Chapter 1

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Jolie Rotunda-Good


Jon and I decided to hit the gym before tonight's show. He has to defend his gold against Dolph Ziggler and I have a match against one of my closest friends, Nattie. It's a big opportunity for me, because it's a #1 Contender's Match! I could end AJ's reign and come out as the Diva's Champ and hold it longer than she has. "Are you ready for your match tonight, champ?" Eva Marie walked by and winked at him. I scoffed and he placed his hand on my lower back, guiding me quickly to the weights. "That bitch has some nerve. After that stunt she pulled with Nikki and John, she wants to talk to you? Hell no!" He pulled me back as I walked back to her and placed a long, rough kiss on my lips. I placed my hands in his hair as he did the same. We were interrupted by Nattie and TJ cooing over us. "Sorry to interrupt, but we have work to get done. You're blocking the way!" TJ playfully said and bumped into me. "We have work to get done also." I looked up at Jon and smacked his butt. "Well, back at the hotel." Jon added and I smacked his chest and placed my hand on my forehead while laughing. Nattie and TJ joined me and I looked up to see Brie and Bryan walk in, smiling.

"Hey, love birds!" Brie walked over and hugged Jon and I, followed by Bryan. They did the same to Nat and TJ. "What are you guys up to?" Brie looked at us and smirked. "We're just gonna lift and do some cardio. We might stop by Starbucks. Do you know where the yoga class is?" She nodded and lead me to it. "Classes don't start until 12:00, so you have enough time to do your business." I nodded and thanked her, heading back to the weight room. "So, that Eva girl tried to hit on Jon as we walked by! I got so mad!" She groaned and patted my shoulder. "She's a mess. Don't let it get to you." I sighed and walked over to Jon, who was doing push ups. I surprised him by laying on his back. He laughed and laid down. "How many did you do?" I rolled off of him and stood up. "I was at 50." "That was quick, baby!" He sat up and I sat back down, straddling him. "What's up with you and sitting on me today?"

He chuckled and kissed me passionately. I pulled away and got off of his lap, getting into push-up position. "Come on! Lets have a push-up competition!" He smirked and rolled over beside me. "You're on, baby. First to 60?" I nodded and I did them on my fist and he did diamond push-ups. I started to feel the burn at 40. "Come on, baby. You're at 55!" Jon encouraged me and we stopped at the same time. He sighed and I pushed myself into the downward dog position. He looked up and chuckled. "Stop looking at my ass. Can you straighten out my back?" He jumped up and stood behind me excitedly. I laughed and shook my head, feeling his hand rub down my back. "Push your pelvis into mine." I chuckled and pushed back into him. "How's that?" "Fucking perfect." I slowly laid back down and exhaled, turning over to sit on my butt. My eyes went wide as I looked at the budge in his pants. "Baby, you're horny!" I laughed and he looked down slowly, covering it up quickly. I stood up and led him to a bathroom, helping him with his big problem.


After I fixed his "problem," we headed to the treadmills and started running. Well, I sprinted and looked hot while doing it. "Stop staring at my boobs, Jon." I smirked at him and he shook his head as he sped up, trying to outdo me. I came to a sudden stop as Brie approached me, signaling that it's time for yoga. I picked up my mat and water bottle. "Babe, are you coming?" He stopped the treadmill and quickly walked to me. "Seeing you in tight yoga pants and a Shield tank top? Count me out." I gasped playfully and walked away before he pulled me back, giving me a kiss. "Colby and Joe just got here. I'm gonna go workout with them, okay?" I nodded and gave him another kiss before joining some of the divas for yoga.


Jon Good


"What's up, Jonny Boy?" Joe greeted me and I smirked, thinking about my wife. "The wife just went to do some yoga with some of the girls. What took you guys so long?" "Colby overslept! He was up all night talking to Leighla." I chuckled and sat on a bench to start lifting. "Can you spot me, Joe?" He nodded and came over to help me. "So, how is Jolie? I haven't seen or heard from since last week." I smiled as I lifted weights. "She's great, man. I'm still loving the married life. I've never been this happy before." "That's great, Jon. She's a great girl. I've known her since we were five. I love her. You definitely make her happy." I smiled at what he said and Colby agreed. "It's even affected your in-ring skills, in a great way. You seem so relaxed now." I've been hearing that a lot now. "She just does something to me. Just knowing that she's watching from backstage makes me work harder. I want to impress my woman." I let Joe know that I'm done and he took it from me. I sat up and wiped my forehead with my towel. "You think Jo is gonna win the Diva's Title?" Colby stopped doing his curl ups. "Yeah, man. She's been working harder than any other woman on that roster since her debut. It's a shame that girls like Eva get title matches or nominations for Diva of the Year and they can't even take a proper bump." Joe sighed and sat on the chair across from Colby. "You're right, man.

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