A trio's challenge part 1.

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A,n: Sorry for the wait you guys. Here is the next chapter. Oh and thank you. We are soon at 10000 readers which is awesome. (at least on Quotev) Might give out a zexal gift chapter if we actually do reach it before ending the series. However thanks for your support so far. I really appreciate it 😉

Zaira's p.o.v.

I was not sure what was going on at first. I remembered how Yuma and the others were about to duel Dr. Faker. I did remember that I pledged Shark to duel for me, since I apparently was not able to. However that also begged the question why this was happening to me. I had just closed my eyes a little. Cy and I was tried after all. Drained for power since we were apparently was linked to Astral. Something Astral's father had done to make sure I stayed by Astral's side. That kinda made sense. He had never trusted me in Astral world after all, but at the same time I wondered how Eliphas knew Astral was giving Cy back to me. This pain. The link who now had happened between Astral and I. It first got activated after Astral gave Cy back. Could Eliphas have planned that much ahead?! I shook my head a little. That still didn't explain the predicament I having right now. I was literally floating as a ghost outside of my body. I just closed my eyes for 10 seconds and then bam, when I opened them ghost like body. A minute of panic was of course in order. I did flip out. How could I not? I was a ghost for crying out loud. That was until I noticed my body, Myself in some way, was still breathing. That made me calm down a little. At least I was not death like I was when Cy got removed from my body. But why was I here in this ghost like state then? I wondered if I was having one of those out of the body experience, where you can watch everything around you while your body was out of commission. However wasn't that only when people were in coma or had been through traumatic events? I wasn't sure this fight could be called traumatic. I were thoughtful for a moment. Maybe this really had something to do with Astral. Since his powers were coming from the numbers, and he was draining Cy and in some way me as well, it could be possible he did sent me into a comatose or at least a deep sleep. That did make sense I guess. I looked around. All around me was threads. I figured this was threads that belong to things I treasure. There were many. Most of them invisible like the ones connecting me to Shark, Yuma, Tori and Kite a little. Then were of course a more visible threads. The one connecting me to my own body. Then there was three other really visible ones. One of them lead to the sphere. Astral, I thought. The second lead to Cy's card in my pocket, and the last one I had no clue. It was attached and stretched really well. Like it was something from far, far away. I wondered if it was my brother or someone else I hold dear, but couldn't remember. But at the same time, I had a feeling that was not the case. The thread was another color. I touched the threads. As soon as I was sure they didn't break, I began moving. One of the threads called. I didn't get surprised when I ended at the sphere field with Astral inside. It was the place I wanted to go anyway. I wanted to help Astral and felt like I could do more as ghost, than I could as a human right now. He didn't look good. He was pale, more than usual, and looked drained and extremely tired.

"Astral" I said in a low voice and looked inside the sphere. Surprisingly Astral responded. He lifted his head a little and was staring at me.

"Zaira how did you..?" However he stopped himself. I could see his eyes widen in horror. "No, you are not strong enough to maintain an Astral form. Zaira go back to your body now before something happens". I looked puzzled at him.

"Astral form?" I questioned "What is that?". Astral sighed deeply.

"The ghostly form you are in now" he replied quickly "I am amazed you are able to, but then again you were quick to learn things on your own. Like the spell that saved my life in Astral world. Zaira head my warning and return to your body".

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