Chapter 16

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Jolie Rotunda-Good


My husband comes home today! I swear, I'm the happiest girl in the world! "Maddox, are you ready to see daddy?" His eyes lit up and he ran to the door, running straight past Sami. "I guess you told him. Yeah, he's in the car." Yep, my boy is running now. Sami stepped in and I stood on the porch, watching Maddox and Jon lay in the grass while hugging each other. It was truly the cutest thing I've ever seen. He picked Maddox up and walked over to me. "Welcome home, baby." I kissed him and walked in behind him. "I missed you guys. I really did." Maddox latched himself onto his dad and rested his head on his shoulder. "He's not gonna let you go, baby." I rubbed Maddox's back and heard his soft sobs. "He missed you, Jon. He's crying." He kissed me again before he sat down on the couch and Maddox still didn't let go. Sami laughed and kicked his feet up on the table. I shook my head and sat beside Jon. "How was Europe?" "It was cool, but I didn't do too much. I had a crap load of appearances and autograph signings to do."

He rubbed Maddox's back and closed his eyes. "Maddox, buddy. Are you okay?" He nodded and Jon opened his eyes. "I love you, babe." "Love you." Maddox smiled and pinched Jon's cheeks. I smiled and rubbed where Moxley was kicking. "I think he's ready to get out of there." "There's a countdown on for his delivery." I smiled and tucked some of my hair behind my ear. "Are you serious!? I didn't know that! Aww!" He kissed my cheek and lips. "Maddox, you have to eat, babe. Come on." I stood up and I put him on my side. "God, babe. How are you doing that?" "He may be a tall one year old, but he isn't really that heavy." Jon followed me into the kitchen and helped with Maddox's food. I sat Mad in his high chair and sat at the dining table. "I'm so glad you're home. Even though you have to leave Saturday." He sat Maddox's bowl in front of him and sat next to me. "Don't worry about that, baby. Let's just enjoy these next couple of days together." He squeezed my hand and kissed me softly. "I missed those lips." He bit my bottom lip and kissed me again. "I missed you so much. I don't think I've ever missed you that much." I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "I'm so happy to be back with my family." "Daddy. Finished." Maddox smiled and my heart melted when his dimples appeared.

"He looks just like you, baby. It's scary." Jon looked at Maddox and smiled as he wiped his face. "He's my twin. Minus those eyes. He's still handsome, though." He smirked and kissed Maddox. "My favorite guys. I just wish Moxley was here." "He'll be here soon, baby. I'll be here, too." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. "He's getting sleepy. I'm gonna go lay him down." I nodded and rested my head on my arms. "You okay, Jo?" I looked up and saw Sami leaning against the counter. "I'm fine. I'm just tired." "Mox is keeping you up?" I nodded and sighed. "But, when Jon's here, I sleep like a baby. I don't get it." Jon walked back in and sat next to me. "I miss Nattie and TJ. They were so helpful with Maddox. Well, at least we have Nikki and John to help."

I smiled and kissed his cheek after her sat back down. "You like our new house?" "I love it! It's great." Sami grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat at the island. "I love the new place. It's huge, but it's fucking amazing." "Thank you, thank you. Nikki really helped me out, though. With color coordination, furniture, and your gift from me." He furrowed his eye brows and I stood up. "Come on! It's in the garage!" He followed me out and almost passed out when he saw his newest car. "Yes, baby. A white 2014 Audi RS7. You're welcome." He kissed me roughly and laughed. "You are the greatest wife in the world." "Don't forget it." I smiled and kissed him again before handing him his key. "I'm gonna take it for a ride around the block. Oh my god." I laughed and walked back inside.


After a couple of laps around the block, they came back inside and talked about it. "I had no idea, Jo. Damn, I need a wife like you." Jon wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "Yeah, you do. Every man needs a wife who will buy them a luxury car for no reason." I shook my head and laughed. I heard Maddox whining, so I guess he's up. "Momma!" He sounded so sleepy and grumpy. "What's wrong, baby?" He walked into the upstairs TV room and rubbed his eyes. "I'm sleepy." I shook my head and Jon opened his arms. Maddox rested his head on Jon's shoulder and fell asleep. "Your kid is weird." I tossed a pillow at Sami and he gasped. "I almost spilled my beer, asshole." "Be careful next time, fuck face." We were so quiet while arguing and Jon looked at us like we were crazy. "You never disturb Maddox while he's sleeping. Oh my gosh." Sami shook his head and had wide eyes. "Dude, he will throw a temper tantrum." "Oh, hell no. Not my son!" "SHH!" Sami and I flinched, fearing that Maddox was gonna scream. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Jon's neck. "It's getting late, guys. I'm gonna go. See you later." We waved as he walked out the room.

"Sami's changed a lot ever since Maddox was born. I'm not complaining, though. You've changed ever since we got married." I kissed him and stood up. "I'm horny, Jo." Those three words flipped a switch in me and I pointed towards the bedroom. He nodded eagerly and laid Maddox back in his bed. He walked in our bedroom and closed the door quietly. "Does he get up in the middle of the night to sleep with you?" I nodded and rolled my eyes playfully. "Whenever you're on the road, he does." He sat on our bed and laid back. "This bed beats any hotel bed I've slept in." I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair. "Our son's room is awesome." "I knew you would love it." He kissed me and kept his forehead on mine. "I love you." "I love you more, baby." He unbuttoned his pants and I put my mouth around him. He relaxed and sighed. "It feels good to be home."

Jon Good


I did miss my wife. Whew, she definitely welcomed me home last night. "Good morning, Jon." She kissed my neck and got out of bed. She looked so gorgeous in the sunlight. "What?" I shook my head and looked at her. "You look incredible. You look so happy." She tucked some of her hair behind her ear and smiled. "Thank you, baby. Oh, did you see the pictures from the maternity photo shoot?" I shook my head and sat up as she walked over to me with a photo album. I looked at the first photo and smiled at her. "I love this. Our boys have a great mother." She kissed my cheek and sat down. I flipped through the rest of them and fell in love with her all over again. "Jolie, you look so beautiful in all of these shots. God, I'm lucky." She ran a hand through my hair and kissed my forehead. "Thank you. Maddox loved the attention he got that day." "That's my boy." She got out of bed and walked out, so I followed her. "Maddox?" He sat up and reached out for her. "My boy is spoiled. Oh, man." "He is not! I just love holding him." She walked out and went downstairs. "I'm gonna stop by Nattie's house so she can see him and then I'm off to my appointment!" I nodded and sat on the counter. "I'm definitely going with you. I missed the last couple of check ups." She walked over to me and rested her head on my chest while Maddox roamed around the kitchen. My crazy family.

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