A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 2 - Melanie's First Job!

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A New Fairy Tail Member (Fairy Tail)

Chapter 2 - Melanie's First Job!

Today is another day in Fairy Tail. Even though it was second day, it was time for me to get a job. Well, for my rent. I was looking at the request board when Mirajane walked up to me.

She asked, "Are you looking for a job?".

I replied, "Yeah. I need some money for my rent." She nodded and then she pointed at a job, "I think this one might be good for you."

"Family in need of help. House fell apart. Reward 400,000 jewels. This will be enough for about 2 years!", I said with excitement.

Mirajane smiled, removed the paper from the request board and gave it to me. "Thank you!". After that, Lucy, Natsu, Happy, and Gray walked up to me.

"Hey Melanie!", Natsu said.

"Hey!", I replied.

"Where's Erza?".

"She went to a job," Gray replied. I nodded showing that I understood.

"What job are you getting?", Natsu asked. I showed the paper. "Ahh..would you like some help?".

"Sure!", I replied.

"The location is in the town Del Rey. Good luck!", Mirajane said.

"Thank you!", I replied when all of us walked away.

When we arrived at the train station, Natsu was continually inhaling and exhaling.

"Umm..is he okay?", I asked Lucy.

"H-He's fine. He just gets sick when he rides transportation," Lucy assured. I responded with a nod. Gray walked to Natsu and slapped his back, "Relax! Everything's gonna be okay."

Suddenly, Natsu got angry, "Did you just slap me?!".

"What are you going to do about it?", Gray replied. Both of them growled with anger. I sighed and said, "If only Erza was here." Lucy and Happy nodded in agreement.

"I am here," Erza said walking out of a train. The three of us reacted with surprise.

"Erza?!", Lucy said with surprise.

"What are you doing here?", I asked.

"I just finished my job. It was pretty tough, but I made it," Erza replied.

"What is that?", Lucy asked as she pointed at the huge claw that went all the way to the sky. I followed Lucy's finger and dropped my mouth with surprise.

"This was from the monster I battled," Erza said with a smile.

"WHOA! How big was the monster?!", I asked.

"The monster was as tall as Mt. Hakobe." My mouth was still open. Erza giggled and said, "Now where are the troublemakers?". Erza walked up to Natsu and Gray and grabbed their ears. "If you continue fighting like this, I am going to break you into two pieces. Understood?".

"Aye," Natsu and Gray replied.

Erza dropped them carelessly and looked at Lucy and me. "You're working on a job, right?".

I responded with a nod.

"Would you like an extra pair of hands?", Erza asked.

"S-Sure!", I replied.

"Great. Let's go," Erza said as we approached the train to Del Rey.

While we were on the train, Natsu was hallucinating.

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