-part 7, the realisation-

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Did Alex still love Jack after all he did? Of course he did. Did Alex want to feel Jack in his arms once more? Of course he did. Was Alex gonna let a little bit of anxiety stop him from seeing the boy he fell in love with? The boy he'd known for 8 years? Not this time. Alex picked up his phone and sent the text he'd been waiting for almost 4 months to send.
'Alex- I miss you so fucking much. I'm coming over. Be there in 5. x' After the message had delivered, Alex made the decision to try and make himself look at least a bit presentable with the limited time he had given himself. He pulled on Jack's favourite shirt of his and sprayed some of the aftershave Jack had always loved to smell whilst burying his head into Alex's neck. He then sprinted out the door and ran to Jack's faster than he ever had before. The time running there was spent browsing his mind, trying to conjure up something to say. It was hard, he couldn't exactly just show up 3 months later and act completely normal. But he also couldn't overplay it. He didn't want to overplay it. The nervousness Alex's mind was filled with had now been almost completely replaced with excitement. A couple more minutes and Alex could see Jack again. His Jack. He could finally get an explanation. A reason. A reason for making him leave. He would know what he had done. The anticipation was now almost unbearable. After running for another minute or so, Alex approached Jack's house. It had been a while. The last time Alex had stood on this ground was the time his heart was torn into a million tiny pieces. It took him a while to build up the courage but Alex finally pressed the doorbell and in a few brief moments, Joyce Barakat opened the door. 
"Alex?" she choked. 

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