Chapter 4

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Jon Good


Jo is eight months pregnant and a lot has happened in these last couple of months. I've been pretty snappy towards Jolie, but she hasn't done anything to me. I don't want her to be afraid of me. I love her so much. She's my world. "Jon, are you okay?" She smiled and ran her fingers through my hair slowly. "I'm fine, baby. I'm just tired." She rubbed her stomach and sighed. "What's wrong? Am I hurting you?" She shook her head and sat up. "It's just, he's really active today. It's hurting and I don't know how to handle it. He's pretty much dropkicking me." I laughed and kissed her stomach. "Maddox, stop hurting your mommy. Thanks, buddy." "Unbelievable. He stopped moving. Jon, what the hell-what the hell are you doing?" I smirked and kissed her stomach and she relaxed. "I'm gonna miss you while you're gone." "Just know that I'm a phone call away. I'll be back in two weeks. I'm trying to get here before he arrives. They're giving me a couple of months off, as well. I know we're good financially, but I just want to make sure he's good for the next 18 years." I smiled and she giggled.

"Baby, you're gonna be an amazing father. I can't wait to have him. It's a relief knowing that you're gonna be here for me and our boy. I didn't want to go through the first month or so without you." I sat up and kissed her slowly. "I love you so much, Jolie. You don't have to worry about anything. I'll be there for you two. I'll try my best to be a great dad. I'm not gonna walk out on you two. I'll never do that. I love you too much to do that. You know I'm a man of my word." I wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her forehead. "Why am I crying?" She laughed and rested her hands on both sides of my face. I've never loved another human being the way I love her. "You're making that face again." "I don't understand." "Your eyes get squinty and you make pouty lips. It's cute, though." I smiled and pushed her hair back. "You should wear your hair up. I want to see that gorgeous face." She blushed and put her hair up in a cute bun. "You make me feel so good about myself, even when I feel or look like crap." "Well, baby, you are absolutely gorgeous. You should know that. These stretch marks make you look even sexier. I mean, you're carrying our child. That's pretty sexy." She blushed even harder than last time.

My phone started ringing and I grabbed it quickly before she could see it. That looked kind of suspicious. "Go ahead, I don't care." She shrugged and I felt terrible. "It's important, baby, Don't be mad." She shrugged again and I sighed as I stepped outside. "What, Eva!?" "Baby, that's not a very nice tone of voice." "I'm not your baby. What happened a couple of months ago was nothing. Leave me alone." "Aww, but we still have to be around each other for this story line. You can't get rid of me so soon." I growled and kicked a rock across the yard. "I can't fucking stand you. I need to be with my wife. Don't call me again." I hung up and placed my phone in my pocket before placing my hands on my face. "Why did I have to fuck her?" "You did what with who!?" I looked up and saw Nattie standing in front of me. "When did you get here?" "I was on my porch. I heard you yelling. I wanted to check on you. Now, what happened?" I patted on the steps and she sat down next to me. "You know how I'm doing that stupid story line with Eva, right? Well, a couple of months ago, I slept with her. It was a one time thing." She slapped me and  stood up. "I was expecting that. I don't know how to tell Jolie." "But, how could you!? That's my best friend! She's gonna be heartbroken." I sighed and rubbed my face again. "Who's gonna be heartbroken?" Jo's innocent voice spoke up and my heart started pounding so hard.


Jolie Rotunda-Good

Once Jon stepped out, I picked up my phone and called Nikki. "Babe?" "I was just about to call you. Jo, we need to talk." She sighed angrily and grunted. "It's about this story line with Eva and Jon." "I'm all ears, babe." "They want them to get married on-screen." "What? So-so, he-he has-what?" "Come to my house, baby. We have to talk about something a little more serious." I stood up and slipped on my comfy slippers. "I'm on my way." "See you soon, doll. Love you." "Love you too, Nicole." I hung up and sighed before grabbing my keys. I heard Nattie outside yelling, so I quickened my pace and opened the door quietly. "Who's gonna be heartbroken?" They looked at me and Jon looked away. Nattie wiped a tear from her eye and rested her hand on her hip. "Well, Jon. Now is the right time."

I furrowed my eye brows and closed the door behind me. "You can tell me anything, sweetheart." He stood up and walked to me, holding my free hand. Did someone die? "Jo, I haven't been completely honest with you. A couple of months ago, I-" "Slept with Eva Marie. I know." He shook his head and stepped back. I shrugged, laughed, and walked past him to get to my car. "I already knew. I found out months ago." "Who told you?" "Don't worry about it. You wanna keep shit from me, I'll keep it from you." Nattie ran over to me as I got near the car. "I'm driving. You can't drive like this." I handed her the keys and got in the passenger seat, rubbing my belly. "Maddox is clearly upset about this, also." Nattie placed her hand on my stomach and Maddox started to calm. "He never calms down for me!" I smiled and put my seat belt on as she pulled off. "John's house?" I nodded and closed my eyes.


Jon Good

I really fucked up. She was pissed. She even laughed that sadistic Bray Wyatt laugh. I'm actually scared for my life. I walked back in and thought about calling Joe, but I knew he would murder me for upsetting her. So, I called Sami. I could talk to him about this. "Yo?" "Sami, man. She knows." "Did you tell her or what?" "No, dude. Someone else told her!! It had to be one of the girls. It couldn't have been Joe or Colby." Maybe Joe, because he's always had feelings for her. Colby doesn't have the heart to make her cry, because they're best friends. So, he wouldn't tell her. "Is she there?" "She stormed out, actually. She cracked, man. You know how she gets. Like the time when I had to get stitches on the back of my head, because she busted it open." "Dude, you're fucked." I rolled my eyes and laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, thanks for your help, man." "Well, you slept with that broad. You know I love Jo. She doesn't deserve this." "I know. It's just-" "You were on the road and needed to have sex. Shit, Jon. I get it, but you didn't have to break her heart! Look, man, I have to go. I'll talk to you later." "Bye, Sami." He hung up and I placed my phone on the table. I can't lose her. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me.


Jolie Rotunda-Good

"I already knew, but I just can't believe he kept it from me for so long. We don't keep secrets in this relationship." "Maybe he didn't want to upset you. Maddox is already affecting your health." I sighed and Nikki started to rub my back. "Look, you can't stay away from him for too long. He'll go crazy. You're his backbone. He NEEDS you." She was right. That house is probably trashed right now. "It's been a couple of hours. I hope he's okay." "You ready to go, Jolie?" I looked at Nattie and nodded. I hugged Nikki and we left. "You really scared the both of us. That laugh was just creepy." "Yeah, Jon calls it the 'Bray Wyatt' laugh." I smirked and looked down at my phone. Is it really 10:30? I thought it was 9. "I thought it was 9. Jeez." Did she read my mind? "We're best friends. I did read your mind." We laughed and she pulled into the driveway. "Thank you so much, Nat. I'll call you if I need you to put Jon in a sharpshooter." I winked at her and we laughed while getting out. "I love you so much, Jolie." I hugged her back and sighed. "I love you more, Nattie." She walked next door and I exhaled sharply before walking in the house.

I stepped into the living room and saw him sleeping on the couch. I rubbed his hair and kissed his head before putting a blanket on him. I went to our bedroom and laid in bed, looking through our wedding photo album. I smiled at the picture of us looking at each other with lust in our eyes. It was definitely taken while we we're off guard. I flipped to the next page and started to tear up. It was from our first dance. We looked so happy and in love. "I love that picture." I looked up and Jon smiled at me. I smiled back and he walked over to the bed. "I'm sorry, Jo. I should have told you." "You should have, but I love you. I forgive you." I kissed him and closed the book. "Our fairy tale book. You're my Ariel." I gasped and placed my hand over my chest. "And you're my Prince Eric." I laughed quietly before he kissed me again. "Come on, Jon. Let's go to bed." He took off his shirt and I changed into shorts and a 'Hounds of Justice' tank top. Once I laid back down, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the back of my neck. "I love you, Jolie." "I love you too, Jon."

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