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**Warning, not edited, please excuse the errors

Once we landed, I covered up my face, trying to hide from the public, didn't want to cause trouble when I just landed in the area that gave the sense of déjà vu. I was by myself breathing in the Australian air, usually, I'd have my manager with me but sadly, I was left here to have a holiday. I pulled out my phone and called my childhood friend Grace.


There was a moment of silence, which made me worry. Did she give me the right number?

"Nicole! You're actually calling me, with an Australian number! And you're here!"

I let out a soft chuckle, I guess after eight years with not that much communication, she never changed.

"Yes Grace, I'm here." She squealed louder that a pre teenaged girl that firsts encounters One Direction. "If you don't mind, can you pick me up?"

"Oh yeah! I just went for a maccas run, be there in like ten minutes. See you!"

I put my phone down with a smile and headed over to get my luggage. After a few minutes, I found them rolling down from the platform and I pulled them down onto the trolley. Well, tried.

A guy around my age looked over at me and realised that I needed help, a lot of help. He went over and picked up my luggage without a sweat and placed it on the trolley. I admired his dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, while trying to figure out what to say.

"Uh, thanks, uh..."


"Thanks, Riley."


He turned and walked away until he was lost in the crowd of people. I sighed and turned to the trolley.

"So, he isn't here to greet me... I really hope he remembers me." I whispered to myself.

After pulling my black hair into a ponytail, with a beanie on top, I walked over to the pickup area, waiting for Grace. I opened my phone to check what she looked like, hoping I would catch her face before she drives off looking for me.

A white Camry pulled over in front of me, the windows rolled down, exposing a beautiful girl with brown curly hair and a soft look. Which looked way prettier than the photo.

She came out of the car and opened the boot, before pulling me into a tight hug.

"You're much prettier in person Nicole. It's sad that I could only see you on T.V."

"Thanks Grace, but before we catch up, we should put my stuff in the boot before they get stolen."

We got in the car as soon as the luggage was away.

"You mentioned something called a 'maccas run', what exactly is that?"

She looked at me with disbelief, "I went to McDonald's, just to get something to eat, it's something like that."

My brows scrunch up in confusion, "Why couldn't you just say you went to McDonald's?"

Her brown pupils disappeared as they went up, "Honey, you need to get used to our vocabulary if you're gonna stay here for three months. Can you say 'Maccas'?


"There we go." She let out a bright smile at what and put both hands on the wheels. "You hungry?"

I nod. "Then I guess we'll grab some maccas before going to house."

We parked outside, maccas, and went inside for her to order me something.

Eight YearsWhere stories live. Discover now