The battle for my friend! Prideful Wolves against The Darkness part 2.

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A,N: Well apparently this duel takes longer than I actually thought. Since it is going to be a long chapter otherwise I decided to split once again. Here is the second part. Hope you don't think I drag this out too much. Please tell me if I do. I want to get better as writer. Secondly this is Cy's form up in the picture. Thought it was cool showing yer. The old link in chapter 2 in book 1 does not show right? However hope you like the chapter. Please comment on what you think.

Yuma's p.o.v.

Yuma looked rather worried at Zaira through the whole duel. She was his adopted sister and friend, and Yuma didn't like that she suddenly had collapsed like that. He knew Vetrix had done something. He was just not sure on what. Doing the whole duel Yuma knew, even though he wasn't the brightest duelist, that Zaira had been backed into a corner. There were not much she could do, since Grace's monsters made it impossible for Zaira to attack. However then Grace had suddenly attacked Zaira's wolves, and Zaira fell down to her knees. Yuma was not sure what was going on here. Some weird black aura was suddenly wrapped around her, and Zaira collapsed suddenly to the ground. She was unconscious.

"Zaira!" Yuma, Tori, Astral and Shark yelled in unison. They were all worried about her. They could hear Grace laugh like hell now.

"Oh she get what she deserves" she said and looked over at them. "Zaira and that deck is to dangerous to leave around without supervision. So Vetrix and I are gonna see to it that her powers gets used properly this time". Yuma could hear Shark sneer.

"What? Zaira is not dangerous to anyone!" he then yelled angry and was about to go over to the duel field and beat Grace up. That until Yuma grabbed him.

"Shark, stop we are at a cliff edge" Yuma then told him "If you go any further you will fall of the cliff". He could hear Shark sneer angry again.

"This is just a hologram Yuma. You are such an idiot sometimes" he then replied.

"Oh on the contrary" another voice then said and Vetrix appeared in front of them all. He was once again a hologram. "This field is very realistic. So realistic in fact that if you do try to cross the thin air here, you will surely fall down and have some broken bones to match. But don't take my words for it. Jump if you want to, then I can add to Zaira's misery that her best friend Shark died in an attempt to save her. The darkness in her will grow, and she will surely be consumed completely". Yuma looked in horror. That was not true was it?!

"That old trick again?" Shark then said and snort at Vetrix "Try something more original. Your plan with me failed, so there is no way you will get to Zaira. She is stronger than me. She will not give in to anything". Yuma nodded in agreement. Vetrix grinned and jumped behind them.

"Think again" he then said and laughed again "What do you all actually know about her hmm? A homeless girl who enters Heartland city, and then you think you know her? She has accepted you all yes, but that means nothing when she has her past issues to deal with". Yuma sneered angry and turned towards Vetrix

"I know Zaira". he then yelled out "She is a girl with amnesia, and was found at some beach when she was 9 years old and... and...".

"And she was at an orphanage until she was 14. later she ran into us and Shark" Astral continued and sighed "She is now part of Yuma's family and my protector from Astral world. She uses a beast deck and her main ace monster is Nb 24...".

"Oh how very astute of you two, but you truly know nothing about her" Vetrix then said and interrupted them. He smirked evilly. "You know nothing about her life before she joined you. How her life was at the orphanage, and how she was treated there". Shark's eyes narrowed. Yuma looked puzzled at Vetrix.

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