A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 20 - Fairy Tail vs. The 3 Agents!

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A New Fairy Tail Member

Chapter 20 - Fairy Tail vs. The 3 Agents!

As the group approached the castle's doors, the 3 agents leaped into the sky. Everyone noticed and backed away from them. The 3 agents landed in front of them. Agent 1 said, "So, these are the intruders Master was talking about." Agent 2 said, "Yep." Agent 3 said, "Oh, this is going to be fun."

"Who are you?", Natsu asked. The agents lifted their heads. "We are the Master's 3 agents. We were sent to terminate you," Agent 1 said. "To terminate us?!", Lucy said with surprise. "Well, if that's what you're going to do. Then, we won't let you!", Gray said as he and Natsu went into a stance. Agent 3 laughed, and ran to them. Gray and Natsu dodged the attack by jumping into the air.

Erza yelled, "Gray! Natsu! Take care of agent 3!". "Why are you leaving them alone?", Agent 2 asked. "Because, they will handle her immediately," Erza replied with eyes filled with confidence. "Hmph. Nicely said. I should handle you immediately too!", the agent said as he ran to Erza. "Lucy!", Erza yelled, showing Lucy that she wanted her to come with her. She completely dodged the attack and moved into the forest. "Got it!", Lucy replied as she ran after her.

"I guess I'm left with you too," Agent 1 said as she suddenly disappeared. "She disappeared?!", Juvia said with surprise. "Over here!", Agent 1 yelled, running through the mountains. 


Agent 3 led them to land at the bottom of a mountain. "What do you want from us?!", Gray yelled. "We'll do everything we can to protect our weapon!!", Agent 3 yelled as she went into the same stance as Gray. Gray reacted with surprise, "An Ice Mage?!".

Agent 3: Ice-Make: Death Scythe!

A death scythe was created! Agent 3 took the death scythe and attacked Natsu and Gray. Both Natsu and Gray dodged the attack and went in opposite directions. Gray bent down and said..

Gray: Ice-Make: Saucer!

A saucer came to agent 3. "Is that really all you got?!", agent 3 said, dodging the attack. As she leaped into the air, Natsu leaped into the air too. Agent 3 reacted with surprise.

Natsu: Fire Dragon's Roar!

Agent 3 was attacked. As a result, she fell to the ground and she twitched when she tried to get up. "Dammit!", she yelled. Gray and Natsu smiled with confidence, but it wasn't enough to stop her. She laughed as she got up. "Do you even realize where you are standing?", she said as Natsu and Gray looked up. They reacted with surprise, it was a trap!

Agent 3: Ice-Make: Prison!

A cage came on top of them. "Shoot!", Gray said with anger as he and Natsu tried to pry the cage open. "How did you do that?", Gray asked. "While me and fireball were in the air, I secretly created a a prison in the sky as I fell on the floor." "You sneak!", Natsu said as he clenched his teeth. "My name is Ophelia Blossum. AN ICE MAGE!", she yelled as she attacked again. Natsu and Gray immediately kicked the prison's bars, which broke the prison, and got ready.

Ophelia: Ice-Make: Rosen Krone!

Giant roses with spikes came to Natsu and Gray's way.

Natsu: Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!

Gray: Ice Cannon!

Natsu and Gray's attack combined and created a Unison Raid. 

Ophelia: Ice-Make: Shield!

Ophelia created a shield that blocked the Unison Raid. But, it wasn't strong enough, that the Unison Raid broke through and made Ophelia fall to the ground. "I-Impossible...", Ophelia said with a weak voice as she fell unconscious. Natsu and Gray stood proud. 

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