chapter 3

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Morgan's POV

I got to my flat and ran into my room. I grabbed a rather large suit case and threw all my clothes, shoes and things I needed. Then I ran to my kitchen grabbing little things I put into my bag. I went online and bought a plane ticket. Once I finished packing I grabbed my suit case and went to my car. I was so confused and upset right now. I needed to get away from everyone. I needed to get away from Niall, Eleanor, the boys, the town, everything. I started driving to the airport without I thought in my head.

Niall's POV

 I woke up with a pounding head ache. I looked around my room, not seeing anything unusual. I got up naked? Not thinking about it I put on some boxers and walked to the kitchen. After eating a bowl of cereal I went on my phone. I haven't heard from Morgan in a while so I decided to text her.

To Morgan:

Hey babe you busy today?

 I waited a while, but didn't get a responce from her. That's werid, I thought. Her phone is probably just dead, so I shrugged it off. I quickly took a shower and got dressed, putting on some sweats and a random shirt. I really had nothing to do today so figured I could spend my time at Morgans flat. I got up, and started searching for my keys, which I couldn't find. Because I couldn't find my keys I just decided to call a cab.

Once I arrived at Morgan's building I paid the driver and went up to her flat. I knocked on the door waiting patiently. No answer, so I called her cell phone. Still no answer. Getting a bit worried I called again, but was sent straight to voice mail. Next I called Zayn.

"Hello?" Zayn questioned.

"Hey mate how's it going?" I asked.

"Nothin much you?" he replied.

"Oh nothing really, but have you heard from Morgan?" I asked tapping my foot impaitently.

"No, why? Is there something wrong?" he asked concerned.

"Umm," I started," well I called her and she didn't answer. I'm at her apartment now and she's not answering the door."

"Well did she go out? Maybe shopping or something?" he suggested.

"I don't know she would have called me," I said pacing up and down the hallway.

"Niall, calm down. Stop pacing and relax. Give it a few ours she probably went out somewhere and wanted to be alone," Zayn stated in a calm voice.

"Alright, alright. Thanks man, I really appreciate it. Call me if you hear anything?" I asked bitting my bottom lip.

"Of course, now get your arse home and relax. Everythings going to be okay."  Zayn told me.

"Thanks mate," I said smiling.

"No problem, bye Ni!"

"Bye Zayn!"

Morgan's POV

I was at the airport when my phone started ringing, without looking at the caller id, I denied the call. I quickly shut my phone off before going through security. Once I went through security, I sat at my gate waiting for my flight to board. To spare time I walked through the little shops they had to keep my mind off things. Time passed by rather quickly, and I boarded my flight. Thankfully yhe plane had wifi, so I turned on my phone and went on twitter. Nothing much but I had alot of DMs. I clicked on the box and noticed most of them were from Niall. Tears began to weld in my eyes but I refused to cry. I scrolled through the other ones and noticed they were from Louis and Eleanor. I clicked on my conversation with Eleanor and read "Hey you okay? Where are you?I'm really worried Morgan please call me."

I started typing," Sorry, just went out to clear my head." The flight was long but eventually came to an end. I departed from the airport and called a cab. 

It took about an hour but we finally arrived at the cabin. I paid the driver and grabbed my bag from the trunk while walking up to the door. If you're wondering where I am, I'm at my parents old cabin in whales. I dragged my bag into the living room and plopped down on the couch. I came to escape away from everything and everyone. No one knows about this place except my parents and sister, so hopefully no one will bother me. I just sat there staring into space thinking about everything. As I remmebered what I saw only hours ago I started to cry. This couldn't be happened, I thought, why me,why? 

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