-part 4, the truth-

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Alex had been rambling to 'Jack' for hours now, just brushing old memories and laughing at cute things that Alex can remember Jack doing oh so vividly. Then came the part of their story that Alex had been dreading. He knew he couldn't take it, he was crazy enough talking to himself in his room for a whole day, let alone breaking down in tears halfway through. "I still remember that day. Do you? The day in which I spent hours crying into your lap, oh Jack, none of this would have happened if you didn't notice my arm. It was an ordinary day, I was walking to your house to watch movies in your room for a couple hours, just like I usually did. When I arrived, I let myself in, nothing new there, we always treated eachothers houses like our own, we were that close. I was a week away from my 15th birthday, it was then that I planned to tell my parents I was gay; I didn't know if I'd tell you though. I walked in and jumped on your bed, to which you grumbled. I guessed you weren't awake yet... so I tickled you. Your giggle was the most fucking adorable thing. I rolled my sleeves up because for some reason it would improve my, uh, tickling abilities?" Alex smiled at his past self. "But I never should have done that. You grabbed my arm and as soon as I winced at the pain it caused, you knew. Honestly, I'm amazed you didn't notice any sooner but that moment felt like the fucking end of the world, and to be honest, it's the closest I'd come. The way you looked up to me, the sheer pain your eyes, those fucking eyes, I needed to explain. As much as I wanted to run away, never tell you what was up, I had to. 'Alex...' you whispered as you hugged me, 'is that...?' you said, even quieter. But I couldn't reply. I didn't know what to say, so I nodded. You then hugged me again, harder this time, and it took you a while to let go. And the way your voice sounded when you asked me why, that still haunts me to this day. It was so- so- so course. So raw. You were on the verge of tears and I knew it wouldn't be long at all until you broke. I knew now would be my only chance to tell you, so I took in a deep breath, grew a pair and began to explain. I told you everything, from the moment I discovered I was gay to the way your eyes always sparkled when you looked at me and how hard I fell for you. You didn't say a word the whole time, that was good because I just needed someone to listen at that moment. Then, once I had finally finished what I was trying to say, wiped away the tears and lifted my head off of your shoulder, you kissed me. You kissed me and it was the best thing to ever happen to me. Honestly, I still can't believe it happened. Once we pulled apart, you gazed into my eyes for a brief moment and then crashed your lips to mine again. I was speechless, so I just kissed you back. 'Oh Alex, thank fuck for that.' Is what I can recall you saying. I didn't even need an explanation, I could tell what you meant right away. I hugged you so hard and in that moment, time fucking stopped. I could have stayed in your arms for the rest of my life" Alex took a sniff of Jacks sweater, inhaling his scent and forgetting the state he was currently in. All he recalled then was the happiness he once felt.

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