Will you?

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The sunlight streams in from the grey looking curtains. My eyelashes flutter, finally touching my eyelid. As I adjust to the lighting, I see a beautiful man, yes beautiful, sleeping close to me. I gaze upon his body, and then his face, memorizing details. Soon enough I can't help myself, and my hand lands on his shoulder, and than his chest. I nudge my body closer to his, breathing in the scent of his body wash, and for once in my life I feel at home. Mark brings out the best in me, and as I for him.
"Y/N?" I hear Mark's morning voice, a gruff, sexy sound. My eyes open, and I can't contain myself, I begin to giggle, and lay my head on his chest.
"What's so funny..?" He moans, still half asleep, putting his bare hand on my back.
"You're..." I stare into his eyes, and begin to feel lost. His brown eyes, as some would say. I don't see brown, I see dark on the outside, and the colour beginning to get more light as you move closer to the centre.
"You okay?" He asks, putting his hand on my cheek. His fingers stroking my soft, (COLOUR) skin. His thumb moves towards my lips, which I kiss, and blush.
"Damnit, why are you so adorable?!" He chuckles, pulling my body up to his.
"Because I'm..." I put my hands onto his cheeks, and move towards his lips. I can feel myself losing thoughts, and all I care about right now is this moment.
"Babe?" He questions me.
"I'm in love.." I whisper, smiling as big as I can, and he laughs, his cute, loveable laugh.
"So am I baby." His lips touch mine. 'Chemistry' is what the teenagers would call what we have. Except I think it's more than that now. I believe this is love, true love.
"I want to stay with you forever Mark." I begin, grinning. "If... Of course, if you want that too.." I awkwardly mention.
"You know what..." He sighs, standing up, and putting his hand out, which I grab. "Follow me." He winks, rushing to the door and putting on his YouTube robe.
We quickly go downstairs, to where his family was, a month earlier. The living room is clean, the wooden floors freshly mopped, the furniture pillows fresh from the dry cleaners.
"There's something I want to ask you, Y/N." He smiles, leading me to his recording room.
"Okay..." Cautiously, I say.
He asks me to sit in his desk chair, while he gets something, and when he gets back, he starts recording us sitting at his computer.
"So...." I look into his eyes. "What are we doing exactly?" I giggle, which he laughs nervously.
"We're doing a quick 'REACTION VIDEO' I promised to the fans." He reassures me. His body language makes me suspicious, but I agree to do as I'm told.
He presses play, and the video starts with fans saying they love us, one at a time. Dozens of five seconds video, smushed into one.
I look around, and Mark's gone, leaving me to watch the Reaction video.
"Babe?" I call out, but I don't get an answer. Sighing, I go back to watching the video that he's not even interested in.
"Sorry guys, I don't know where he went." I apologize to the camera, knowing Mark will post this sooner or later. "I know a lot of you guys love me, and I appreciate it so much." I smile. "But I also am aware that a bunch of you guys dislike me, and I can understand why. Your celebrity crush, Mark, dating a normal, non special 22 year old female. But I don't have to be famous to date Mark, because he's just a normal guy at heart. He's like you and me, just with 14 million supporters." I reach for the mouse to press play, getting back to the video.
All of a sudden, Mark's face pops up on the screen.
"Y/N, hey." He clears his throat, looking deep into the camera. "If you're watching this, then it's December 2016. We've been together for a couple months, let me tell you, they've been some of the best months of my life," he looks down, smiling cutely. "You're the best woman that's walked into my life, and I'm so glad I found you, crying, in all seriousness, at Vidcon. If my panel hadn't of failed drastically, I wouldn't have met you, the girl of my dreams." He flashes the camera a huge smile.
In the background of the video I hear my voice, my obnoxious, weird sounding voice.
"Mark!!!" I scream, from the kitchen, making Mark smile and look towards the door.
"Just a second." He winks, speed walking out the room.
I wait, listening to the background noise. I remember why I was screaming, it was because a spider had crawled on my lap, and no, not a dinky tiny spider, but a huge, hairy spider. I'm not a chicken when it comes to insects, but definitely this spider I was.
Mark appears back on the camera, chuckling to himself.
"You're amazing Y/N, whether you want to believe it or not. And I'm one lucky bastard." I laugh at his remark, smiling to myself. He's not the lucky one, I am. I found an angel in a world of demons.
"So, with my whole heart, my whole soul, and my whole life, I ask you this question, and be serious, because I am. Y/N?" He asks, leaning close to the camera. "I love you," he grins. I put my finger on the screen and whisper. "I love you too Markimoo."
"Please turn around babe." The video stops, and I do as he told me. I stand up, and begin to turn around, not knowing what was coming.
I should've known, but honestly I'm glad I was surprised. I never thought this would happen to me.
As my gaze comes into focus, I see Mark.
My Mark Fischbach, down on one knee, smiling like the goofball he is, and he was holding...
A tiny little box, with a beautiful diamond ring inside.
"Y/N, will you please marry me?" Tears begin to form in the corner of my eyes, and I gasp, covering my mouth with my two hands, and nod frantically, trying to remain calm.
"Of course I will!!!" I squeal, extending my hand, watching my fiancé, as he slips the ring onto my finger. He stands, bringing me closer to his chest, and kissing me passionately.
"Here's to us, Mrs. Fischbach." He winks, making me giggle. His fingers wipe away the stained tears on my cheeks, and embraces me.
"I love you," we both whisper at the same time. We break out in laughter, and snuggle on the couch, reminiscing, and planning our future wedding.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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