Fixed For Dinner {Edited}

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As Lenai left the room, I found myself crying. I thought of Mother finding me, but then if she found me she'd definitely lock me away again. Then again, I suppose it would be better than being here in UnderWorld with Hades.

I took a look out the window behind the bed and all I could see was the reddish-black moon in the reddish-black sky.

I was busy staring at the view of the UnderWorld when the door had burst open.

"Like the view my dear? Or should I call you my queen?" He asked. 

I quickly moved to the furthest corner of the room.

"I won't do anything to you Persephone. All I want to do is to teach you how to love me," he stated, walking towards me.

"Stop, please stop... " I begged. With that, he quickly stopped in his tracks.

"Why? Are you scared?" He asked me, studying my face for any signs of fear. 

"Very much. If you were caught and abducted by a man to make you his queen when you do not love him...Who wouldn't, Hades?"  I asked. 

His eyes turned violet again. What's the meaning of his eyes turning violet?

"Persephone, I'm talking to you seriously and with respect, so I suggest you do the same with me."

I heard his footsteps getting further away and then the door shut. Slowly, I opened my eyes. 

I quickly notice the piece of paper on the bed. I picked it up. Written on it was the words 'I'm Sorry My Love'.

I lay it back down on the bed but started to feel hungry. I became nervous when the door opened again. It was Lenai this time.

"Mistress Persephone, I am going to take you for a bath. Come with me," she said, and I followed her.

She brought me outside the room to the bathing place. I was bathed using pure milk with red roses. It was a nice bath. Somehow I managed to relax, even after being abducted by Hades and brought to the underworld. After the bath, we quickly went into my room to dress me. She put me in a red dress that fell perfectly on me, the top was fitted while the skirt was loose. She then fixed my hair, putting it up into a neat updo. 

"Come Mistress Persephone," she said, motioning me to follow. 

"Where are we going? " I asked her. She smiled.

"You're going to dinner with Hades. He wants to eat with you," she explained. 

I lied down on the bed.

"I don't want to. What if the foods were grown here? I cannot eat food that was grown from such a horrid place" I told her.

"No, Mistress Persephone. He gets the food from the mortal world and he didn't even enchant it because he knew you'd be angry.... " she informed me. 

I sighed in defeat.

"Fine," I answered.

Hi guys.... New York life would appear maybe after another bunch of 3-5 chapters.... Love Yah

Btw, you might be confused but the time on the UnderWorld in my story is much faster than in the mortal world.

Ps: Don't forget to click the vote button.

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