Chapter 6-Another year a Simmons.

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"It's way to cold out to wear that, My Queen." I was standing in front of the body length mirror between our closet and bathroom doors. The black strappy dress was strikingly similar to the white one I had worn when we had gotten into that awful wreck last year.
"Well, you'll just have to keep me extra warm." I said to Dominic. He was sitting at the end of our bed, looking extremely handsome in his tailored black suite. He got up and came to me.
"I think I can manage that." When he pulled me against him I turned around in his warm, big, protective arms.
"I can't believe I forgot today was our anniversary. Makes me feel like a shitty wife." The sincerity in my words ran deep. When I had remembered I felt terrible and I had even cried.
"Its okay. Wanna know how I remembered? A reminder popped up on my phone. Other than that I had no fucking clue. Don't fret, I have planned us an amazing evening." He said and took my face in his palms for a heaty kiss. Thank God, because I needed at least three days in advance to plan anything. I was a wreck when under pressure. "Oh man...just imagine us in twenty years. We will have to tell Sean, Mikey and Evie to remind us every year." My husband added when our lips were not longer connected. Poor children.
"We will be so senile we won't even believe them." I laughed.
"Good, if we don't remember we can just add unnecessary years . I'm ok with that, if you are."
"Of course. I love you."
"I love you too, Amelia. Are you ready? I don't want it miss our reservation." I was kind of nervous about this romantic evening with him. Usually I was the one to plan things...the last time he had planned an outing for just the two of us he had managed to somehow land us both in a hospital. Of course, I didn't believe he was bad luck...I was just...nervous.
The maitre'd escorted us to the private room. It was intimate, softly lit, white rose peddles covered the single squared table in the center of the room. I didn't know what to think...I was truly taken back. Like any married woman I thought about how much my husband was paying for this.
"Take a seat, My Love." Dominic suggested, pulling a chair away from the table. I had hesitated at the entrance and not in a bad way. Damn, he never ceased to surprise me. After I sat, he moved his chair from across the table to beside mine. When he slid into place and took my hand to kiss the back I couldn't help but flush.
"You are truly a gentlemen" I complimented Dominic. When we locked eyes, I saw the desire burning inside of them. Our first course arrived minutes later. He had planned this well.
As we ate, we chatted about the day's events, and his work. All the while, his fingertips were gently brushing across my bare skin on the top of my thigh. When our waiter came to check on our wine, his fingers slowly dropped to the sensitive skin of my inner thigh. He smiled when I let my legs slowly spread. Thankfully we were completely hidden by the tablecloth.
"What else do you have planned for us tonight?" I asked as the waiter exited the room.
"That's for you to wonder and find out, " Was his reply as he leaned over and gave me with a passionate kiss. Although I was feeling a bit apprehensive I adored this mysterious side of my husband.
We continued to enjoy our meal as Dominic's fingers continued to enjoy the feel of my skin under his fingertips. Every time one of the servers brought another course or checked on us, they gradually moved higher.
The servers wheeled in a cart of desserts with ice cream and toppings...I was surprised when he had insisted on feeding me the sweet, delicious treat.
"Dinner was delicious, thank you." I said when my stomach was more then full and I was utterly satisfied.
He smiled at me and whispered, "The night has just begun, My Queen." There was nothing but promise in his words.
"I have no doubt about that." As I watched the servers pull the door shut he snatched me up in his arms and held me close to him.
"Have I ever told you, you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me?" Dominic asked but before I could answer he kissed me. He had, He did often and I would never get tired of hearing it.
"Whose going to watch the kids overnight?" Amelia asked me when I stuck the key card into the door of the Hotel. Originally when I had booked this morning they were all full but knowing the manager I had bribed him to give us a honeymoon suite. Of course I had offered a crisp extra Benjamin.
"Rory has Evie and Sarah was more than happy to stay overnight." I assured my wife as the lock realeasd and we went in. More rose peddles. Red ones, throughout the room, from the bed to the jacuzzi. There was a bottle of champagne chilling in ice by a room service pamphlet. The rounded bed was huge and had a duvet of red and gold.
"Wow, this is so nice, baby. We definitely need to get in that as soon as possible." Amelia said pointing towards the jacuzzi as I opened the champagne.
"We will. But I had something else in mind. Let's go swimming." I suggested and brought her a glass. Neither one of us had brought swimming attire but did we need it?
"In our clothes? The water is probably cold."
"I'm sure the pool is warmed. We will just have to find out." It took a little persuading before she agreed to go down to the pool. Thankfully, no one was there even though it was a weekend night. "Common baby, let's take a swim." I coaxed my beautiful petite wife towards the pool as she was frowning up at me.
"Swim in our clothes? i don't have a swimsuit-"
"No swimsuits." Amelia looked at me like I was crazy when I started to unbutton my shirt. "Common." I repeated as my shirt was thrown away and my slacks were next.
"You're crazy." She chuckled breathlessly, "There are at least a hundred more occupants here who could come in at any minute, not counting the staff." I shrugged at her point but my shoes were kicked off anyway and a second later I was waiting patiently for her, naked.
"Which will only make it all the more fun." I bit back a smile when she pulled her dress off, followed by her heels. Something about her sliding her underwear down her legs was graceful and absolutely breathtaking. "My God, you're something." I whispered more to myself but she blushed and shook her head. I couldn't help notice her long brown curls move with her head in a wave.
"Let's go, you rebel." She said with a cocked eyebrow before she took the first dive. The splash echoed in the large room and a second later she came up for air. "It's really warm, My Love. What are you waiting for? Common." She taunted with the wiggle of her brows and went back under. I had to stand there and marvel how extravagant her body looked bellow the water before I joined her.
The water was surprisingly warm and when I came up she was on the other side.
"Come here. I want you close." Amelia laughed at my words, letting her body float on the surface of the ultramarine water and I wanted or bite her pink areola's that rested just above the water line. 
"I thought we were swimming? If you want're going to have to come get me." Challenge accepted. For the next thirty minutes we splashed and played like a couple of children and enjoyed it. I didn't think we had ever done this before now. Our relationship had started off pretty serious from the beginning. Her pregnancy, marriage, Parenting, another pregnancy..."Hold me up, I am completely exhausted." Amelia breathed against my ear after our innocent play and threw her arms around my shoulders.
"Hey Tim, there are some old people in the pool, naked!" Before I could reply a young, dramatic voice echoed through the room. There were a few young teens standing at the entrance.
"Oh no...I didn't know twenty-six and thirty-four was old." Amelia said very amusingly up at me and I laughed.
"We were just getting out! Don't mind us." I called to them, it was a chore getting out of the water completely nude and dodging the young teens. But we did managed to make it back to the room safely.
"Hmmm, edible massage oil." I said to Dominic as I looked through the small gift basket that was on the bedside table once we were back in the room. He was laid out on the bed, hair and body still damp from the shower we had just shared to wash all of the icky chlorine off of us. "Turn over." I commanded and he did with zero hesitation. "Key word; edible." I added as I made my way across the bed to him. I positioned myself on the back of his thighs and squeezed the oil onto his back. Dominic let out a sigh when I slowly began moving my hands in matching circles over his shoulder blades and down his back. "Just relax, My Love and let me do all the work." I told him, finding the tension balled up in his shoulders, gradually increasing the pressure. Soon he was adrift in the pleasurable sensations and he softened up beneath my hands.
"Are you enjoying this?" I asked my husband and he just mumble in affirmative as my hands found his strong hips for more release. I moved down, to his legs and gave them the same treatment.
"You have magical hands. " He complimented as I kneaded his thigh muscles and onto his calves.
"They can do many other magical things." I responded and with my words he turned to his back, me now poised over his body.
"Really? I would like to see." His eyes were half closed and he had a smile on his lips. I didn't take a second longer to grasp his jutting, inelastic sex. "Mmm. That is quite magical, My Queen." He mumbled as I gave that instrument the same treatment I had given his back and his shoulders.
"You are an amazing man." I said a couple of hours later as we lay entangled in one another's bodies as well as the red sheets. I really couldn't have asked for a better anniversary date. Even if we had just went for ice cream or to see a movie. As long as I was with him, I would have been happy.
"I know." He said it with such arrogance and pride that I had to laugh. He was something else, my husband and I wouldn't trade him in for anything else, no matter how wonderful. "Did you have a nice time with Rory?" He finally asked after we had laid there in complete silence. I was enjoying the trail of kisses his fingertips were leaving on my skin.
"I feel complete, Amelia. I know that you are going through some things and it is okay if being with him helps you. I just want you to know that..." Dominic told me before we both past out from exhaustion. I noticed that in the past twenty four hours I hadn't felt that ache. But little did I know it would come back no matter what I did to stop it. It was with me forever and I would just have to deal.
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