-part 8, the end-

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"Hello, Mrs Barakat. Is Jack in?" Alex asked, in the most cheerful voice he could pull off, to mask the nerves. As soon as the words left Alex's mouth, he regretted it, something was up. Jack's Mother's eyes filled with tears, a situation Alex was far too familiar with. "M-Mrs Barakat?" Alex questioned the pain in her eyes. 
"Alex, I think you should come in." She gestured towards the couch in her living room. Alex took a seat, he had never felt so scared. Joyce followed him and sat next to him. "Haven't you been at school?" She asked the young boy, still holding back the pain. 
"N-N-No?" Alex was shaking ridiculously now. "What's happened?" Joyce took a breath, shortly before placing her hand on his shoulder.
"Ja-Jack... he..." She composed herself before continuing her sentence. "About a month after you two parted, he... he killed himself, Alex." There had never been such a gaping hole in the space where Alex's heart should be. He dropped the glass of water Joyce had provided him with, causing it to smash on the floor. All the colour drained from Alex's face as he lost the ability to talk. "Honey, it's okay." It was those words that caused Alex to snap. 
"IT ISN'T FUCKING OKAY. HE'S GONE. I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH AND HE'S GONE." Alex pushed the world surrounding him aside as he quickly made his way to Jack's room. He walked in and was greeted  by his possesions, cluttering the shelves, he then moved to the corner Jack had sat in when he broke up with Alex. The corner Alex spent hours crying into Jacks chest in, explaining how he feels. The corner Jack kissed Alex in for the first time. And the second. And the third. The corner Jack still beat Alex at multiple Pokemon games in. And most importantly, the corner in the room of the boy Alex was deeply in love with; who was now gone. Alex scanned the room for some kind of reasoning, he had no luck until he saw a note placed on the side that had clearly been read repeatedly by Jack's parents. He stretched across the wall to grab the tear and blood stained letter that was obviously written with such pain. After a moment to let everything sink in, Alex began to read...

So, if you're reading this, I guess I succeeded, huh. I'm dead now. That's kinda cool... Fuck, that was insensitive. You're probably wondering why? You're probably wondering why about a lot of things. So here I'm going to explain. Just, please don't tell Alex. Let him find out. Also, don't show him this letter. He'd only think it was his fault, which it wasn't, I love him with every inch of my being. It was my fucking fault. It all started about a week before we broke up. I was tearing myself apart because I was convinced I wasn't good enough for him. I thought he was just making me think we had a good thing going so he could break my heart and then laugh about it, stupid, I know. My mind's a stupid fucking thing. Lex would never do that, breaking up with him was the hardest thing I ever did. I just, I couldn't let him watch me destroying myself. I wouldn't ever do that to my baby. But, I thought that, after a month of him saying nothing to me, he would have moved on. Found someone new. Completely forgot about me. That alone broke me, I knew he was probably in just as bad a state as me and all I had to do was call him to be in his arms again, but I didn't. For some reason I currently feel as though I'd be better off dead, now more than ever, so this is actually a relief for me. Everything is building up and my mind is a mess. I'm so depressed. I'm too sorry for this, but I want you to remember me as the cheerful boy who made one too many dick jokes. Please don't blame yourself, or anyone else, it's 100% me. I hope you don't hate me too much for this. I love you. 
Jack x <3 8==D~

Never ever had Alex felt more broken. He couldn't take it. He was so ready. So ready to hold his Jacky in his arms again. This was too much. What was the point of anything if Jack wasn't there to lighten it up? Alex mindlessly wandered into the bathroom Jack luckily had in his bedroom. This must have been where he did it. Without thinking straight, his mind a tangled mess which was mostly taken up by sadness, Alex rummaged through the cupboard for some pills. Any pills. He picked up around 7 or 8 random boxes of tablets. He then found a sharp blade in the top drawer. Was that what Jack used? It must have been. 
After glaring at Jack's old room for a couple of seconds, Alex whispered the name of the love of his life. He popped way too many pills from their packets and swallowed them all. Just as his vision began to blur, Alex slashed his wrist as hard as he could. He kept going, he couldn't stop if he wanted to be with Jack. They could cuddle together once again. Alex fell to the floor with a crash before his sight was lost.
The last thing that boy heard was the piercing scream of the woman he treated as his second mother for 8 years, as she discovered him, in a pool of blood, on the bathroom floor of which she discovered her son in the same position just months before.

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