Chapter 10 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

Waking up the first thing that Phoenix noticed was the ache coming from her stomach. Placing her hand where it ached, she winced and pull her hand away as if it burnt. It took a moment to realise what happened, her fight with Hades, her stomach must be sore from when he kicked her into the wall.

Sitting up slowly, all the while wincing silently, she noticed that she had been moved. Instead of laying on the couch her head was resting on the middle cushion of the couch and on either side of her were Gon and Killua. Gon seemed to be fast asleep with the blankets kicked off in his sleep, but Killua was wide awake sitting up on his elbows.

Gazing around the room she took note that it was dark and the others were all sound asleep. A hand on her shoulder had her jerking her head towards the right, making her grimace from moving her neck too fast, there must a bruise around her throat from when Hades choked her. Phoenix meet a pair concerned sapphire eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness.

"You all right?" Killua asked in a low tone so not to wake the others.

Phoenix nodded slightly, knowing that she shouldn't move her neck too much. "I'm okay, just a bit sore," she whispered. "Did I wake you?"

Killua shook him head. "Nah, was already awake, I can go two or three days without sleep," the white-haired boy told his friend.

The green-eyed girl nodded in understanding as she moved carefully to sit on the couch, Killua laid back down but turned so he was leaning on his elbows, wanting to talk to her some more.

It was quiet for a few minutes as Phoenix woke up a bit more. "You said you were a professional before," she started, ignoring the way Killua tensed as if preparing for the worst. "What did you mean by that?"

Killua didn't answer for a moment just stared into her curious green eyes before sighing. "I'm from an elite family of assassins, so my whole family are in the business. I didn't want my life to be decided for me so I ran away. I'm only here because I had nothing else to do and I heard the Hunter Exam was meant to be really tough," he explained softly.

Phoenix hummed to herself. "What's your family name?" she asked.

Killua raised a thin eyebrow at the question, nobody has ever asked that question before, they had usually become too scared to ask or run away. "The Zoldycks," Killua informed her.

Nodding her head Phoenix reached up and started to unwrap her scarf. Placing it on her lap she started to rub her neck. From the grimace on Killua's face she knew the bruise was pretty bad.

"You okay?" Killua asked worried as he gazed at the purple and blue bruise the wrapped around the front of her neck.

Taking a deep breath to help ease the pain slightly Phoenix nodded before reaching up higher and undoing her bun. Her black hair fell down her back and over her shoulders in thick black waves that made her eyes stand out more than they normally would.

Looking down at Killua she was a little confused to see his cheeks taking on a slight redness to them. Quickly putting her hand on his forehead to check for a temperature seemed to only make the redness darken before Killua pulled away and buried his head into the couch.

"Killua? Are you okay?" Phoenix asked a little nervous. Lifting his head, the white-haired boy nodded but couldn't meet her eyes. "If you say so. Do you mind getting me Kurapika's bag please?" she asked sweetly.

Wordlessly Killua stood up silently and made his way near the door where Kurapika was sleeping in a similar way the three younger teens were sleeping. Silently grabbing the bag, he walked back to Phoenix and place the bag gently into her lap before sitting cross legged next to her.

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