Chapter 11

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Nami's POV

We slowly and cautiously walk into the room which Alyse has been operated on, curious to see what Alyse is upset about. Alyse is sitting up on the bed with her head in her hands muttering "No, no, no, no" as Michael runs up to Alyse's side.

I turn to see John standing behind me "the bullet ended up leaving a chunk out of her side so we quickly repaired the damage to the organs then stopped the bleeding from the bullet hole. Good news she's going to live, bad news is that she'll have the permanent disfigurement" he explains. I stare at Alyse in complete horror and shock, I didn't think that a bullet could do that sort of damage, and judging by the looks on everyone else's faces they didn't either.

"It's all your fault!" Alyse says as she attempts to lunge at John but loses her balance the minute she is off of the bed. "Fuck!" she yells in pain and frustration as Marley and I help her up.

"She's lost a lot of blood, she needs to rest for a few days before it will even be safe for her to stand whilst holding onto something" John says to us as Marley and I sit Alyse back onto the bed.

"Great, can't even stand up for days and I've got a dent in the side of my body, what could be better?" Alyse asks sarcastically as she glares at John. I start to become scarred that she will pull a knife or a gun on him as soon as she gets the chance.

"Can you give us a minute?" Eboni asks John as she walks over to an arm chair near the window and sits down, John leaves the room without saying a word along with a woman that I assume helped him with the operation. "What are we gonna do now with her laid up for weeks?" I look down at Alyse and then at Marley who is starring at me.

"What if we ask John if we could stay her until Alyse is healed up?" Marley suggests

"Not necessary, I'm not staying!" Alyse protests, clearly upset about the fact that she got shot and can't stand at the moment.

"I'll go ask him if we can stay" I quickly say before Alyse can grab me to stop me. The whole way out of the room, I hear Alyse yelling after me.
Jodie's POV

I fell my heart pound in my head as I awaken in a dungeon like room that had minimal light, strapped to a chair. "Good, your awake" said a voice coming from over a loud speaker.

"W-who are you?" I stutter whilst trying to remain calm. Although I don't see how I can be, considering that I have been kidnapped and strapped to a chair.

"Who I am doesn't matter, what matters is what I know, and what I want to know" they said. A chill runs down my spin at the thought that they could know nearly everything about me. "Where is your camp?" The voice asks, I remain silent. "Fine, you want to play games, let's play some games" the voice chuckles evilly before cutting off. I start to panic at the thought of what they mean by 'games' but I know that I won't be having fun.

Tyson's POV

This bitch is fucking crazy! I think as I sit in the passenger seat of a dump truck while she drives through the horde of zombies walking towards us. Every time that she runs over a zombie, I can hear a sickening crunch. Jasmin laughs evilly next to me as she runs over as many zombies as she possibly can, to the point where she is trying to drive on the footpaths to get a couple. I start to feel sick and look away.

She must have noticed me looking away because she says to me happily "cheer up mate, think about the amount of zombies we're getting rid of now instead of later". I take a deep breath and look forward again just a blood and guts splatter on the windscreen, Jasmin of course is laughing and having the time of her life. She's fucking crazy and sadistic, and she clearly doesn't know how to drive safely, I think as I reach for the seat belt.

"You really have no limits do you" I ask, trying to mask the terror in my voice.

"You know, I've wondered about that myself at times, and I concluded that I don't" she was with a grin on her face as she maneuvers through the cars to get another couple of zombies. What have I gotten myself into, I think as Jasmin continues to run over more zombies that wondered into her path.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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