Chapter 17

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Jolie Rotunda-Good


After a long two weeks, Jon comes home today and my due date is tomorrow! Maddox is curious about my stomach and Jon has been calling non-stop. "Hey, JoJo. I have another surprise for you," Sami yelled out. I put my kindle down and walked downstairs slowly. When I stepped in the kitchen, I was embraced by Colby, Joe, Nattie, TJ, Brie and Nikki, and my ex boyfriend and former training partner, Chris Hero. It was overwhelming, but I was so excited! When everyone backed away, Jon laughed and walked over to me. "Long time, no see." I bit my lip and kissed him passionately. "You're gonna go into premature labor, you idiot." I flipped Sami off and pulled away as he laughed. "Well, my due date is tomorrow, you freak." I playfully rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around Jon's body the best way I could. "I missed you." "I missed you more." He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back. "Okay, what are all of you people doing in my house?" Chris placed his hand on his chest and playfully scoffed. "Well, excuse me. We just wanted to see you and be here for Moxley's arrival tomorrow." I smiled and observed him as he had Maddox on his back. Cute.

"I'm ready to meet the little guy that's been causing you trouble and I want to applaud him for torturing you." The guys laughed and the girls gave them playful death glares. "You guys are jerks! This is a beautiful thing. Being pregnant is a wonderful thing and I can't wait to experience this." "You. Can. Wait." I shook my head and everyone laughed. I felt him kick and and I exhaled sharply. "What's wrong?" Jon led me to a bar stool and rubbed my back. "He's just kicking me. This is normal. So, calm down." He shook his head and stepped back. Brie and Nikki approached me and rubbed my stomach. "We're so excited about his arrival. Gosh, if he's anything like Maddox, I might just take him." Brie looked back at him and made a cute face, which made him laugh. I felt another kick and a pop. I felt liquid run down my leg and I gasped.

"It's time!" I stood up and everyone froze. "Get me to the hospital, guys," I said calmly and walked to the garage. "Not my Audi!" I grabbed Jon by his shirt and growled. "Listen here, you son of a bitch. My water broke, your second son is on his way, and I feel a contraction coming. Hurry the fuck up." I pushed him back and got in the car. He grabbed his keys from the key holder and got in quickly without looking at me. He opened the garage door and drove off quickly with everyone else behind us. I closed my eyes and winced as a contraction hit me like a fucking brick. Jon placed his hand on my stomach and sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm such a selfish prick and I need to change my ways."

"You really need to. It pisses me off." I huffed and shifted uncomfortably. "And, I'm sorry! God, I'm gonna change! I promise!" I looked at him as he parked in front of the hospital. Nurse Grace was already waiting with a wheelchair. She opened the door for me and helped me out as my friends found their parking spots. "Welcome back, Mrs. Good." I smiled and sat down slowly. "Are you in any pain?" "It's not bad. Of course I'm having contractions, but I'll be okay." Everyone approached me and followed close behind. "Are you in any pain, Jo?" I looked up at Chris and shook my head. "I'm fine. How's my first born?" He rubbed Maddox's back and smiled. "He's sleep. I don't understand how, but then again, this kid is weird." I smiled and Jon gave me a funny look. I ignored it and Nurse Grace helped me into bed. "Here's your gown, honey. Just tell me when you're ready." I nodded and quickly put on my gown. "Nurse Grace!"

She came from behind the curtain and hooked me up to the familiar machines. She walked out as Chris walked in and pecked my lips softly. "Chris!" He laughed and sat in the chair next to me. "Jon's gonna kill you if he finds out." "He won't find out about us." I sat up and smirked. "But there is no us. Chris, when we had sex months ago, that was just a one time thing. Look, I loved you a long time ago, but you never realized it. You wait until I get married to do this?" He furrowed his eye brows and sighed. "I love you, Jolie Kendell Rotunda. I do. Seeing you with Jon just drives me crazy. I need you back. I want you. This baby-" He paused and sucked in a sharp breath. "Could be mine. You know it. I know it." I felt tears forming and I sighed. He's right. "I want a DNA test. Look, I know you're married and your husband is crazy. You have to tell him." I shook my head and took deep breaths. I still love Chris. I'll admit that. I wish we were more responsible.

9 Months Ago

I walked into the Performance Center and immediately spotted my ex boyfriend, Chris Hero. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Hey, toot." He turned around and hugged me tightly. "I miss you, Chris! How's NXT going?" He pulled back and shrugged. "It's been good. I would rather be on the main roster, but whatever." He climbed into the ring and I joined him. "How has Motherhood been?" "Hard! Jon's never home." He circled around me and we locked up. I pulled him into a side headlock and he lifted me up, making me kick my feet. He pushed me away and I landed on my butt. "I'm gonna get you, Chris."

I stood up as he jumped out of the ring. "I'm sorry!!" I laughed and sat on one of the turnbuckles. He got back in and leaned against the ropes carefully. I jumped down and walked over to him. "Lock up." He smiled and locked up with me, pulling me into a headlock takeover. I snaked my way out of it and wrapped my legs around his neck. He laughed and did a kip up. "Why do you always have to one-up me?" He pulled me up and shrugged. "I'm better than you, that's why." I laughed and rolled out of the ring. "Are you down for lunch? My parents have Maddox and I can make something for you." He nodded and grabbed his water bottle before wrapping his arm around my shoulder.


Once I got home, he pulled up behind me. "Where's Jon?" "On the road." I opened the door and let my hair down. "Make yourself at home." He nodded and followed me to the kitchen. "Well, what would you like?" "You." I laughed and looked up at him."I thought you were done with me?" He shook his head and smiled. "I'll always love you. Come on, Jolie." He kissed me and placed his hands on my hips. "Chris, no. I'm married." He pulled me closer and I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. This is so wrong, but Chris itches that scratch everytime. He was the first person I've ever had sex with and I did love him. He laid me down and kissed my stomach. I moaned and bit my lip to keep quiet. He kissed me softly and pulled down my workout shorts before taking off his pants. "I still love you, Jolie." I nodded and wiped a tear that crept out of my eye. "I love you too." He pushed himself deeply inside of me and kissed me passionately to keep me quiet.


"Chris, I slept with my husband the day before I slept with you. I'm positive Jon is the dad." He nodded and looked down. "If I'm the father, you know I'll be there for the both of you. Does Jon know about what happened?" I sighed and rubbed my stomach. "Yeah, he knows. He didn't get mad. He said he deserved it." Jon walked in and sat flowers on the end table near the long couch. "Are you okay?" I nodded and he sat in the chair on my left. "Your parents are on their way. Taylor and Windham can't make it today, but they'll be here tomorrow." I nodded and felt a contraction coming. I grabbed their hands and started squeezing carefully, making sure I didn't hurt them. I'm a little anxious now, because there's a possibility that Chris could be the father of Moxley.


Yes, that is the very handsome Chris Hero in the photo to the right. :)

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