The mask, the dragon and Hartly matters part 1

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A,N: Well here is the next chapter. Hope you will like it. As a little warning, Zaira is pretty, sort of, obedient in this chapter. Just so you know. Hope you will comment on what you think. Thanks for following and reading this story. I really appreciate it.

Kite's p.o.v.

Kite was standing at the top of heartland tower. Also known as Hart's room. He wanted to see his kid brother before his match with Vetrix. One of the reasons was to remind himself what Vetrix had done, so he could get motivated and crush him. Another reason was that he just wanted to see him. Kite and Orbital walking over to the bed where Hart was lying. He was in that coma like state like always. He had been that since Kite tried rescuing Hart from Vetrix, and it pained Kite to see him like this. Kite looked worried at him.

"The time has come Hart" he then told his little brother "I made it through the coaster event, and is now a finalist. It won't be long now until I..". Kite let out a groaning sound when intense pain hit his body, and he fell down on his knees beside the bed.

"Ma-ster Kite!" Orbital yelled and rushed to his side. The robot was very concerned about its master. Mostly because he knew what kind of condition Kite was in. "Please, you can't continue hunting Numbers. If you do I'm afraid you'll..".

"I am not gonna stop until I have made Vetrix pay for what he has done!" Kite interrupted and sent the robot a cold glare. "Got that?!". Orbital nodded slightly. Without a word those two left Hart's room. Kite need to prepare for the finals.

Vetrix's p.o.v.

Vetrix smirked as he walked through the hallway towards the arena. His duel was about to begin. Right behind him was Zaira walking silently and obediently. Or at least as obedient as he could keep her now. The other Zaira. Even though that was not quite what she was. Vetrix chuckled darkly. Only he knew truly who this other Zaira was. He had brought her, in some way, to life, and she was keeping the real Zaira in check, for now. Vetrix chuckled darkly once again. This Zaira truly believed he would help her with her vengeance. That he could be trusted. She couldn't be more wrong. Just like his own children, she was just a new puppet. A puppet with a lot of potential though. Zaira was a lot stronger than his children were, and Vetrix could see many benefits for her. Her powers could help him in archiving his vengeance. It would be a lot easier if he just could take Zaira's powers, but since she and her number were in sync with each other, he couldn't. Unless she gave them up by her free will of course. That properly wouldn't happen any time soon. After all if Zaira gave up her powers or even gave Cyclone beast wolf to anyone, she would die as well. So Vetrix had done the next best thing. Keeping Zaira by his side and made her serve him instead. She had already eliminated Shark for him. Reginald Kastle had become one of those who was meddling in his plans for vengeance, and he was pleased that he was now taken care off. Even though he had to tighten the grip around Zaira just a little more. Shark's confession had messed up Zaira's head a lot, so he had taken care of it with the crest. Removed the resent activities, the memories of the duel, from her head completely. Zaira could only vaguely remember the duel, and that she beat Shark with her chaos wolf number because he annoyed her. She didn't need to know more of it. Vetrix chuckled inside. Now if Zaira just got rid of Yuma Tsukumo and doctor Faker for him, then everything will be taken care of. His vengeance will be complete. Then he didn't need her around any longer, and could discard her. Just like he had done with his four children. Of course Vetrix first needed to get rid of Kite. He was actually looking forward to it. He couldn't wait to see Dr. Faker's expression when get got rid of his other son too. Mr. Heartland's voice could be heard in the arena now.

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