Chapter 5-A Submissive is born

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It was well after midnight when I woke up, naked and snuggled deep between Rory's silky sheets. He said he had work to do and left me to sleep after my shower. Sadly things had not gone further than his innocent teasing. Getting up from the massive bed, I slipped one of his T-shirts on that rested on a chair nearest his closet and headed out of the room.
Going downstairs, I figured he would be in the kitchen. No one was there as I entered the dark room.
Maybe he has an office? I wouldn't be surprised. Continuing to explore the large house, I found a closed door just down the hallway. The entire time I wondered why the hell he and Sutton had bought such a big home. It was probably her doing.
I opened it slowly, unsure what was behind the door, and saw him at his desk. The room was more of a man cave then an office. There was a pool table, a huge flat screen mounted above a fire place, and a bar. Plenty of seating.
"Hey sleepy head," Rory said as he leaned back in his chair, flashing a sexy dimply grin. I almost melted into myself.
"Hey." I walked over to the side of the desk, his eyes following me the entire way. When I noticed he was looking me up and down, I added, "I couldn't seem to find my clothes." Which was a total lie.
"I noticed... Didn't bother looking in the bathroom?"
Innocently, I shrugged but I could feel my face flushing. Of course, they would be exactly where I had taken them off. "Next time I won't bother putting anything on." I rose my chin in confidence and it won me a chuckle.
"Smart girl. Now, come here." Rory said, leaning forward and taking my hand. I was a little surprised when he pulled me down to sit on his lap.
"What are you working on?" I asked when I was comfortable and he wrapped an arm around me. I noticed his laptop was open and running, as well as a slew of papers spread out on the desk.
"Reading some emails...and I made a few changes to The Contract. Do you want to read it?" Rory asked and grabbed a few pieces of paper from the desk. "The bold is the changes." He explained as I took The Contract and started to read.

The following are the terms of a binding contract between the Dominant (Rory Shaw) and the Submissive (Amelia Simmons).The fundamental purpose of this contract is to allow the Submissive to explore her sexuality and her
limits safely, with due respect and regard for her needs, her limits and her
°Upon directive orders or  tasking, the Submissive shall not argue and will acknowledge
her submission and agreement to perform with "Yes, Sir" and/or any other title the dominant deems fit.

I could feel Rory's eyes on me as I read over it, smiling at some things and frowning at others. When I was done I looked over to meet his stare. "Is this a good time to go over all of this?" I asked.
"As good as any." Rory replied and I moved off of his lap to sit on the edge of the desk while he took his laptop to remove the things I wasn't okay with and to add anything needed. "Just remember, be honest because I want you to be comfortable with everything we do, Amelia. Understand?" He asked before we got started.
"Yes, I understand that completely." I looked back down at the papers in my hand as Rory waited, hands poised over his keyboard. "'It is important for The Dominant and The Submissive to establish a safeword so if at any time during punishment or playtime The Dominant cannot push past The Submissive's discussed and agreed limits....' And what would that word be?" I asked Rory after reading the pinned statement.
"What word would you like that to be? I've heard many different ones, some very strange." He said with an amused smile on his lips. I thought about it for a few seconds before he spoke up again. "Choose a color so you don't have to think to hard or forget it."
"Noted. Next?" As he typed my answer in, I had to resist giggling at how extremely huge his hands looked against the Macs keyboard.
"Rule number two I have a couple problems with that. I like wine and I don't have time to exercise."
"When you are with me you, you ask. Maybe we can workout for an hour out of our time together?" He suggested and I agreed with that.
I cleared my throat and continued. "Rule number five, examples; What's a canning?"
"I can show you if you want." He replied and smiled deviously up at me. He was serious so I didn't challenge him.
"Never mind. On to hard limits...Anal sex, absolutely not."
"Are you sure?"
"Unless you would like to take that up with my husband...Didn't think so." I added when he shook his head in agreement. That would probably change but Dominic hadn't even gotten the pleasure of taking me that way...yet. "Hard limits; Asphyxiation, breath play, wax is fine, knives...hell no. Age play, that's weird. Chains, lose it. Private humiliation, fine but publicly, I will kick you in your balls..." For several more minutes we went over the lengthy list of limits. Ice, nipple clamps, suspension, symbolic jewelry to remind me I was his...
"Anything else?" Rory asked when I finally set the papers aside. When I shook my head his printer spit the papers out and he stapled them together. "I think we should go over this with Dominic as well...before you sign it."
"I agree." I watch him for several minutes, clearing the papers, moving his laptop. If I am in his way he doesn't say anything.
"You hungry?" Rory asks me when he his done with his task. I take his hand and he pulls me off of the desk.
"Hmm, not really but if you're hungry I will eat with you." I answered. His arms wrapped around my waist and he chuckles softly. "What?" I had the urge to reach up and make sure my hair wasn't sticking up.
"Are you excited?" He asked against my lips before kissing me. I frowned at him and slowly shook my head.
"What do you mean?"
"You made a mess on my desk." He pointed out, nodding over my shoulder. I turned my head and discovered that there was in fact a tiny wet spot on the surface of the desk. For the second time tonight I blushed. I could feel my embarrassment from my scalp to my toes.
"Oh." I breathed quietly. Of course I had noticed my arousal but I hadn't chose to acknowledge it. There were more important issues to discuss then."I suppose." 
"Mmm, you know what, I think I am a little hungry." Rory says and a second later he is peeling his shirt off of his body.
I bite my lip, wanting to reach out and touch the define muscles that I knew would be hard and masculine, from past exploration with my tongue, teeth and hands. "Yea? What did you have in mind?" I forced the words out as casually as possible as his hands found the bottom of his large shirt and he pulled it off of me.
"I'm not sure." He moved my hair over my shoulders as it had fallen over my breast when the shirt was removed. "There is quite a bit to choose from." Goodbumps rose over every inch of my body when his finger trailed down my neck and to my breast. "It all looks very delicious. I suppose I could have a taste of everything." Rory's eyes never left mine as he pinched my already erect nipple and rolled it between his fingers "You drive me crazy when you do that." When his hand reached up to my lip I let it free of my teeth.
"Well..." I swallowed hard before continuing, "I guess I'll just have to do it more often."
Rory chuckled down at me before bending down to kiss me, backing me up until I feel the desk against the back of my thighs.
"Lay back." He commands against my lips and I do so without hesitation. The wood is chilly against my bare back. "Further back.." And I scoot my body up the desk, making sure not to go to far or I would have fallen off. "Mmm, why don't you show me how excited you are, baby." I blush at his request and I'm hesitant at first but in the end I let my legs fall open before him. I raise onto my elbows and watch as he unbuckles his belt, unbuttons his jeans and pushes them off of his body, leaving a  inflexible, immaculate cock in their wake.
"Why didn't you share your arousal with me?" Rory asked and my eyes widened when he gripped his shaft. I could see a bead of liquid resting on the tip and I desperately wanted to go down there and clean it off. "Pay attention to me , Amelia." He said, giving it a few indolent strokes. Oh, I was.
I forced myself to look up at his face and he was grinning humorously at me. "Because we were discussing your contract. It would have been rude of me to interrupt."
"We could have taken a break," was his response as he came closer. I watched his hand in anticipation as it came forward to rest on my thigh. "Be still. Okay?"
"Okay." I nodded my head giving my full cooperation and understandading of his command. When he raises his eyebrow I frown slightly. Oh, right. "Yes Sir. I promise, I won't move." I shouldn't be making promises I wasn't going to keep but I really wanted him to touch me.
He begins to draw his finger tips along my bare inner thigh. I stare at his fingers, desperately. Using all the force in my body to stay still. His fingertips tease from my knees all the way up to an inch from my sex,  leaving little trails of fire burning along my skin.
To and fro, to and fro. Gently. Driving me insane. My thighs are so sensitive and I force a gasp down in my throat. 
Soon I won't be able to resist the need that was growing inside of me.  By the way I began to pant, I can tell it won't be long.
Then Rory leans over, his body hovering mine and whispers in my ear , "Tell me what you want". His fingers are so close, never ever making contact with lips or my clit.
He kisses me deeply and I begin to loose all ability to think. I loose myself in his kiss, in his hands, I'm melting, bubbling, boiling.
When my hips leave the desk his hand is there to push them back down.
"I said don't move. I'll touch you when I want to touch you." I actually pout up at him. I didn't much like being teased and by the way I was panting like a total whore in heat, he knew that. "Tell me what you want, baby. Tell me and you can have it. " He repeats and I shiver when his teeth scrape the sensitive skin on my neck.
"I want you to touch me."
"I am touching you." He says and I sink my nails into the flesh on his shoulders. He is not playing fair and I want to say so but I don't. "Where? Here?" I gasp when his fingers press against the sensitive, beating bud between my legs. "Or"
"Ooooh...Fuck." I cry out when he suddenly plunges his fingers inside of me, all the way to the knuckles. But as fast as they are there, they are gone. He is gone, no longer bent above me.
I wiggled my hips, silently telling him. 'Yes, do me right there, like that.' as his head slowly descended towards my sex. When he paused to blow his warm breath over the area, I shiver.
"Mmm. You have such a pretty pussy, baby." He murmurs and I barely decifer his words before he  lunges.
The feel of his hot slick tongue on me was enough to have me on the edge. So soon. But I calmed mysyself down, let my body relax, let my legs open further to acomodate him.  A loud sound of pure pleasure escaped my lips when he captured my clit and very vigorously attacks with the tip of his tongue.
I could feel myself contracting and throbbing with the sweet, sweet stroke of his tongue.
"Oh God...I'm gonna cum, Rory." As my thighs shut around his head he thrusts them back open and keeps them open with a grip of steal.
"Mmm, no. Follow my rules and you can cum." His lips were off of me only long enough for him to say those words.
Pleasure ran rampant through every nerve in my body. To the point of almost being painful.
He granted me no mercy.
"Please. May I cum, Sir?  Please."
Despite being right there, my hips took up the rhythm, helping him, aiding him as he drove me to the place that would have me bucking like a wild stallion and spitting like a serpent.
There would be no more time to ask again, I  came quickly and hard. My stomach tightened up, my hips shook, even as he held them down. Rory's eyes were looking right into mine when they slid shut and my head tipped back. It was an explosion of pure bliss that I felt in every last cell. I had to catch my breath and when I did a long moan came with it.
Rory groaned, the vibration only intensifying my orgasm and he didn't stop until my body collapsed against the desk.
I didn't  get to rest long before Rory pulled me up and turned me around. I was still feeling  the effect of my climax when he grabbed onto my hair and pulled my head back, wrenching it upwards.
"Did you enjoy that?" He asked, lightly biting my neck.
"Yes." And I wanted more.
"Yes?" His next question was quizzical and I didn't have time to right myself before his hand met came down hard on my ass. I heard the spank before I felt it.
"Remember I said I dont like to repeat myself."
"Yes. Yes, Sir."
And he gives me another in the same spot, but this one is harder. It hurts, but I like it. I see his arm rise for another in my peripheral  and I brace for the impact. I know my skin is red on the surface from the three hard spankings.
"Good girl. Forget again and I'll show you what a canning is." He threatened in my ear. Maybe I did want to forget again.
Early the next morning after I woke from a couple hours of sleep, Rory and I left for my house. Something about, 'I want to see my daughter, let's go.'
Now we sat at the dining table with Dominic as he read over the contract Rory had prepared. He thought it was appropriate that we let him read it so that he knew everything that we were doing.
"Just don't leave any bruises on my wife. She has to teach a room full of students." Was the only thing he had said before I signed Rory's contract and put it away with other important papers.
We went on about our day. Rory had even taken Evie for a little while.
Damn. I wanted to call Dr. Dubre and ask for my next session early.
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