Chapter 7

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Lu's POV

"You find anything?" Jodie asks me as I rummage through a box in the back of a truck we found.

"No, you?" I ask as I straighten up and look at her, Jodie slowly and sadly shakes her head in disappointment. Everything in this city has already been raided, which is annoying when you're out of supplies. "Well, ready to go?" I ask Jodie who is climbing out of the truck.

"Yeah, nothing here" she replies in disappointment, then she looks behind me and suddenly her face lightens a bit. "Lu, look" she says as she points at something behind me. I turn around and see that what she's looking at is an iPod and headphones sitting on the sidewalk.

I cautiously walk over to the iPod, making sure that no one has planted it there. I pick up the iPod and turn it on, somehow it's still working. "Sweet, you want it?" I ask Jodie who is now standing behind me.

Jodie shakes her head with a worried look on her face. "Probably not a good idea, are you sure it's safe? I mean it wasn't there two minutes ago" she asks cautiously, clearly suspicious of it.

"Jodie, when has listening to music ever been a bad idea?" I ask before putting in the headphones, putting on some music and dancing down the street. I gesture her to follow me which she reluctantly does.

So here we are, Jodie and I walking down the train tracks which run through the city with me singing. I jump onto the metal part of the track and continue to walk whilst balancing on the rusted metal. Everything would be sweet if we had food, water, or the others but hey, I'm making the best of a bad situation. At least we're not being followed, I think to myself. Then I hear a gun hammer click behind me.
Jaz's POV

I hold my breath as the door slowly opens. Fuck! Why this apartment? I ask myself as the door opens further and further. I hold out my machete ready to kill anyone who wants to take me on.

I stand there frozen to the spot as a guy in his early late teens slowly slips put of the darkness, axe in hand. He looks me dead in the eye and demands through gritted teeth "who are you? And what are you doing here?"

I slowly stand straight and return his daring gaze. "Jasmin Harrington, zombies chased me here." I reply shortly. He looks at me suspiciously with hypnotizing eyes "I'll go once the horde's gone" I assure him. His attention turns to my machete and I slowly place it on the floor and push it towards the side.

He looks me over carefully before saying "you can stay until the horde has dispersed and no later". He walks over to the dining table and sits down on one of the mahogany chairs. "Tyson Wilkinson" he introduces himself whilst running his fingers through his shoulder-length fawn hair. At that point I notice a scar running up his arm and another running across his neck. I walk to the window and look down at the street, and there are over fifty zombies all trying to get in. Okay, probably not going to be able to leave for a while, I think as I sit down on the lounge. "Who told you that you could sit on the lounge?" Tyson asks rudely, clearly upset that I am here let alone doing as I please. 

"Well sorry" I say sarcastically as I stand up and look at him annoyed expression.  I walk over to the door and lean against the frame, with Tyson not taking his eyes off me for a second. Well, this is friendly, I think as I look around the room. 

I wonder who long I have been standing here with Tyson staring at me, five hours maybe? I walk back over to the window, look back outside and see at least five times as many zombies as before. Fuck! I'm definitely not going to be able to get out of here any time soon. Then the door breaks down. 

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