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"Stop running!" My mom shouted after the kids as they ran towards Princess Belle to take pictures. We were at Magic Kingdom today and boy was it hot. I had on the thinnest tank top that I could find with biker shorts and was still ready to strip. All of the adults were ready to head back to the resort after being in the park for going on 4 hours to eat and relax but this sizzling heat was far from bothering the kids who were amazed at everything that Disney had to offer,  Justin was taking a picture of Jaden and Belle when my mom returned with a bottle of water to cool me down. Shaq, Quincy, Trey, and Christian were in line for a ride, Kacie was showing her and Mack's baby, Jellybean, as we call him the scenery while Mack and Jabrea walked with her. Nevada had gone to the bathroom and Amanda decided to walk with her meanwhile everyone else, including me, were sitting in the shaded area.
"What time is the firework show tonight?" Mama Misa asked as she fanned herself.
I chewed on the inside of my cheek trying to think then decided to check the pamphlet to see if I was right.
"9pm and midnight." I responded.
"Then there is a party in our building right?" John questioned. I simply nodded folding the pamphlet and putting it back into the fanny pack that was secured around my waist.
"Hopefully the kids will stay awake for the midnight show." Madison pouted causing me, my mom, and Mama Misa to laugh.
"If not we'll leave them with their gmommy." She joked referring to her mom.


"Trey don't make me cuss in front of these folks kids. I am not getting on that ride." I said sternly. We were standing in front of the Tower of Terror which was a 13 story drop type of thing. He wanted us all to get on before we left the park until later but I was against it. Everyone in the crew were waiting to use their fast pass and get straight on the ride but I was too stubborn to move my feet to follow along.
"Lil bit please, it's the happiest place on earth" he pleaded putting his hands together in the begging position. I rolled my eye at him then looked at Justin who had already told Trey that I wouldn't get on the ride but he was being persistent in making sure that I did.
"Nothing is happy about falling 13 stories and my heart falling a whole minute after my body"
"It would make me happy if you got on with us. Pleaseeee." He whined and I shook my head beginning to walk away.
"I'll tell you why Justin has been sneaky lately if you get on." He teased raising his eyebrow to entice me. It was a tempting deal but how do I know if he's telling the truth.
"You have to tell it all." I said unsure on if I could really trust Trey in this moment or was he preying on my emotions.
"Deal" he said extending his hand for me to shake, I gladly accepted and followed him to the line praying the entire way.
After the ride I figured out that Trey ass lied to me and wouldn't tell
me a damn thing. So we all decided to head back to our rooms and to meet up later for a late dinner at one of the shops. After determining our meeting site so we could all find each other we all went our separate ways. It was going on 6pm and all I wanted was a hot shower, a snack, and a good ole nap. As soon as we made it into the room I stripped Jaden down and lightly turn the shower on for her and found us something to wear. After I got her situated and sitting in her bed with a snack and juice box, I hopped in the shower also. Justin had been to the room to grab a duffle bag and left out. I didn't ask any questions, I just simply looked at him, handed him his keycard and went about my business. I was way too tired from the day's festivities to even go there with him so I let him be. I took a long shower, re-shaved the stubble off my legs that was starting to appear, bathe, and hopped out. I tossed my wet hair in a messy bun and lotioned my body before putting on a simple pair of black leggings and a sports bra. I decided to peep in on Jaden and smiled when I noticed that she was knocked out in her bed. I moved the Doritos she fell asleep eating out her hand and took a wet wipe to wipe the nacho cheese dust off of her little fingers. I shifted her to the middle of the bed and pulled the blankets over her to keep her warm then tiptoed out of the room and into ours. Hopefully this nap will hold her over until later on after all of tonight's festivities and not leave her cranky and not wanting to be bothered but she's 6 so there was no telling how she would act. I grabbed a bag of chips and a bottle of water and sat Indian style on the bed looking around for the remote. I found it on the nightstand and turned it on in search of something entertaining but also boring so that I would fall asleep. I settled on Say Yes To The Dress on TLC then put the remote on the bedside table. I sat in silence for a few listening to the show and the occasional bumps you hear from other people in a hotel like setting. About 30 minutes later I felt myself starting to drift off to sleep and rolled over to set a alarm for us to wake up in enough time to get dressed and downstairs for our dinner reservations on time. After setting the alarm I climbed under the sheets on my side of the bed just in case Justin came back and drifted off to sleep.

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