Chapter 4

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Alyse's POV

I jolt up when I hear a person scream, it sounded like a young boy's and it sounded like he's somewhere close by. "Jaz don't run after-" Marley says as I get up but it's too late, she's already gone. "Fuck!" Is all Marley says as we follow Jaz.

"Jaz" I call to her whilst struggling to breathe "wait... wait up". Maybe I should have done marathon running before all of this went down, it would be so much easier, I think as I follow Jaz who seems to be going strong.

Within two agonizing minutes, we reach a run down treehouse with five zombies reaching up for it. It looks like they're swaying their arms like they just don't care, I think to myself whilst holding back a smile. Before I can even comprehend what's going on, Nami, Marley and Jaz have butchered all the zombies and a young boy pokes his head out of the treehouse. "Is-is it safe to come out" the boy stammers.

"Yeah, you can come down" Nami says like she still had enough energy to go to the moon and back. The young boy climbs down just as I reach the base of the tree. He wouldn't be that old, about five, maybe. He was small enough to be about that age.

"What's your name kid?" Jaz asks whilst wiping her machete off on her pants leg.

"M-Michael" the boy stammers clearly frightened of us and of what just happened, not that I blame him. "I was walking with my mummy and dad when the monsters came out of no where and they got bit" he says whilst crying "mummy and dad stopped moving back there" he sobs while pointing at a building accross the street.

I kneel down next to Michael and ask "were you, your mum and dad with other people or not?" He shakes his head and wraps his arms around my neck and starts balling his eyes out. "O-okay" I stammer and awkwardly hug him. 'What are we going to do with him?' I mouth to the others.

Jodie sighs before saying "alright Michael, you're coming with us".

Michael looks at Jodie with snot dangling from his nose. "Really? You mean it?" He asks in a croaky voice.

"Yep, I absolutely do" Jodie replies in a reassuring way.

"Jodie, can I talk to you for a second" Lu asks Jodie, clearly annoyed about what she just said to Michael, and they walk far enough away so that we can see them but we can't hear them.

"Wha-what's your name?" Michael asks me while once again stammering. God this kid has some stammering problems, I think to myself trying not to roll my eyes.

"I'm Alyse" I answer trying to stay smiling. You watch, I'm going to be stuck with this kid aren't I? I think as Michael continues to stare at me.

Then Michael looks behind me with panic written all over his face and yells "look behind you, look behind you!" I turn around and there are atleast thirty zombies coming towards us on the street. Where are Lu and Jodie? I think worriedly when I see the staggering zombies come closer and closer.
Jaz's POV

Fuck, looks like the zombies have found us, I think as the groaning comes closer and closer. "Guys, take him somewhere" I order them as I run to where Lu and Jodie were but they aren't there anymore and the zombies have spotted me. Fuck!

I start swinging my machete at the horde, cutting down zombie after zombie. Then I'm completely surrounded.

After about five minutes, they're all double dead and I walk back to where the treehouse is "Guys, guys, you can come out now" I call out with no response nor movemnt anywhere, "guys?"

I search everywhere for them, the treehouse, the nearby buildings, nothing. They're gone, fuck! Isall I think as I stare out at the open road, when I hear groaning behind me.

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