Chapter 18-Massages for The Boss

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Chicken pocks on top of a cold. My two twins were not feeling so great. I was stressed to the max, mainly because I couldn't get a hold of Dominic or Rory. It was his night to keep Evie and he wasn't answering. Sarah had to go out of town for some family reunion for two days. I felt like I was about to pull my fucking hair out. I hadn't realized until today how much I appreciated the help I got on a daily basis by the people in my life.
In order to make it to my four o'clock with Dr. Dubre I was gonna have to make it to Rory's house like an hour ago and drop my children off with their Daddy-who I hoped was not in the middle of a session. I seriously needed that hour with my therapist. 

"Come on, boys. I know you guys don't feel well but we really have to hurry." I told Michael and Sean as they snailed along behind me up Rory's drive. They both were extremely grumpy,  just like Dominic when they were sick. They managed to pick it up a bit as we reached the huge oak front door and I rang the bell, several times. Just as I was getting really fucking impatient and lifted my hand to pound that damn wood, the door came open. Rory's ridiculously large body pretty much blocked the entire entrance. If it hadn't been for my crabby mood and no desire to live today I would have taken a moment to look over my intriguing  Dominant, with the long brunette hair and silvery eyes but I was feeling far from amorous today. 

"Hey." Rory greeted, opening things up wide but I didn't have time to shuffle two kids in and I damn sure didn't want to talk. He just frowned when I told our darling princess goodbye and handed him the carrier along with the diaper bag. 

"I will see you tomorrow, okay?" I told him as I took both Sean and Mickey's hands in mine. Maybe . I wasn't feeling it...Of course I wanted to spend time with him and learn more about his past but not when I had mood stabilizers coursing through my system.  Today was definitely a mood stabilizer day and I couldn't wait for that sucker to kick in so I wasn't a total depressed bitch to everyone. As Rory replied with a simple 'Alright' I walked back down the concrete sidewalk to my car and thankfully with no troubles got the twins into their seat belts. 

Once behind the wheel and going in the direction of Dominic's office, I managed to only go three above the speed limit. Nothing could get to me so heavily that I would ever put the lives of my children in danger. Now if they weren't in this car...that would be  whole different story for a different day. I managed to make it to the office building in ample time. Even though the boys looked totally drained of energy and not in their normal happy moods from being sick, they gave me no trouble. Before I knew it we were all riding the elevator up to the floor where their Daddy's office was. 

The small reception area hadn't changed a bit and I smiled at the woman behind the desk that I knew well. "Hey, is he free?" I asked, walking up to the desk, still holding onto the boys' hands. They were chatting about whatever four year old siblings chatted about and I was glad they were at least talking. I felt so bad for my babies. I wanted nothing more than to take their sickness and suffer through it myself. 

"Yes, go right in." She waved towards the two closed oak french door and I returned her kind smile. My heart beat a little faster as I neared those doors, thinking of handsome Dominic would look, head bent over all of those papers, eyebrows cinched. He was irrepressibly cute when focused on his work. But as today was not on my side, what I found behind those doors as I turned the knob and walked the three of us in was definitely not that. 

I stopped dead in my tracks as my heart that belonged to the male behind the desk fell and splattered on the floor at my heels between the two tiny pairs of Nike's. His new assistant-I couldn't remember her name- that I had met a few days ago and invited into our home for dinner was standing behind his chair. I'm not sure if they were to into what was going on to notice our interruption but for several long seconds I just stood there dumbfounded , watching her long elegant fingers kneed his shoulders, down his chest and his eye closed, head resting against the back of his chair. When her eyes lifted, her lip fell from between her teeth and her hands slid away from him.  "Mrs. Simmons...Hello." Yes, you got that right Bitch, Mrs. Simmons. I wanted to curl my lip at the wide, smile that feigned friendliness as it spread across her Botox injected lips. The only reason I swallowed through a forming lump in my throat was because my babies were standing beside me and this kind of shit confused kids. Which was why I never showed affection towards Rory when they were anywhere near. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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