A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 27 - I Need to Keep Fighting!

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A New Fairy Tail Member

Chapter 27 - I Need to Keep Fighting!

When Erza started walking Juvia to the forest, Juvia ran to me and slapped my face. 

Everyone reacted with surprise.

I slowly turned my head and looked at her, while my hand was on the throbbing part of my face.

"Why did you do that?!", I said to Juvia with surprise.

Juvia looked down, "You don't deserve to be here!"

My eyes widened.


The place fell silent.


"What are you saying?", I said. "I have no intention of stealing Gray's chance!"


"I'm not lying! I would never do something to my fellow opponents! Also, I would never do something to Gray! Even though he's my opponent, he's my friend! So is Natsu! Gajeel! Levy! Everyone! Including YOU!"

Juvia reacted with surprise.

"I never did anything to you, Juvia. Why are making this exam, that is important to me, so difficult?"

Juvia was left silent.

"Take her away!", Master said as Erza took Juvia's arm and walked away.

When they left, I looked down while Gray looked at me.

"Alright everyone! I will see you tomorrow! Tomorrow, I will give you the information for the next test! Sweet dreams! THAT IS ALL!"


(Every team stayed in one room)

I sat on my bed as I looked through my window and looked at my empty room. Since Juvia was taken away, I am only one living in this room. I talked to Master about me not having a partner.

He said: "I'm sorry, but we won't be able to find a replacement for your partner."

"But, won't this effect the exam?"

"Don't worry. You will be able to handle this on your own, right?"

I was silent.

"Well, it's to make things interesting. Isn't it?"

That's what happened. *sigh* I hope I can handle this.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door.

I said, "Come in!"

The door opened and Gray walked in.

I reacted with surprise.

"Uh..hi Gray! What are you doing here?", I asked.

"Umm..I came to see how you are feeling," Gray said.

I thought: "...was he worried about me?"

I replied, "I-I'm alright." "WHY AM I STUTTERING?!"

"Good," Gray said with a small smile.

The room fell silent for a moment. 

"Are you sure you're alright?", Gray said with a lower voice as he looked down.

I reacted with surprise as I looked down, trying to hide my blushing face.

Gray looked at me, walked to a chair, and sat down.

"Tell me the truth, Melanie," Gray said.


"Hmm?" Gray looked at me, and I looked at him, still blushing.

"I'm nervous.."

Gray continued to look at me as I continued to talk.

"I'm nervous..but I'm ready to fight."

Gray reacted with surprise.

"Even though I don't have a partner, I can't give up! This just means that I have to step up my game! I can't stop now! This exam just started! With or without a partner, I need to keep fighting!"

Gray smiled.

"Great answer."

I reacted with surprise as he got up and walked to the door. 

"I need to keep fighting too!"

I continued to look at him as he turned to look at me with a smile.

"And I'm not giving up either!"

I smiled back. After I smiled, he closed the door.


"GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!", Master yelled. "Welcome to the second day of the S-Class Exam! For the second test, you will fight each other!"

Everyone, including me, reacted with surprise.

"What?!", I said with suprise.

"Really?!", Natsu said with excitement.

"Yes," Master replied.

"YES! I'm getting all fired up!"

Suddenly, I started to feel nervous, but I stayed confident. Gray looked at me, from inside the crowd, smiled, and then he looked at Master.

"For this test, 2 teams will be eliminated. So, I suggest that all of you should step up your game! The last test is near! I will give you 2 hours to get ready! SEE YOU LATER!"

A New Fairy Tail Member (ANFTM Series) - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now