Coco Puffs & Kool-Aid

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"Boy if you don't come get this bag. I'm not carrying it! I can barely carry mine." I semi yelled at Trey as we all walked through the airport. He sat his carry-on bag next to me as he claimed to have gone to the bathroom but was really entertaining himself with the kids in the indoor game room as we waited for our plane to be called. Today was finally the day we were finally going to Cabo! I was so ready to be toes deep into the sand with a nice drink in my hand relaxing with my girls. I had just finished my Junior semester of class and in my opinion everything in my world was just perfect.

"Man lil bit just carry it!" He yelled to me.

"Didn't I just say no!?" I will leave this bag right here I'm not playing with him.

"Are yall really yelling at each other in this airport?" Nevada asked causing me to roll my eyes.

"He gets on my nerves." I pouted.

"Stick that lip in." Justin said taking his index finger and flicking it across my lip causing me to glare at him.

Before anyone else could say anything else our flight was called. I grabbed my things purposely leaving Trey's bag there. A few seconds later he ran past us to grab it and hurry back to catch up with us.

"Petty." He mumbles behind me.

I simply shrugged my shoulders signaling that I didn't care and grabbed Jaden's hand so that I wouldn't lose her in the busy crowd.


"Get your feet down." I sternly told Jaden as I swatted at her legs because she was pushing the seat in front of us. We were maybe thirty minutes into the 10 hour plane ride and Lord was it going to be a long one. Jaden's attitude was in FULL effect and I was about to pinch a whole in her arm, figuratively speaking of course but still her dad as raised a spoiled brat and I was determined to break her out of it.

"No." She mumbled rolling her eyes continuing to kick the seat causing the person in front of us to groan and peak over the seat at her.

"OUCH!" She yelled rubbing her arm glaring at her dad causing attention to our seats. He looked at them and politely smiled before turning back to her and talking through his teeth.

"Listen to your mama and do what she says. If she has to say one more thing to you about you doing something, that you know you shouldn't be doing, me and you are going to have a big problem. Do you understand that?" Justin stated making me roll my eyes. Psshh he's just talking. He won't do anything to her unless she gets on his nerves or reels her attitude up at him.

"Yes sir." She then sat back in her seat and began to play game on her ipad to pass the time.

I sat and talked to the girls in our group chat about our plan for Trey and Brea. She was going to propose to him at some point and time during the trip and I couldn't wait to see this work out for them. But the conversation ended up being about everything but the plan.

Bre💯🔪💰: I'm surprised pumpkin hasn't slipped up and told her loud mouth man about everything. You know that nigga can't hold water. 😒

NeNe📷🎀🙌🏾: Right! She tell him everything🙄!

- Well excuse me for trying to have a healthy relationship with my man✋🏾

KC😊🍭💖: Thats ok friend I tell Mack everything too😊.

Bre💯🔪💰: Oh Lord here comes Dr. Kacie btw close my nigga lips. Got him drooling everywhere and shit. Sleep must be too good😂👌🏾

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