Chapter 7-No Biting.

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"Mrs. Simmons, did you forget that we were on the letter C last week? We are supposed to be on the letter D this week." A little boy named Blay corrected me as I went on a ramble about the  letter C. He was  right.
Cat, cow, corn...The third letter in the alphabet.
"Thank you, Blay, you are in  fact right. My apologies." I said and erased the writing on the chalk board. I hadn't been myself this morning. It had a lot to do with the amazing night Dominic had given me and possibly  a little to do with that god damned ache that hadn't gone away. Maybe I needed to be medicated. Dear Lord.
"Mrs. Simmons,  what is apologies?" Another student asked. I turned to around to find that it was another boy, Jess.
"Apologies; Its another word for sorry. So, I am sorry I forgot that we are on the letter D."
"Hmm, Susie I am apologies that I pulled your pigtails at recess yesterday." Jess said to a blond headed child that did have pigtails in today. I couldn't  help but laugh at that.
"No , Jess. The correct way to say that is I apologize for pulling your pigtails-you know what lets not get ahead of ourselves. Stick with sorry. Now, lets pay attention to our lessons, shall we?" I suggested and they happily turned their attention back towards the board.
Thankfully we had no more interruptions and I managed to use kindergarten friendly language. After they were off to lunch I decided to eat my own in my classroom.  Little did I know today would be full of interruptions.
As soon as I had my salad out to dig in my cell rang. It was the twins school. I figured they would be calling to tell me one of them had gotten sick but I didn't know that my parenting would be tested today.
"This is Amelia."
"Hi, Mrs. Simmons. I was calling in regards to Sean. Yesterday he was a little ugly with another student and bit him. He took his timeout very well and even apologized but today he is still biting some of the students. I could send him to the head master or you could come try to talk to him?" His teacher said and I bit back a curse. Of course, I should have known this would happen one day but not so soon. They had only just started school a few weeks ago.
I looked at the time. I had about five minutes to get there and five more to talk to him. "I will be there soon, thank you Miss Collier." I said and hung up. I grabbed my phone and my keys and hurried out to the parking lot.
What was I going to say to him? He was to young to ground but I could restrict his TV time or perhaps have him go to bed a little early? I needed Dominic's opinion on this one but I didn't want to bother him while he was with his patients. Lord knew I didn't want anyone to bother Dr. Dubre and I. I was really looking forward to our session today.
Surprisingly I had made it to the tiny school in four minutes and had to give myself props.
The sound my heels made on the floor was annoyingly loud as I made the short distance from the entrance to the classroom. It was funny when I had met Dominic I was a sandal kind of girl. It had taken me months to get used to high heels. He kept buying and I kept wearing.
"Oh, hello Mrs. Simmons. I didn't expect you so soon." Miss Collier said as I tapped on the open door. Before I could mutter a word Sean was running from the table to meet me.
"Momma!" I adored the huge smile he had on his innocent little face. "Can I go home? She is mean!" My son exclaimed as he reached me. I looked at him in disbelief. I had not raised him to be so rude.
"Apologize." I demanded. My hard-headed son crossed his arms and refused. I gave his teacher an apologetic look before taking his hand and pulling him from the classroom.
"Momma, can I go home?" He asked when we were alone and I had bent to his eye level.
"No, Sean. That is not an option. Daddy isn't home and I have to go back to work." I said to him in a stern tone. His pout only depend.
"Nanny Sarah is there with sister." He pointed out.
"Well you are a big boy now and you have to go to school. It is very important. Now, tell me exactly why you are biting your classmate?  You know biting it wrong. Daddy and I have told you that several times." I said and placed a hand on his shoulder while the other turned his chin towards me so our eyes could meet.
"They are mean! Just like Miss Collier is mean!" Sean stomped his foot and glared up at me. I closed my eyes, needing a second or I would lose my shit.
"Its not nice for them to be mean neither, Sean but you should tell the teacher instead of biting. Remember when Mikey bit you?"
"Yes, that hurt."
"Exactly that did hurt which is why it is wrong to bite people. Promise me you will tell Miss Collier the next time someone is mean?" I said, seeking his word. For a second he just continued to pout, looking all stubborn. "Promise me."
"Okay Momma, I promise. Are you going to tell Daddy?" He asked and his expression changed to worry. I brushed his hair from his face and smiled sadly at him.
"I have to tell him, Sean. Now, I want you go back in there and tell Miss Collier you are sorry. You have to listen to her just like you have to listen to Daddy and I. Okay?" When he nodded at me I kissed his forehead and nudged him back into the classroom. I watched from the hall as he told her sorry and went back to his seat.
Not to brag but I would say that had went pretty well.
"Tell me how your weekend went." Dr. Dubre asked me later that afternoon. I was  in the same spot I had been on Friday, except this time she suggested I lie down and  relax.. Today she wore a peachy pencil skirt with a matching silk blouse and I had to addmitt her heels were fire.
"It was great.  Rory and I defined our relationship and that had went better than I thought. I had a very romantic evening with Dominic. It was our anniversary. Funny, we had both forgotten about it." I replied, studying the floral ceiling. I thought it was weird to wallpaper a ceiling but maybe they had done it for this exact reason.
"How did that make you feel, forgetting?" Was her next question.
"Terrible. I had even cried at one point. But despite that we still had a great time." Which was true. I loved that we had gotten time alone, it being scarce these days.
"That's good. How did you feel emotionally? Happy, sad, empty?"
"I felt extremely happy. Dominic and I watched a movie after spending time with the children. Then I went to Rory's..." I went on to tell her about my weekend in detail. When I was done I turned my head to look at her. To my surprise she didn't have a horrified look on her face. "But this morning when I woke up, I felt it again."
"So it seems to happen...perhaps when you are alone with your thoughts?"
"Yea...I guess. Do you think I should be on medication? " I asked her, half expecting her to say, 'Yes to do! You have some serious issues home girl.'
"If that's what you want. We can discuss that. I won't pressure you into it unless you really needed it. But I don't think you have some serious psychological issue." she was right, I didn't think I did either but in the end she decided to write me a script for a low dose mood stabilizer. I went on to tell her about Sean and his little stunt in school before we set out next session.
"You know people go to jail for less?" Dominic scolded Sean. I was standing in the kitchen preparing an afternoon snack when I glanced into the living-room with a frown on my face.
"Is your husband trying to scare the ever loving shit out of him?" Sarah snickered. Okay, maybe I should be the one to do the disciplinary tasks in this household...
"What's jail?" Sean asked. I knew I should have terminated their conversation but I was going to give Dominic a chance so I listened in.
"Remember when the police officer pulled us over because my truck light was out? You do? Good. Police officers will take you to a place where you are locked up for a very long time. No snacks, no cartoons, no toys. And most importantly, no mom and dad."
"Oh dear god." I muttered and Sarah had to cover her mouth to quiet the amused laughter that threatened.
"Well, I don't want to go there." My son replied in a rather blue tone.
"Then we don't bite...Ever. For the next three days, no TV after school." Dominic laid down his restiction gavel. At least that wouldn't scare the kid...Surprisingly Sean didn't argue and was sent to his room. Seconds later my husband was standing in the archway of the kitchen.
"Maybe next time you could leave out the whole jail thing. Save it for when he is ten not four." I suggested and Sarah casually went about wiping the counters even though I knew she was listening.
"I'm kind of new to this whole'laying down the law' with them. Why the hell didn't someone give us a heads up?" Dominic asked and pulled me close to him.
I laughed before answering,  "I think when the stick turned pink it was a heads up enough, My Love."
"True that." He said and kissed me just as the doorbell rang.
"I will get it." I said and pulled away from him. As I left the kitchen Dominic started to discuss what was for dinner with Sarah. I wondered who could be at our door this late in the afternoon. Rory? My tummy fluttered with excitement but as I reached the door and opened it the feeling was squashed.
"Cybil? " I asked, taken aback as Dominic's redheaded bitch of a sister stood on my front porch.
What. The. Fuck?
"Hello sister-in-law."
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