Chapter 1-Bad Girl.

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I never wanted children. Even after Amelia had gotten pregnant with Michael and Sean, I still didn't want children. It took me awhile. I was a self-righteous, conceded prick. I didn't deserve the family I was given.
But now...I didn't know how the fuck I would go on without my children...or my wife. They were the light in my life.
Evie Simmons was our new addition. She was beautiful just like her momma. Even though she looked like my best friend, Rory Shaw and had his DNA she was still my daughter and I didn't treat her any differently. Evie had two dads and the three of us were okay with that. We adored her and her brothers enjoyed having a sibling. Amelia thought that having a child that wasn't mine would change our relationship...maybe it would have if I hadn't encouraged her to start seeing Rory.
"I don't want to go to school, Daddy." Why, I didn't know. It was fucking Pre-K. Sean was pouting, arms crossed, the spitting image of myself as he sat on his bed, while I tied his sneakers. Mikey had it down to a T but Sean was stubborn and didn't like to pay attention much.
"You don't always get what you want, Sean. You're going to school. It will be fun I promise. You get to color and
play outside. You know, fun shi-stuff like that." I replied and stood up. Usually Amelia would be doing this but for the last twenty minutes Evie was screaming...and she was arguing with Rory. Something about him not being able to take Evie for the night because the club was having an event. By event I mean a sex party in the clubs private section. Most nights I went to the club with him seeing it was half of my business but tonight I would avoid the place. That would probably just piss my wife off more.
"Okay guys, here. Go eat breakfast, it's on the table." I told my two sons, handing them their backpacks and leaving the room. I made my way up the hall and turned into our bedroom.
"...Take her, Rory." Amelia was saying as she bounced Evie in her arms. The three month old baby had his light brown hair as well as his wicked silver-gray eyes and her curls.
"Amelia, you know that I would be happy too but I really have to be at the club tonight." Rory was standing a few feet away from her, massive arms crossed over and even more massive chest. He was a good father and my wife busted his balls more often then he deserved.
"Maybe you guys shouldn't be arguing around her." I cut in and stepped further into the room. Amelia gave me a look fit to kill as I took my daughter from her arms.
"You know what...I love my child but if I could go back I would have been so much careful because" She snapped at him. Rory look completely offended but she didn't seem to notice as she strolled out of the room. "You're taking her!" She called from the hallway.
"She's just a little stressed...I guess." I shrugged at him after a few moments of silence. Rory laughed sarcastically and shook his head.
"Yea? I don't know how the hell you deal with that."
"I know, she is quite feisty, true?" I chuckled at him and it was not sarcastic. I was just glad she wasn't frustrated with me. I refused to have that female on my case. She had a hard ass bite.
"Hm, it's a little sexy. What she needs is some...." Rory's sentence faded and he shook his head. "Never mind." Discipline? Ha...or cock? Both definitely. That had been very scarce for the three of us in the past...year. Or should I say the two of us-Rory and I. On several occasions I had 'caught' her bonding with the vibrator.
"Good luck with that. I tried to cop a feel last night...key word tried." She had been the same way for a few months after she had had the twins.
"Well, you didn't try hard enough, my friend." Rory gave me a devious grin.
"Well if you accomplish anything in that department, do share."
"Have you talked to Sarah? She has been ignoring me for a few days." It was noon and I couldn't help but roll my eyes when Elijah had come into my empty classroom. Of course I had talked to her, this morning actually when she came to watch Evie. She was my fucking nanny. What a stupid question that was...
" know I don't blame her. Maybe you should keep you cock behind your zipper." I gave him a sarcastic smile before looking back down at my students papers that needed to be graded. Supposedly he had been sneaking around on her. I didn't know if it was a hundred percent true but I would believe my friend before I believed him, any day.
"And I really don't know where she got that from...Anyway if you do talked to her, which I know you do, she is at your house every day of the week, will you tell her to call me?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and didn't acknowledge that. If she wanted to talk to him she would. "Amelia-"
"Mrs. Simmons. We are at work, Mr. King. Do you need anything else? I am kind of busy." I frowned up at him. For a second he just stared at me before shaking his head and leaving my classroom. I didn't have the energy to deal with Sarah and Elijah's drama. I had my own to worry about. Like the fact that my 'baby daddy' barely kept his daughter, because apparently work was more fucking important. What did Rory not understand when I told him that we had to make sacrifices for our children. What made me even more irritated...Dominic was always on his side. One of the reasons why I hadn't given into their 'demands' and needs. 
I knew Amelia would be pissed when I decided to go into work instead of taking Evie for the night. I had asked Sarah several times if it was okay that I leave her with all three kids and she had insisted I do what I needed to. What I really needed to do was a hire a manager to run the place when I wasn't able to come in. I know...I should have done that long ago but I hadn't. 
I half expected Amelia to actually come to the club that night. I was on the phone with my lawyer discussing my divorce with Sutton. "Five minutes." I mouthed to her and turned away in my chair. Apparently, my fucking wife had some issues with our prenup. Funny, the bitch didn't have any issues with it when I married her six years ago.
Amelia gave me a seething look, marched over, snatched the receiver from my hand and hung up without any warning, shutting it down. "What the fuck are you doing, Amelia? That was my lawyer." I stood up and glared at her across my desk. Amelia just placed her hands on her hips and glared back.
"Get your shit together, Rory-" She started but I quickly interrupted her.
"You know I am busy almost all the time, Amelia. Who the hell is going to run this place? Not Dominic,  he has another job. Bitch at him for fucking once." I snapped at her. She ran her hands through the long curls I loved a lot and turned to pace in front of my desk.
"I understand that, Rory but we have a fucking child together. You don't get to just get off free whenever the fuck you want. If you don't want to help me raise Evie just say I so I can get on with my life already." Her anger had subsided a little and her voice went down several notches. But when my phone starts to ring again on the desk Amelia's fist clench and she gives me a look. "Don't you even dare answer that, Rory." She threatens as my hand reaches for the receiver. I pause and pull back, frustrated. I stare at her for several seconds and she me. For a second time it starts to ring and I answer. It's my lawyer again. As I am talking, Amelia just looks at me in disbelief.
"Get off of that phone." She says, her patience already worn thin. I don't, I listen to the solution my Lawyer is giving me about Sutton. This is far more important then Amelia feeling butt hurt. "Get off the fucking phone. Right now."
I clenched my teeth in frustration and hung up after promising my lawyer I would call back first thing in the morning,
"What the fuck do you want?" I asked her and walked around the desk until I was standing right in front of her. "Well? What do you want me to say sorry? Fine, I'm sorry for upsetting you Amelia." I said and rested both hands on her shoulders.
"Really? You're not sorry for refusing to take your daughter for the night? You know what...fuck you, Rory. " She yanked free from my grasp and started for the exit but I grabbed onto her wrist.
"Calm down, Amelia. You're tripping for god damn reason."
"Excuse me?-"
"Yea, you're acting fucking crazy, Amelia." I knew I had hit her last nerve. It took me by surprise when she slapped the left side of my face with her free hand. Before the sting could fade and the handprint appear I pulled her close to me,  not to gently. "What? Do you want to fight? Because I'm ready, baby." I said between  clenched teeth as I glared at her, gave just inches from mine. Every single nerve in. My body was on edge as I let go of her wrist, still glaring down at her.
"Why can't you just admit that you are being unreasonable and wrong?" She said quietly. Now she wanted to be calm and rational? "I mean do I have to piss you off for you to listen to me? Jesus, Rory-"
"Just stop...and get the fuck out. You have not seen pissed off, Amelia."
"Oh...and you expect me to do what you want when you have this big issue doing what I need you to do. I'm not Sutton-"
"Don't...I have had it with you..." I threatened and as I stalked closer toward her and griped her wrist, Amelia flinched away. She had been trying to fight with me for days...and I had had it.
She wasn't the Sutton to Dominic's Rory...she was Amelia. Mouthy, angry and I was going to align things for her.
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