In the deeps of darkness. Puppets Vs Sharks. part 2.

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A,N: Here is the next chapter. Hope you like it. I do wonder what you think about my ending in this chapter. There is also some changes to it so hope that sounds interesting. Please comment on what you think.

Zaira's p.o.v.

Quattro: 1500 Lp's.

Shark: 500 Lp's.

"Shark!" I yelled once again and hoped he heard me "Shark, wake up!".

I could hear him groan a little, but he didn't get up. However I actually felt a little relived. At least Shark was not out cold. Or even worse, dead. I turned towards Astral now.

"Astral can you get me out of these chains?" I asked the ghost "Maybe you and Cy together will be able to break the chains? I have to go and save Shark".

"No one can free you but me" Vetrix then said and grinned evilly. He appeared once again before us. "And right now Zaira and Yuma, I think I will keep your meddling ways under lock and key".

I sneered angry. This was not good. Not good at all.

Shark's p.o.v.

Shark was lying on the ground and groaning in pain. His body was aching like hell after Quattro's 'punishment'. However he was not about to throw in the towel just yet. He could hear Her call his name. That alone make him motivated enough to not pass out. That and he was incredible stubborn.

"Shark nap time is over. Time to get up and duel!" He could hear Quattro yell at him "Or were you hoping, that if you lie there, I might show your pathetic self some pity. Well you will get no such sympathy from me. Get up and duel! You owe it to your sister don't you? Your sister and that girl friend of yours".

Shark groaned even more. Pictures of Zaira entered his mind now. Pictures of how she got kidnapped by Quattro and Vetrix's stupid family. Zaira! Shark groaned again and finally managed to turn around and lie on his back instead of his stomach. In the background he could hear Zaira yell his name once again. Shark sneered angry. I have to get up. She is worried about me. Zaira is worried. I don't want to see her like that. I want to see her smile. Shark was about to get up, when intense pain filled his chest all of the sudden. The shard Shark drake had placed on him last time, was glowing now. However Shark couldn't see it, but he could feel it. Soon he was at that place inside his mind where Shark drake had appeared last time. Just like before he was staring down Shark.

"Shark" Shark could hear the number say. He sneered a little.

"You again" He said coldly.

"Shark" the number repeated and said "It is time Shark. Let me enter your mind and soul. Let me take hold".Shark snort coldly.

"Yeah right, no chance" he yelled at Shark drake "I will not join you. I will not allow you to take hold. You can forget it".

However he didn't know the seed was glowing even more powerful now.

Zaira's p.o.v.

At the same time.

"Shark, stand up!" Yuma and I yelled loudly. My voice sounded hoarse after all that screaming. "Please stand up!".

Finally Shark seemed to react. He got slowly up on his feets, but he was having a weird look in his eyes. I frowned a little.

"Shark are you okay?" Yuma asked. Shark looked over at us.

"I... I am not sure" he said in a distant voice.

I sneered. It was clear that Shark was not okay. Everyone could see that.

Book 2. Changes for good or worse?! A Yugioh zexal story.Where stories live. Discover now