Chapter 1

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Violet's P.O.V

     Hi, my name's Violet, but I guess you kinda knew that. I have long, natural fire-engine red hair, with -also natural- purple streaks. My eyes are also different like that. They're bright purple. I have pale skin and am about 5'8. I'm a senior in high school so. I'm also 17 years old. My parents died when I was 5. I don't really remember much of it but what I do know is that they were different like me and were murdered because of it. So now I live in an orphanage with 30 other kids.

     But I have to go to school now, or as I like to call it, my personal hell. Everyone hates me there, I know why though. I'm different. "But Violet, different is good." Is what you're probably saying right now. But no, not where I live. You can either be a human, or a werewolf. Yes, I know about werewolves but I'm not one. I've seen them shift but they don't know that, it's my little secret. They hate me cause of how I look, who does that? They don't need to be judging me, they shift into giant freaking wolves! But enough of my little rant, time for school.

     As I entered the school, I was bombarded with pitiful insults. The typical slut, bitch, whore, nerd. Usual. Then I passed the jocks and cheerleaders. Stupid jocks, always pushing me down or tripping me in the halls. Cheerleaders, or as I like to call them the bitch squad, criticize my clothing, hair, my everything. Still wondering why I hate school? You should have caught on by now.

     I made my way to my locker and put my books that I don't need in it when I noticed the calendar I stuck to my locker door. Tomorrow was my birthday, September 27. I would be turning eighteen. I WOULD BE EIGHTEEN! I could finally move out of the orphanage!! Now filled with happiness, I walked to my class and sat in my usual seat in the back. Zoning out for the rest of the class, I doodled in my notebook till it was time to go to my next class.

     As the last bell rang, I jumped out of my seat and sped out the door, not bothering to go to my locker because I had no homework. I ran down the street and through the door of my 'home', hurrying to my room. I started to pack up everything except necessities that I would need for today and tomorrow. I jumped on my bed and got out my laptop, looking for an apartment for sale in the town.

     I searched for hours when I saw one. I saved the ad to a flash drive, saving it to print out tomorrow in the library. Looking at the time, I noticed it was about 1 o'clock in the morning. I had missed dinner so I was hungry. Walking down the stairs, I suddenly heard a voice in my head.

'Go outside. Follow my instruction'

     I walked out the door and to the forest. The voice then guided me to the base of a mountain range at the edge of the town. Following the path between the mountains, I ended up in a large valley. The far end had a large, crystal clear lake and a waterfall flowing from the top of the mountain behind it. The valley itself was covered in lush green grass and had multiple types and colors of flowers and others plants. The perimeter of the valley was a ring of tall, giant trees that must have been thousands of years old.

'To the center of the valley.'

     When I got to the center of the valley my body was hit with a sudden, excruciating pain. I felt my bones break, enlarge, and reshape. Looking down I noticed my skin turn into a leathery coat. Then scale started to form on top of my new 'skin' while my hands reshaped themselves into giant, reptilian claws. Looking around now, I noticed that I towered over the old trees that surrounded the valley. Now very curious as to why I am suddenly so tall, I started to walk to the lake, unaware of the trees shaking and water rippling.

     Finally getting to the lake, I let out a what I believed was a yelp but was not quite sure because it came out lower and almost like a roar. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It couldn't have been me. What I was seeing wasn't even human, not even close.

I was a dragon.


Hiya everyone! Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to make them longer in the future. But anyways, what do you all think? Continue this story or not? Personally, I'm pretty excited to write this. Comment any ideas or suggestions if you have any please. It would be very much appreciated! That is all!

                                                     Adios Amigos!

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