Part 12

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I woke up to the sensation of instability, my bed was crooked and I kept rolling into a knobby lump. What the hell? Had a side given out? I blearily opened my eyes. SHIT!!

Andy had grown again, and tremendously! I had a naked, stone, Andy Biersack-sized man in my bed, and it was about to give out from the weight! I kept rolling into the massive divot where Andy slept!

"Andy! Andy!" I poked at him, but he was frozen, well, rock-solid. Somehow, he heard my cries, and woke, turning to me slowly.

Once Andy's eyes focused, he panicked. "(Y/N), have you shrunk?Or-" He looked down at his taught stomach, "-help, I'm so fat! (Y/N), I've grown enormous and ungainly!" Andy started to cry muddy tears, curling in a ball, absolutely beside himself.

I put a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. I was completely overwhelmed, but I had to get Andy off of my bed, or it would collapse! "Sweetie, you're not ugly, you're ridiculously handsome! You're just the size of a human man now, see! You're big enough to hug me! But right now we have to get you off of my bed or it will break, ok honey?"

Andy looked around him, still shocked, and then realization dawned. "Of course, I apologize! Stone is compact!" He immediately got off of my bed, and stood beside it, looking nervous. That was when I nearly passed out. Formerly little-Andy was not little anymore! Holy shit, he was so fucking hot!

"(Y/N), please say something, I'm terribly sorry! I'll never presume to trespass in your bed again. Please!" Impatient, Andy reached for my hand, presumably to try and sense what I was feeling.

For a moment, I pulled back, not sure I wanted him to know I was ogling him like, well, a very sexy naked man that had just woken up in my bed. A man I had feelings for, even if he was made of stone. But then I realized it didn't matter what he was made of, or what size he was. I sat up, reached for his hand, and gently held it.

Andy's cheeks went almost scarlet, and he grinned. "You think my appearance is comely? You find me attractive, still, even in this colossal, yet gangly state?" When Andy said 'colossal,' I couldn't help but think about something in particular that must have changed, and he must have known it from my touch, as he smirked. "Oh, you wanton, wicked woman! Will you not embrace me for the first time?"

Andy offered me a hand up, and I wrapped my arms around his rough, sandy neck. Hesitantly, he put his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. We were both naked, so my whole body was lightly scratched by his wherever we came into contact. I noticed he had warm breath, like a human being, before I felt something else... against my crotch. It was my turn to blush.

Andy released me abruptly and backed away, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm just not accustomed to such... I mean, to feel your body pressed against mine, your breasts are so soft (Y/N)..." Andy looked frustrated, and his erection was most definitely 'colossal.' Good heavens! "I, uh, I need a moment to settle down. I will be careful to sit on the floor, not to get on any furniture."

I just nodded as Andy left the bedroom. The first thought I had was the unwelcome realization that I was in love with a magical man made of stone in the likeness of Andy Biersack. The second was: could I even have sex with a life-sized stone man? Of all the things to stick in a snatch, sandstone didn't sound like a great idea. The third: if Andy and I did anything else sexual, would he keep growing? The fourth: was this a step in the right direction towards human-Andy, or was shit about to get fucked?

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