Chapter 18 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

Feitan was strange to say the least. He was mostly quiet apart from when he's demanding her to do something with her training, whether she had to do something a certain way or she had to work harder. He never asked her to do anything just commanded her to do it.

Of course, he doesn't stay with her and the chairman, he went and does whatever he does until the Chairman goes off to a meeting or run any errands that he needs to do, it's only then does Feitan come and visit her.

She had questioned him about it but he just told her to shut up and get back to training, she guessed that he didn't want anyone to know he was there for some reason.

Currently Phoenix was learning a new technique that the Chairman taught her, Gyo. Gyo is basically an advanced application of Ren where it is focused on a certain body part but all Phoenix had to do was focus it on her eyes so she can see Nen that has been hidden with In, an advanced application of Zetsu.

The young girl was given three full days to master this technique while the Chairman went to fix a problem at the Hunter's association. Luckily Feitan was around to help her with her training, even if he still hasn't told her why he was helping her or sticking around.

Pushing aura to only one part of her body was a little more challenging than she expecting but once she got the hang of it, it started to get easier. Feitan was making shapes out of his own Nen and hiding them with In, like letters or number, sometimes shapes. The two have made a sort of game out of the training, Feitan will step further away every ten correct answers she gets. But if she let her Gyo go or answered incorrectly then the two had to restart. Phoenix's highest score is ten meters before she lets her Gyo go.

"Again!" Feitan commanded while Phoenix panted for breath when she once again let her Gyo go again.

"Can we take a break?" the young tired girl panted trying to get her breath back.

Feitan just glared until Phoenix sighed in defeat before starting to use Gyo once again. This time she was able to beat her record and get twelve teen meters before falling to her knees exhausted.

Feitan just walked over to her before sitting on a rock that was close by. "You could do better," he started before pausing, "But you're getting there, little girl."

Phoenix nodded her head, used to the nickname he has given her before laying down for a rest that Feitan was allowing, finally. "Thank you, Feitan-san. We've still got one more day before Netero-sensi comes back from what he's doing at the Hunter Association... Do you think I'm going to pass this stage of my Nen training? I mean I can't hold Gyo for very long, not like you can," Phoenix asked with doubt colouring her voice.

Feitan didn't say anything for a moment before looking down at the girl who's unknowingly keeping him entertained for the time being. "You'll pass little girl; you might not have completely mastered this technique just yet but you aren't half bad and the reason I'm better than you is because I'm stronger."

Phoenix just stared at him blankly before rolling her eyes and giggling. "Oh, of course Feitan-sama how could I, a lowly peasant, forget of your great strength?" Phoenix questions with thick sarcasm in her tone.

Feitan just stared at her before standing up and flashing to her side where he kicked her gently in the side making her roll away from him laughing. Hearing the young girl laugh brought a small smile to the narrow-eyed man's faces before he could stop it. As much as it pained him to admit he was beginning to enjoy the toxic eyed girl's company. He was even beginning to consider taking her with him when he leaves.

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