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Requested by @AnneMurray1

Killian's POV

I got a weird call from Emma saying that she needed help because everyone is driving her crazy. She sounded sick.

"Let me give her soup." I heard Snow say.

"Let me do it." I heard David say.

"She is my mom." I heard Henry say.

"Whats going on?" I ask walking in.

"Killian save me." Emma says weakly.

"Oh my Swan. You look very ill. Your very pretty, but very sick." I say to her.

"Hey Pirate go!" David says.

"Take me home." Emma says to me.

"As you wish my love." I say.

I helped her up and walked her out the door.

"Thats called Kidnapping!" David yells out the window as I lift Emma up in my arms

"Its what pirates do, Mate." I say and walk away.

When we got home I placed my Swan in her bed and I held her close. I kissed the top of her head. I dont care if I get sick. She is all that matters.

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