Chapter 15

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Jolie Rotunda-Good


I'm about eight months along and Jon is back on the road. It's getting harder to take care of Maddox, but I have Sami's help. "Uncle Sami is here!" He walked in the living room and sat on the floor with Maddox. He squealed and kissed Sami's cheek. "How has he been today?" "He's been active. Both of them have." He laughed and rubbed my stomach. "Have you heard from Jon?" I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, he called last night. He's gonna be on the road for another four days. I'm glad you're here, though." "I'll be here for a while. I know you need me." I sighed and sat back. "He's such a good kid. Jo. I'm glad you decided to stay with Jon. He would have gone back to his old ways. I don't think we would have gotten him back." He looked into my eyes and sighed. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to him. He knows this. He wouldn't have done that." "He was so angry and anxious when I was pregnant with Maddox. I was afraid of him and I thought he was gonna hurt me." He shook his head and played with Maddox. "No, he wouldn't put his hands on you. Unless he was provoked." "He's never hit me, but he pushed me twice. His anger got the best of him those days."

My phone lit up and I answered it, knowing it was Jon. "Hey, baby. I miss you." "I miss you more, Jon. Where are you?" "We just landed in Seattle. Everyone's asking about you." "I miss them so much. I have a surprise for you!" "What did Maddox do?" I laughed and looked at him messing with Sami's hair. "He pointed at a picture of you and said 'Daddy' about four times. He misses you." I heard him sigh sadly and close a door. "Are you okay, honey?" "No. I need to be back home. He's growing up and Moxley is gonna be here soon. I feel like a terrible husband and father." "You're only doing your job! Stop. You're a great husband and an amazing father. I love you. Maddox loves you. Moxley loves you. Just tough these next two days out and we'll be reunited. You've accomplished so much during these last couple of months. You should be proud." He made his return three months ago and he's done a lot in those three months. "I know, baby. It's been stressful, though. I'm flying all over the place for signings and shit. I'm exhausted."

"I'll let you go, then. You need sleep. You sound tired, babe. I'll talk to you tomorrow." "I love you, Jolie. Kiss Maddox for me." "I love you more, Jon. Be careful and get rest." He hung up and I locked my phone before tracing shapes on my stomach. "He's so active during the day. He's always kicking me." "He's telling you to slow down, Jo. You're so busy and trying to be supermom, but you have to take breaks. You're eight and a half months pregnant and you could go into labor any day within these next couple of weeks." I guess he's right. "I'm gonna be here until Jon gets back, okay? You don't have to worry at all. I have everything under control." I nodded and he stood up. "I'm gonna take Maddox out for a little bit. Just stay here and take a nap. That's if Moxley lets you." I laughed and laid on my side before he placed a blanket on me. "I'll be back before 3. Love you, Jolie." "Love you too, Sami. I love you, Maddox." He gave me a wet kiss and walked over to Sami. I started to drift off before Moxley kicked me again. "Come on, baby boy. Let momma sleep."

Jon Good

This last week has been tough. I'm sexually frustrated, I can't fuck my wife, and I'm super snappy towards everyone. I don't mean to be, but shit. I need my family. "You okay in there, man?" I opened the door and let Colby in. "I'm good. I just miss my family." He nodded and patted my shoulder. "It's gonna be alright. You only have a couple of more days. Just call her." "I'm supposed to be sleep. I can't just yet." He laughed and looked down. "I never would have seen myself as a husband and dad right now. A couple of years ago, I used to stay up late and screw dumb broads, now I stay up to read to my son. It's crazy." I smiled and shook my head. "This is the happiest I've been in years. I have a hot ass wife and incredible little boy with another on the way. I'm really excited.

I know you're ready to meet Moxley. Shit, I am." I looked at him and smirked. "She looks so gorgeous right now. She's carrying our son and she's doing better than she did the first time. Maddox is growing more and more everyday. I'm missing a lot. I hate it." "How much time are you taking off after Moxley is born?" "Four months. Jolie insisted that. I can't argue with her, because she will win." He laughed and walked to the doorway. "I'm gonna go call Leighla now. I miss her now, after this talk. Oh, she's gonna stop by to see Jo and Maddox tomorrow. They're gonna be emotional wrecks." I chuckled and he closed the door behind him, leaving me in my thoughts once again. I decided to take my wife's advice and go to sleep. Until my phone went off.

Jolie Rotunda-Good


I called Jon, because I miss him. I miss his sex-filled voice and laugh. "Is everything okay? Is Maddox okay? Is Moxley okay?" I smiled and rubbed my stomach. "Everything is fine, babe. I just miss you." "I miss you more, Jolie. I was just talking about you to Colby." "I miss you." He laughed and sighed sadly. I could tell he was trying to hold back tears. "I miss you guys, too. I hate how demanding my schedule is. It's ridiculous. But, I'll be home in two days. I'll be home for Moxley's birth, also. Don't worry. I'll be there two days before your due date." I smiled and ran my free hand through my hair. "I love you, Jon." "I love you too, babe. Has Mox been super active lately?" "Hell yes! He needs his dad to calm him down. He won't calm down for me, the one who's carrying him." I scoffed and he laughed. I miss his laugh. I felt tears forming and I sniffled kind of hard. "Don't cry, baby. I know it's hard, but we have to get through this. Sometimes, I just want sit on the bus and look through Maddox's photo album. I really want to be home."

His voice cracked and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "I've been away from home for too long." He started crying and I let my tears run like a waterfall. I mean, he's been on the road for the five weeks straight. He can barely get a break. "Jon, don't do this. You're making it harder for me. I need you to stay strong." He never cries, so this must be hard on him. "Two more days, sweetheart. They're gonna fly by, babe. I love you." "I love you too, Jolie. I'm sorry about this." He cleared his throat and laughed. "Jon, it's okay to cry. I won't tell Joe or Colby." He laughed again and sighed. "I have to go. Tell Maddox that daddy loves him and I can't wait to see him on Wednesday." I nodded and smiled. "You got it, babe. I love you and I can't wait to see you, as well. Please, don't hurt anyone." I felt him smile and he chuckled. "No promises, baby. I love you too. Bye." We hung up and I was finally able to get some sleep.

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