Chapter 6

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Violet's P.O.V

      After sending Jonathan away I ran back over to the others to check if everyone was okay. When my thorough investigation was done we all gathered back around the fire, sitting in a comfortable silence. I thought about the fight and Carter's reaction when he and his "warriors" find out what I really am, along with my siblings. But thinking about Carter made me think of school and it was then I realized that tomorrow was Friday and that I would have to go.

     "Hey Blaze," I suddenly asked. "Are you guys going to enroll in school or is there a special school for dragon shifters?"

     He looked at me for a second with an amused look in his eyes at the mention of a dragon school before answering me. "Yeah, I guess we'll enroll tomorrow but we don't have to. There really aren't any requirements other than being of royal blood for someone to rule the Dragon Kingdom."

     "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Dragon Kingdom? Royal blood? Are you guys forgetting to tell me something?" I asked them. All three looked at me sheepishly before Courtney answered me.

     "Yeah, we may or may not have forgotten to mention our parents were the Dragon Kingdom rulers. And because we are his children we are of royal blood, meaning we now have to rule all the dragon shifters. And before you asked, yes we are currently the only dragon shifters alive but that does not mean there aren't other ways to create more. You see, we have a very large section of underground land where all unborn dragon shifters live. All of the premature shifters of our kind are down there, being well cared for by the legendary Dragon Spirits. They are the spirits of the very first dragon shifters and have lived there since their death. All a royal blood would need to do it command the egg to speed up the maturing process. The babies would end up hatching within the year, depending on how far along in the process they already are. The territory is housing around 700 eggs as of right now." She explained.

     I took in all the information, slowly nodding, showing that I understood her. "Wow," was all I said back. She giggled before nodding her head over to Jaden. I looked over to him while he explained even more to me.

     "Another thing we may have forgotten to tell you is that we dragon shifters are immortal. So we will be ruling till we are killed by some unnatural cause  because we don't get sick. All of us have a mate, like werewolves, but we don't mark their necks. The pair shift just their hands into their claws and slash their mates back. After the marks heal a tattoo representing the two will appear. And I think that's all." he said. I nodding once again, pleased that I wouldn't have to have my heartbroken and that I have on person made just for me. I smiled at them and thanked them for telling me.

     "But will all three of you join me for the remained of senior year. Now that I know I don't need to worry about grades we can just goof off." They laughed and nodded their heads before turning our attention back to the rouges. "Will you guys all be okay here while we're at school?" Everyone nodded and I smiled at them. Then, not wanting them to be uncomfortable, I teleported to my room in the orphanage and grabbed some pillows, blankets, and a little bit of food for those who couldn't shift yet.

     I handed them out, then sorted all the food. "Okay, those who can shift go to the right and those who cannot go to the left." Most of the group went right except for the few children who couldn't. "Okay, those on the right, you all will have to hunt for meat. I've seen rabbits and the occasional deer here in the valley. You guys on the left, you can go pick fruits and gather water but everyone here has to stay in the valley or Carter's pack will get you." Everyone nodded in understanding before they reunited with their children, mates or families before heading off to bed.

     "Hey Violet," I heard Jaden say, "want to come over to the lake with me?" I nodded before following him out of the cover of the forest. We walked in a comfortable silence until we reached the lake. Jaden sat down on the bank, putting his feet in the water. He looked up at me with a small smile before patting the spot next to him, motioning for me to sit next to him. I sat down next to him, careful not to fall in the water. Jaden must have noticed because he had a devilish smirk on his face. The next thing I know I'm submerged in freezing water. Looking up, I decided to play with him a bit. I teleported to the cave behind the water fall I had recently discovered and waited a few minutes before peeking out and looking for Jaden. I almost blew my cover laughing when I saw him in the water, frantically swinging his arms around the surface, looking for me. Covering my mouth, I came up with a brilliant idea. Making sure his back was turned, I teleported myself over to him then jumped on his back, effectively pushing him under. I came up sputtering water while laughing my butt off while Jaden looked down with a blush on his cheeks. That just made me laugh harder while he blushed a deeper shade of red and went back over to the camp grumbling. I quickly went over to him, making sure he wasn't mad at me.

     "Hey Jaden, you aren't mad at me are you? I'm sorry if you are, I just thought it would be funny and I needed a stress reliever after the whole Carter thing." I said.

     He just looked at me and smiled before answering. "No, and it's okay. I understand." he told me. I smiled gratefully and jumped on his back. He grunted, not expecting the extra weight, but stood up again, gripping the bottom of my thighs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and giggled as he started to jog. He laughed too, as I squealed with joy. As we neared camp, he switched me over to the front where he spun me around then threw me up in the air. I yelped before bringing my wings out and hovering over him. I swooped down and picked Jaden up. He jumped, lessening the load for a minute before he got a bit heavy. Giving some control to Arrianna, I felt my eyes change and glow. I then lifted him with ease and throwing him up too. His wings came out and we flew around for the remainder of the night, only getting yelled at by Blaze and Courtney once or twice to be quiet. Okay maybe it was thirteen, not that we were purposely being loud or counting. Pfft, what?


     Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, I'm so sorry!!!! Don't hate me! I'm ging to try and update sooner! But thanks for reading!!!

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