far behind.

We reach the base of the tree but the others aren't anywhere in sight. I start to panic, they wouldn't just leave us would they? "Alyse? Marley? Eboni? Nami? Jaz? Anyone? I call out trying to control the shakiness of my voice with no reply.

"Alright, they couldn't have gotten far, let's just look for them" Lu suggests with a hint of hope in her voice. I hope she's right, I think as we start to search for the others. 

It's nearly nightfall when we finish searching "They abandoned us" I say trying to keep calm but inside I'm freaking out. 

We turn towards the open road in confusion and loneliness as we let the  reality of our situation sink in.
Jaz's POV

I stumble into the night in annoyance, cutting down any zombie that stumbles into my path. Fuck I hate this, I think as I lean against a tree. The words 'no food, no water, no shelter' spin around in a loop in my head. "I'll go looking for supplies tomorrow" I say to myself as I start to climb the tree. 

I climb to one of the top branches and sit leaning against the trunk looking at the city. "I bet it was a good place before all this shit went down" I say in awe as I let darkness consume me for the first time in over a week.
Marley's POV

"Can-can we stop for the night?" Nami asks in exhaustion.

"You think it's safe?" Eboni asks whilst looking around. I didn't notice it before but now I hear groaning behind us.

"Not until we find somewhere safe to stop" I protest before we walk further into the woodlands.

A couple of hours and ten zombie kills later, we reach an abandoned shack. The timber which the shack is made of looks like it has been here since the dinosaurs and surrounding plants had taken up residence inside. Michael, who was complaining of being tired hours ago bolted to the scrappy door and looks at us in a 'can we stay here tonight?' expression as we walk over to the door.

I lean against the door with my switchblade out and ready, as is Eboni with a rib that she fashioned into a knife. I carefully reach for the handle and slowly turn it. Yes, it's not locked, I think as I open the squeaking door.

We slowly enter the building ready to end any starved zombie that lunges at us. There isn't much in the one room building other than dust and plants that have squeezed into any nook and cranny they could find. I wave the others in and close the door behind them. "So what do we do now?" Nami asks the rest of us. 

"Sleep here tonight, we'll leave midday tomorrow" I say, not letting their hopes up about the possibility of Jodie and Lu finding us.

Okay, now I'm glad that Jaz always did night watch 'cause it's hard. My eyes feel heavy and my vision is starting to become blurred, at this rate I'll fall asleep leaving no one on night watch. "Maybe I can just close my eyes for a second..." is all I say before I close my eyes and slip into the unwelcoming darkness of sleep.
Nami's POV

I wake up to a scratching noise. It's too early, I think to myself as I slowly open my eyes. I scan the room and see nothing at the windows and I let my eyelids drop again. Then I hear the sound of a window breaking and the distinct groaning above my head.

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