chapter 2

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 Morgan's POV

My vision was blurred by the endless tears that fell from my eyes. It seemed like forever but I finally arrived at Eleanor's flat. I ran to her door, sobbs escaping my mouth as I knocked. I heard a bit of shuffling behind the door before it opened. There Eleanour stood in jeans and a tank top. She looked at me confused and worried at the same time.

"Morgan what..." she started to say but was interupted by my continuous sobs. She lead me throught her apartment stopping at her couch.  I sat down my hands holding my head as I cried.

"Hey El what...." said Louis as he walked out of the bathroom. He stopped talking when his eyes landed on me. Louis ran over, taking a seat next to me. Both Eleanor and Louis had there hands on my back, Louis rubbing small circles in it. 

"Morgan what happened?" Eleanor said still holding my side.

"Ni-Ni-Niall," I stuttered still crying.

"What happened sweetie?" Louis questioned in the most sincere tone I've ever heard him use.

I cried even more at the thought of it. I tied so hard to just say what happened, but I couldn't seem to get it out. Eleanor slowly got up and went to the kitchen; she soon came back with a cup of hot chocolate.

I took the mug and drank some of the warm liquid. Once I calmed down I began to speak," He's cheating on me," I croaked. The two give me werid looks. 

"Morgan what are you talking about?" Louis questioned.

"He's fucking cheating on me Lou!" I half yelled, begining to tear up again.

"Sshhh, sshhh," Eleanor said as she started to rub circles in my back. "Morgan what are you talking about," she began," Niall would never cheat on you."

"I fucking saw him El," I said still angry.

"Why don't you explain to us what happened," Lou said. 

I started with our fight, and told them everything. I didn't really get into detail with the bedroom, instead I said I walked into the flat and saw him with another girl.

"Well maybe you misunderstood the situation?" Eleanor suggested.

"He was fucking her El! Niall was fucking some girl!" I yelled.

"But Morgan, I know Niall that doesn't sound like him," stated Louis.

"They were in his fucking room, naked, having sex; theres no fucking way in hell I misunderstood that!" I said still upset. They both looked at me suprised by my outburst. "I'm sorry guys," I sobbed, " I just- I just can't. I'm sorry I just barged in on you, I gotta go," I said standing up.

"Morgan really it's no problem just wait-" Louis said but I interupted him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," I cried as I walked out the door. I quickly ran out of the building and to my car. I started driving to the only place I could be safe, the only place I knew no one would bother me.............................

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