Chapter 8

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Violet's P.O.V

     I woke up with a pounding head ache. Seriously, it felt like nails were being driven into my head with ever breath. Painful. lifting my arm, I winced in pain, wondering what had happened. That's when I remembered.

     Stupid Werewolves, stupid Carter, stupid hunters. They're the reason I'm  here now. Wait a minute, where exactly am I?


     Annoying beeping sound, bright, fluorescent lights, white EVERYWHERE. Yep, I'm in a hospital. Sighing, I yanked the I.V.'s out of my arm and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Hopping off, I made my way towards to door. But unfortunately luck is not on my side and it was locked.

     Huffing in annoyance, I started to listen for any heartbeats with my advanced hearing. Concentrating, I heard many coming from the basement but three were slower than others. I would guess those are my siblings'. And they were coming from the basement. Great. Deciding I was going to have to rescue them, I teleported down to the familiar and dreary looking basement. Looking around, I saw our rouge friends, Blaze, Jaden, and Courtney. Feeling a burning rage that they would dare try to with hold us, I felt my eyes start to glow and my claws elongate. I screamed in frustration and anger then went to each and every cell.

     I noticed they were covered in the same poison that the hunter had shot me with, I ignored it and went to bend and break the bars of every cell holding my friends and family. The scent of burning flesh quickly filled the area as my hands started to burn but I ignored the pain and went to rescue everyone.

     Five minutes later everyone was free and were grouped together in the middle of the hall waiting for me to transport everyone back to our clearing. I felt everyone grab ahold of me but before I could transport us out of this dreaded place the door burst open and in walked Carter and his two little sidekicks.  Groaning in displeasure, I focused on everyone but myself and sent them back. I watched as their faces filled with surprise but was quickly replaced with rage. Deciding to fuel that rage I started to taunt him.

     "Aw, is the big bad Alpha angry? What's wrong? You need a nappy time with your blanky?" I cooed as he started to shake. He charged forward at me with Jackson and Alex following behind him. Smirking smugly, I quickly moved to the side just as they reached me. As a result, all three of them flew threw the gaping hole I had left I one of the cages. I laughed at their stupidity and quickly reclosed the bars, efficiently trapping them. Grinning innocently at them , I waved goodbye and left.

     Back at the clearing I saw everyone pacing nervously. Rolling my eyes I cleared my throat and all eyes snapped to me. Grinning triumphantly at them, I ran forward and tackled my siblings in a hug. All of us fell to the ground, Blaze on the bottom groaning under our weight. Laughing, all of us got off of him and went to check on the others.

     After we checked over all the others and agreed that they were okay all of us gathered around our campfire and roasted some of the rabbit and deer we caught. No one was talking, just pondering and thinking over recent events and how we got here. First off I discovered I am of royal blood and heir to a kingdom. Secondly all of us have hunters and an alpha along with his pack after us. And lastly I am a shadow dragon destined to save the supernatural and possibly whole world. Isn't that fun, no pressure at all right? Wrong. Having the fate of the whole world resting on your shoulders is not fun, nope. Not. At. All.

     But anyways, after all of us were finished and we put out the fire, all of us went to bed. Well, they did except for Blaze and I. We decided that we were going to head up to the mountain cave. Extending our wings, Blaze and I flew up to the cave silently.

     Sitting down and the rocky ledge, Blaze and I sat in a comfortable silence, just looking out on the field. That is until Blaze broke the silence. "Violet, why'd you do that back there? Sending just us back? We care about you Violet and we don't want you to get hurt. We would have helped you. Why?" He said sadly. I looked up and noticed the tears in his eyes. I smiled sadly at him before reaching my hand up and wiping the stray tear away.

    Sighing, I told him. "I care about you guys, so so much. I wouldn't be able to deal with myself if any of you were to get hurt. I just wouldn't. I could deal with them myself. After all, I've dealt with them my whole life and I know how they fight, relying on their strength. You didn't know that and might have gotten hurt." I was in tears by the time I was done. Looking up, I saw that Blaze had silent tears streaming down his face. Unwinding my arms from around my waist, I threw them around his neck and buried my face in his neck. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer before leaning his head down and whispering in my ear.

     "Don't ever doubt us princess. We may not have known him our whole lives but we know what he did to you and we will protect out little sister at all costs." I gave him a teary smile and leaned my head against his shoulder. Feeling tired all of a sudden, I struggled to keep my eyes open. Blaze must have noticed because he gave me a smile and told me to go to sleep.

    "Sleep princess, we'll always be here for you."


Wassup everyone?! sorry for the late update and thanks for the encouragement to continue this book! I really appreciate it! But thanks for reading and stay tasty my muffin friends!

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