-part 2, where it all began-

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"I guess I'm gonna be here for a while..." Alex mumbled. "Do you remember when I moved from England?" Alex asked, obviously not expecting a reply. "I was, what, 8? I got forced to sit next to you and you stole my juicebox. You were a fucking douchebag but it's okay because I stole yours on the next day. Then you cut a strand of my hair with those annoying plastic safety scissors so we claimed to be 'arch enemies'. Then, after a week, we got bored and spoke. That was the moment you became my best friend." Alex paused for a brief moment, blinking back the tears that slowly filled his eyes as a result of his overpowering thoughts, most likely. "I... I always knew I wasn't like the other boys. I always knew I was different but I could never ever suspect that you were the same. If only you'd told me earlier... anyway, we were best friends for years, well I hope that we still are but I highly doubt it. We were so close, shit, we'd even sleep in the same bed. I told you things I'd never told anyone else, not even my parents, noone. I put every inch of my trust in you and you never failed me." By now Alex had made himself comfortable on a beanbag, holding Jacks hoodie to cry into when he needed it. "We've never had a real argument, have we? I mean, yeah, back when we were 10 we'd argue about the dumbest fucking things. Remember that time I hit you because you wouldn't let me be spiderman when we were playing with these action figures I bought at a 99c store? Every inch of you, even as the 7 year old Barakat I met on my first day in Baltimore, every single inch remains so vividly in my head. Ha, do you still hate it when I call you Barakat? It was only acceptable during..." Alex laughed at his thoughts. Although he knew what he was thinking was too innapropriate to bring up in an emotional moment. "Everything was great back then. We had no worries, no troubles, my biggest issue was when you beat me during a pokemon tournement. I always hated you for that; I never won. I'll never forget the smug look you wore when you knew you were winning. Ugh, you were such a dick, Barakat. I guess that's why I loved you so much, for your imperfetions. They grew on me greatly, to the point where they became perfections. I've never liked anyone as much as you, even our parents became best friends as a result of the constant time we spent together, you still never liked the weird British accent my parents have though. It did make me laugh, how you'd always call them French. I'm pretty sure my Dad almost punched you once." Alex couldn't quite believe how truly mental he was becoming. 

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