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**Short and unedited extra chapter that I didn't add to my original plan. Sorry, I'll make it up hopefully next chapter.


I rubbed my eyes awake, realising that I was in my room. I got up from my bed and knocked on Mark's bedroom door.

"Mark, what do you want for breakfast?" I waited for a reply but I was left with the silence. "Mark?"

I opened his door to see his bed done and clean, I turned to go over to the kitchen, but Mark wasn't there. A bright sticky note was hanging from the fridge. I peeled it off and read the writing.

'Mark, we've left for New York for the company's promotion. Make sure you eat properly and not order pizza all the time. While we're gone, Melody will be back home since I can't leave the country knowing that I can't leave her with your Grandmother. You already know why.

Love Mum.


Make sure you and Nicole study, I don't plan on taking care of her again. Not that I don't want to, I don't want to be left having her in my hands whilst your father and I aren't home a lot. And please try not to burn down the house.'

I smiled at the little note and glanced over outside. It was raining, hard. Melbourne, the day before was literally over 28°c, then it suddenly went down to 10°c.

I sighed at the note in my hand, where the heck could you be Mark? The sound of the front door opening made my head turn. In front of me was a freezing Mark, covered in damp clothes and a red nose.

I hit the back of his head and began letting words come out of my mouth worriedly. "Why the heck were you outside Mark? You didn't even bring an umbrella and your clothes are so thin. Did you want to get sick?" I place my hand onto his forehead, feeling burning skin. I pulled on his wrist and took him into the bathroom. I threw him a towel and shut the door behind me. "Take a hot shower, then change."

While he showered, I went over to his closet and pulled out the warmest pieces of clothing I could find. Underwear wise, I knew that he was smart enough to get that himself. I folded the turtle neck sweater, the puma hoodie, the black trackies and thick socks on his bed and left the room to make soup.

Around the time I finished cooking, he came downstairs, wearing the clothes I set out for him. "Sit on the couch, wrap yourself in the blankets there. I'll be there in a minute."

I carefully balance the chicken soup and the green tea on the tray and cautiously walked over to the living room. I placed the tray down on the coffee table and helped Mark cover himself with the blankets. "You didn't have to do this."

I gave a small smile and pinched his cheek. "But I want to. It's my turn to worry."

I sat beside him, helping him eat the soup. "It's delicious."

"Why did you go outside?"

He stayed silent, feeding off the spoon. "I left last night."


"An emergency."

"You still should've brought warmer clothes and an umbrella."

He shrugged and continued slurping the soup. "It was hot though."

My eyes rolled and I honestly wanted to hit him. "It's like saying that the cake batter cooking in the over won't become solid. You know Melbourne weather is the exact explanation for mood swings a girl has on her period."

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