Chapter 18

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Jon Good


My second son is finally here and, man, he's incredible. He looks exactly like me. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, pouty lips. Maddox is kind of curious about him, but he won't leave his mom's side. It's pretty damn cute, to be honest. Jolie's been out like a light for a couple of hours. I mean, she was in labor for 15 hours and Moxley wasn't going anywhere. "Jon?" Her faint voice called out before she cleared her throat. "Hey, babe. Are you okay?" She nodded and exhaled sharply as she sat back. "I'm exhausted. I hope I can keep up with two babies now." I stood up and walked over to her. "You have me here, baby. Don't worry about anything. I know I haven't been the greatest husband and father, but I have a second chance here. I'm already in love with Mox." She looked at him and rubbed Maddox's back as he slept. "He's so beautiful. Both of our boys look just like you. We have such a cute little family." Jo cooed and kissed the top of Maddox's head.

"Knock Knock." Danielle, or Summer Rae, walked in slowly and crossed her arms across her chest. "I know you don't want to see me right now, but I came to apologize. I'm sorry for sleeping with your husband and faking my pregnancy. I just want what you have. The perfect house, gorgeous kids, and a loving husband." Jo observed Danielle's face and sighed before nodding her head. "But, why my husband? You could have any guy you want. You're perfect." I looked at Jo and furrowed my eye brows. "Jo, I'm not perfect! You're absolutely gorgeous. I was jealous of you! God, I wish I had your life."

The tension was high and I cleared my throat to break up the stare down they were having. "It's okay." She shrugged and huffed. Maddox started to squirm and his eyes fluttered open. "Mommy?" He rested his head on her chest and huffed. "What's wrong, baby?" She rubbed his back and he looked up at her with a smile on his face. He kissed her and laughed as she tickled his sides. I smiled and looked up at Danielle as she admired my wife and son. "I don't mind if you two step out and talk. It's okay." Jo smiled at me and I felt my stomach flip, as cheesy as that sounds. Danielle stepped out and Jo took Moxley from arms.

I walked away and looked back at my wife holding our sons before walking out. I have two sons and a hot ass wife. Fuck, I'm lucky. I stepped out and exhaled sharply before making eye contact with Danielle. "What's up?" "Jon, I do love you, but I can't keep doing this. You keep lying to her about us. We never ended our relationship. You have to tell her or I will and it won't be pretty." I shook my head and groaned. What the fuck is she talking about? "We ended this as soon as you told me the fucking truth! DON'T TRY TO FUCK WITH MY MIND!" People around looked at us after she slapped me and I huffed before walking out of the hospital.

Jolie Rotunda-Good


"JoJo, I hope you're decent." Taylor walked in with Windham and I felt a smile creep across my face. "My brothers! I missed you guys! Come over here to meet your new nephew." I sat up and carefully placed Moxley in Taylor's arms. "We heard Jon out there, but he stormed out before we could talk to him. What's going on?" "One of his whores stopped by to 'apologize' to me. I didn't believe it at all." I watched Taylor walk around the room with Mox and I felt my heart warm up. "Who was it?" "That dancing tramp, Danielle." "Are you serious, Jolie? I thought you two were friends." "I did too, Taylor." Windham walked around with Maddox and laughed when he would tug on his beard. I felt my eye lids getting heavy, so I fell asleep. 


After a much needed nap, I woke up and immediately made eye contact with a visibly upset Jon. "What's wrong, baby?" "It's that bitch, Danielle! She keeps lying, baby. I'm done with that skank." I nodded and patted beside me, signaling for him to join me. He got in and rested his head on my chest. "Don't worry, Jon. I believe you. You don't have to explain yourself." I kissed the top of his head and sighed. "Are you ready to go home?" "Heck yes. I'm ready to get him out of here." I looked over at a sleeping Moxley and smiled. "He's so perfect. God, I could just hold him all day." "Jolie, thank you." I furrowed my eye brows and continued to play in his hair. "Thank you for not giving up on us and for giving me two beautiful boys. They are incredible." "Jon. It's only because of you. You're a great father and a great husband." He looked up at me and smiled before kissing me. "I love you so fucking much. No other woman will ever replace you." He stared into my eyes and I felt my heart flutter. "I mean that. You're fucking perfect and I don't want any other woman. Do you hear me?" I nodded and kissed him roughly. The way he spoke really turned me on. I don't know how, but it did.


We can finally take him home! "Jon, you did put everything in the car, right?" He nodded and bent down to my level to kiss me. "Are we ready?" Nurse Grace touched my shoulder and I smiled up at her. "Yes! Hand him over, Casanova." I winked at Jon and he carefully placed Moxley in my arms. We made our way to the car and it was a repeat of what happened last year. I feel so good right now. Once Jon got in, he looked back and smiled. "Is he in securely?" I nodded and gave him a thumbs up. "You look so beautiful, Jolie." "Thanks, baby." He pulled out of the hospital parking lot and started driving down the street, going almost 25 in a 40. I was comfortable with this since we were almost home, anyways. Moxley started shifting around and his eyes fluttered open. My heart started to melt once he looked up at me with those blue eyes. "Is he up?" "Yeah, he's just staring at me now." "Yeah, because he has one hot ass mom." He looked back and smirked as I blushed.


Jon parked in the driveway and carefully unbuckled Mox's carseat from the car. "Welcome home, Moxley!" Jon sat his carseat on the table and took him out. He looked so small in his arms. I heard little feet walking into the kitchen and I looked back to see Maddox running towards me. "Mommy!" He reached up for me and I picked him up, kissing him repeatedly. "You guys just saw each other. It hasn't even been an hour yet." I glared at Colby and he hugged me. "How is my other nephew?" Jon walked over to us and showed off our new bundle of joy. "I'm a proud father, man. I didn't think this day would come." He kissed me and walked out of the kitchen. "You two seem to be on the same page." "Yeah, I think we're gonna be okay." He nodded and walked up the stairs with me to Moxley's room. Jon was smiling at Moxley and I almost cried at how cute they looked. "He's such a great dad." I nodded and looked up at Colby.

"One day, you'll be a great dad. You're already a great uncle to Maddox." Jon looked back at us and smiled. "Hey, Maddox. Come here." I let him down and he walked over to Jon, sitting next to him on the little couch. Maddox observed his little brother and smiled when Moxley grabbed his finger. Colby rubbed my back as I tried to hold it together. "I just can't do this." Colby laughed and I playfully smacked his arm. Jon stood up and placed Moxley in his crib before picking up Maddox and walking to our bedroom. "I'm gonna go, guys. I'll let you have your alone time." He kissed my forehead and patted Jon's back before leaving. I laid down first and Maddox crawled next to me, waiting on Jon to join us. "I'm tired as heck. Come on, Maddox. Let's go to sleep." He cuddled up close to me and fell asleep right away. Jon reached over to kiss me before falling into a deep sleep.


Moxley is here! Wow, Jon has two boys now. I hope you guys like this update! I love you!! :)

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