Chapter seven

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Hey guys! Sorry for just you know, dropping off the face of the earth. Really busy with school :(  but anyways, enjoy the chapter and read the author's not at the end! Thanks!

Violet's P.O.V

    After Jaden and I went back to camp we got a lecture from the older weres, Courtney and Blaze about being too loud, how they needed rest, yada yada yada. We get it dudes! I mean seriously, we were quiet eventually, no need to get your panties in a twist. But anyway, after the while lecture and some breakfast I went to school with my siblings, but not before stopping somewhere, changing, and cleaning up. When we got there I saw everyone looking at us. Most were looking at the three behind me before snapping their gaze back to me and glaring with the rest of the student population. They didn't bother me today though and that must have been obvious by the look of confusion on their faces. I smiled smugly and waltzed into the building with everyone following behind me. As I got to the office I stopped and turned around to look and make sure they were still following and not lost because after all it was a pretty big school.

    Blaze, Courtney, Jaden and I entered the office and immediately went to the desk. Jaden went up and asked for their schedules. "Excuse me ma'am, but we're new here and need our schedules, locker and combination. Thanks," he said. The older woman rolled over to a filing cabinet and pulled out three folders, handing one to each of them.  Jaden nodded before we exited into the now empty hallway. I took their schedules from their hands and examined them. I squealed in delight!

     "Yay! We have all our classes together! and your lockers are right beside mine!" I squealed again and leapt at them. They were laughing at my delighted face and didn't see it coming so I ended up tackling them to the ground. We eventually got up in time for second block and walked up to the other side of the building were our history class was at. Waiting till the bell rang and students started filing out, all four of us walked in and sat down after I introduced them to our teacher. He gave them their text books and waved them off. Going to the back to take a seat, Jaden was to my left, Blaze to my front, and Courtney behind me because of the giant window to my right.

     Seconds before the late bell rang, everyone poured into the class, looking at us peculiar four by the window. Finally Carter and some of his pack came in and sat down on the other side of the room, but not before glaring right at me. Just to piss him off I gave an innocent little smile and waved. His eyes instantly turned black and he started shaking. I just laughed quietly behind my hand with Jaden and Courtney while Blaze was just flat out laughing out loud.  Everyone just looked at us in either amusement or irritation. Becoming more bold, I just flipped them the bird and laughed even harder at their astonished faces.

       The rest of the day passed smoothly before the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I leapt out of my desk, followed by Jaden, Blaze, and Courtney as we ran out of the classroom and to our lockers. Using our speed just a smidge, we stuffed everything in our lockers not bothering with homework because we don't need to worry about grade, aka dragon shifter royal blood does not need to worry about school, only ruling the kingdom. All of us sprinted outside, across the football field, and to the clearing I had lead Carter to the other day. Once we were there I broke down laughing, leaning on a tree so I didn't fall. The others were laughing too before I spoke up.

     ' That the..........greatest day of" I managed to gasp out in between fits of laughter.  Everyone else agreed with me before we caught a scent.


We all immediately sobered up and ran in the direction of the scent. Running a few miles we entered the valley we were staying in and the hunter's scents were strongest. fear seized my body for a split second and an angry roar sliced through the silence. I could feel my eyes change along wit my claws as I thought about the families hidden in the forest not far from here. All of a sudden a pain filled cry hit my ears making me roar once again and sprint to the forest.

     When I reached it I almost shifted against my will. There were at least ten hunters there with all of our rouge friends tied up with one of the older women lying on the ground with a bullet wound in her leg. I growled loudly, attracting everyone's eyes to me as I maliciously smirked at the hunters. All of them shook in fear as I lunged at the one with the gun pointed at the woman. Lifted my claws up, I swiped across his neck. His limp body dropped to the ground seconds later from blood loss. Looking around once more, I saw that Courtney had released and was herding everyone to a safer,secluded place. Jaden and Blaze had also killed some hunters, leaving seven more. Jumping at the one closest to me, I ripped his head off and threw his body down to the ground. Grabbing the gun he had, I shot two more, effectively killing them , but not before one of the bastards shot my arm. I winced in pain but ignored t as I had heard the pounding of many paws and many scents coming towards us.

     I looked up and saw many large wolves enter the valley. All of them ran towards us but stopped when they saw the bloody mess surrounding us. The largest one in front along with the two beside him shifted, revealing Carter, Jackson, and Alex. the looked at me with astonishment and a bit of fear in their eyes but had smug smiles on their faces.  The pain in my arm was becoming unbearable now that the fight had stopped and only one thought was running through my mind now that they knew.


      And that, ladies and gentlemen, was when I passed out from the poison that damned hunter had put in his bullets.


Getting interesting now right? What do you think Carter's going to do now that he knows?

     But anyway thanks for reading and check out my new book I'm working on! Thanks my little muffin people! Stay tasty!! :)

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