Chapter 1

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Morgan's POV

Niall and I had been dating for 3 years now. You know we were one of those young love couples. We sat there in my flat, I was on my computer and he was watching tv. I turned to look at him and smiled. He is just so adorable, I can't help it. Niall turned to look at me, returning a toothy grin. I turned back to my computer, only for it to be taken from my lap and placed on my nightstand. Soon Niall was straddling my lap, smiling down at me.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered.

"Sshhh," he said putting his finger to my lips. He then forcibly kissed my neck, him moaning in the process.

"Niall, stop!" I said putting my hands on his chest and pushing away. Niall look at me confused, but soon repeated the action. Using more force, I again pushed him away. "I said stop," I said, anger in my voice.

He looked quite frustrated, but persisted, and continued the action holding my hands down. Niall kissed down my neck while moaning. Because he held down my hands, I attempted to wiggle out of his grip. Luckily I did, but ended up falling on the floor. Niall's nostrils flared and I could tell he was quite angry.

"Morgan. ." Niall demanded, but I shook my head. "Come on, get your arse over here." he again commanded.

"No Niall," I stated firmly.


"I said No Niall," my voice more confident now.

"Listen to me," he commanded stepping closer,"I waited, three years, three fucking years! I get what I want, when I want it!" he hissed face to face with me.

I didn't realize how close he was until I felt his breath on my neck. In one quick motion he grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the wall, I yelped in pain as he forced his lips to mine. He licked my bottom lip, however I denied him access. Niall then slammed his foot on mine and I screamed in pain. He took that opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth. I couldn't do much considering his body was on top of mine so I bit his tongue. Niall yelped in pain stepping back holding his mouth.

"What the fuck Morgan!" he said.

"Are you kidding me?" I said clearly mad,"what the fuck were you doing?"

"I wanted to finally get what was mine," he said through his teeth.

"Niall we talked about this before I-"

"Blah blah blah!" he said. "I've heard it so many times before. You don't feel comfortable, well you know what!" he said screaming. "It's been three years! Three fucking years! How much longer do I have to wait? huh? Seven!" I could tell he was infuriated, fuck he was past that. But I just couldn't understand what made him so made. We've talked about this before and he's never seemed to have a problem.

After about ten minutes of bickering I just couldn't take it any more. I raised my hand and slapped Niall ,quite hard.

His hand went up to his cheek, holding the now red area.

"You know, that's it!" he bellowed running to the kitchen;I followed behind him. Niall grabbed his jacket off the chair and angrily put it on.

"Where are you going?" I questioned with attitude.

"None of your business, " Niall growled. With that he walked into the the front door and slammed it in my face.

I stood there breathless, just realizing what had happened 15 minutes ago.

Niall's POV

This is fucking rididculous. I'm just so sick of this whole act she does. Three years, we've been together for three fucking years. You know I understand her, but come on. It's going to happen sometime. She's not the only one in the reationship either. I'm a guy I have needs! 

You know what, I don't even care. Fuck her. Fuck this, I'm tired of her crap.

When I left her flat I ended up just walking the streets, not really sure where I'm going, or where I am. As I wondered the streets I stumbled across a club. Hey a drink doesn't sound to bad, I thought. I pushed open the big wood door and walked up to the bar. I took a seat and ordered the largest drink they had. When the bartender returned with the drink I quickly downed it. I ordered another, and before I knew it  I was drunk. I got up from my seat at the bar and went to the dance floor. I started off dancing alone, but before I knew it I had a bunch of girls surrounding me.  Each one through themselves at me, but because of my state I couldn't care less. I noticed this one girl who was quite pretty, and without a thought I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. We started dancing but before I knew it I was grinding on her. She copied my actions, while swaying her hips to the music.

We continued dancing till she put her head next to my ear and whisper/yelled, "Why don't we take this somewhere else." I knodded grabbing her hand and leading her out of the club. I noticed we weren't far from my flat. The girl lead me to her car, as we drove I directed her towards my flat. Once we arrived I pulled her towards my room.........

Morgan's  POV

It's been about two hours since my fight with Niall. I felt somewhat guilty for what happened. I just don't understand the rush, Niall's never been like that. He usually comforts me and tells me it's okay. I'm not sure whats gotten into him but I sure as hell was going to find out. I thought for a while and figuured the only place he could be is his flat. I quickly got dressed, throwing on some ripped jeans, loose tank top, and my vans. Then I grabbed my keys, cross shoulder bag and went to my car. As I drove to Niall's flat I thougout about ways I could apologize, or what I could do to make it up to him. 

I arrived at his flat sooner than I thought. I went up the elevator and arrived at his door. I took a deep breath before taking out my keys. I quietly opened the door, stepping inside the flat. I set my bag down on the counter before looking for Niall. He wasn't in the living room, nor the kitchen. I walked down the hallway that led to his bedroom. I stopped midway hearing quite a bit of noise. As I neared the room I heard yelling and moaning. I stood right in front of the door hearing,

"Oh Niall yea yea," what the actual fuck. No it can't, i thought.

"Thats right, ohhhh," I heard  a voice I regonized as Nialls.

I hestitently opened the door. My eyes widened at what I saw. Tears brimmed in my eyes, no it can't- it can't ,I thought. Both heads turned towards me. Niall's eyes widened, but the girl screamed 

"What the fuck!" she screeched. I stood there, my mind not comprehending what I was seeing. Niall........... in bed................ with another girl. 

Without thinking I turned and run, slammng the door behind me. I went to the kitchen grabbed my bag and ran out of the flat. My vision was blurring, tears streaming down my face. I coulndn't think clearly as I started my car. I was confused, scarred, and angry. Without thought I went to the only place I could think of.............. Eleanor's flat.

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