You said Yes!?

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   Today was a long day I met the beautiful girl from  last night and I also signed French Montana in the meeting I attended. I mean the label he was with wasn't giving him all of the credit he deserved so I used my fine finessing skills and I was able to sign him. I was on the way home when I decided to stop at McDonalds for some Ice-cream. I pulled into the parking and got out my car sighing I closed my car door and walked inside. It was pretty empty so I walked up to the counter and cleared my throat. The girl that was up there had her back turned towards me and she was talking to another person.

She turned and said "One moment sir." She then turned back around and finished her conversation. Her friend on the other had her mouth wide open and was looking at me with wide eyes. Smiling I cleared my throat again

"Ugh! What sir!?" the girl screamed as she whipped around and glared at me.

"Whoa whoa... Clam down I just want some ice cream." I told her as I raised my hands to show that I meant no harm.

"Fine then its $1.50." she said as he reached out her hand I gave her a $5.00 dollar bill and told her to keep the change.

When she left to get the Ice cream her friend came up to the counter and smiled widely at me.

"Can I take a picture with you before she comes back?" she asked as she pulled out her phone.

"Yeah of course." I told her as I grabbed her phone so we could take a selfie.

After taking the picture the girl came and handed me my ice cream licking it I smiled and walked out of the door.

I got into my car a drove off towards my apartments.

When I made it into the house I went straight into my office to finish some work. I sat down at my office chair and turned on my desk top. There was a ring from my office phone so I sighed and picked it up.

"Chance speaking." I said as I opened up a spreadsheet I was working on earlier.

"Chance sweetie it's me... We need to speak." My God mother said from the other side of the line.

"Ok... About what?" I asked as I unloosened my tie.

"About us... About our future... I really miss you and I want to come a see you one day. I also want to apologize for not being honest to you. But I promise that I have changed and am worth your time." She said as I scrolled through the spreadsheet.

"Look G I can't just automatically forgive you; but with some face to face time I'm pretty sure that we can grow back that relationship we used to have." I told her as I sighed.

"That's great... Thank you son....." she sighed out as I heard rustling in the back ground.

"Yeah sure... Good night." I said shortly as I suppressed a yawn.

"Night Son." She said before I hanged up.

Looking at my clock I cussed a remembered that I was supposed to call Jamie. It took a while to get home so she was probably sleep but I texted anyways.

Me to Lil Ma (Jamie): Hey Lil Ma I made it home safe and sound.

I sent the quick text and threw my phone on the desk. Cracking my knuckles I let out a long breath and went to work typing on the spreadsheet.

Lil Ma: Ok! Night!

Jamie responded.

Smiling I continued the spread sheet until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Yawning I got up from my office chair and headed to my Bedroom. I took a warm shower and bushed my teeth and next thing I knew I was in my bed snoring.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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