Chapter 7

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Jon Good


We can finally bring little Maddox home and I'm so excited, honestly. Jolie has been really happy and tired these last couple of days and I completely understand. I mean, she pushed a baby out of her. That's pretty incredible. "Jon, can you get Maddox's bag, please?" I picked it up and walked over to her wheelchair. "Are we ready to go?" Jolie nodded and we went downstairs to my car. I already had the car seat in the car and I can't wait to see him in it. Jo looked up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes and smiled. I carefully took Maddox from her arms and the nurse helped her up. I walked around to the driver's side to put him in as Jolie got in the back seat. I buckled him in carefully and closed the door quietly. Jo sat back slowly and started staring at Maddox. "He's so beautiful, Jon." She looked up and my heart started pounding. It's been six years, but she still drives me crazy. "Let's go home!" She said eagerly and put her seatbelt on carefully. "Ready to go home, Maddox?" She whispered to him and laughed quietly. "Baby, he yawned. I'm already boring to him." "I know, Maddox. I've been dealing with that for six years."

She scoffed and laughed with me. "Baby, you know I love you." "I love you more, Jon." I smiled and drove off slowly, going only 20 miles per hour. "Baby, by the time we get home, he's gonna be talking." I looked at her through the rear view mirror and rolled my eyes. "Jonathan, drive faster! People behind us are freaking out!" I laughed and shook my head. "Well, they're gonna have to be mad. My son is in here with us and I want to make sure my family gets home safely." She cooed at me and yawned. "Are you still sleepy?" "Yeah, actually. I'll take a nap once we get home. I hope he's sleep by then." I stopped at the light and looked back at them. "You look so beautiful, babe." She smiled and winked slowly. "Thank you, sweetheart. I can't believe we can't have sex for a month." She groaned and reached her hand in Maddox's carseat. "I know. I'm sure it'll go by fast." I groaned also and pulled into our neighborhood. "I'm so ready for him to grow up. I know he's gonna be a good kid."

She agreed and gasped at the sight of the balloons and signs in our yard. "Who did that!? That's so sweet!" She laughed and sniffled. "Baby, why are you crying?" I pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. "I have the greatest friends in the world." She laughed softly and wiped a tear away. I got out and opened her door to help her out and to get Maddox out. "I have his bag, sweetheart. I'll open the door, also." I carefully got his carseat and closed the door quietly. She opened the door and smiled sweetly. "This is overwhelming, Jon!" "Well, at least we don't have to worry about diapers for the next year." I laughed and she looked at me with a funny face. "I'm gonna go lay him down. I haven't seen the finishing touches of his nursery." She took him out of his carseat and kissed his forehead softly.

"You're gonna love it, Jolie." She smiled at me and I followed her down the hall. I opened the door for her and she gasped before stepping in. "I worked on it a couple of days before he arrived and yesterday with Colby and Taylor. I hope you like it." "I love it so much. Oh my gosh, baby." I kissed her and smiled. She walked over to the crib and carefully laid him in it. "Let's go lie down. I'm so tired." I took her hand and led her to the bedroom. "How are you, Jon?" "I'm fantastic, baby. How are you? I mean, you delivered my first born. My first son. I'm estatic." I kissed the back of her neck and closed my eyes. "How are you?" "I'm great. I'm excited. I'm ready to take on the future." She sighed and turned to face me, slowly. "I love you. I love you so much." "I love you more than life itself, Jolie." I kissed her and pulled her closer to me.


Jolie Rotunda-Good

I woke up to the sound of Jon laughing softly and Maddox drinking from his bottle. "When did he get up?" I sat up slowly and stretched. "Around 3:30. It's 4:00 now. You got a call from Vince. He's sending stuff for Maddox." I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder. "He's incredible. I love him." I smiled as he admired our little boy. "He hasn't even cried since he's gotten home. He's gonna be good while I'm away." "I hope. He seems so happy, too. It makes me excited." He kissed the side of my head and looked back at Maddox. "I don't wanna put the little guy down. Oh, I called your dad and he isn't coming over tonight. I think we'll be okay." "Yeah, we're fine. Are you gonna burp him or do you want me to?"

"I got it, baby. Just rest. You need it." I sighed and took the bottle from his hand as he placed the burp cloth on his shoulder. He stood up and started to walk around while gently bouncing and patting Maddox on the back. I felt myself getting emotional just looking at my husband and my son. I still can't believe I have a family. I can't wait to have more babies with him. I heard Jon grunt and I saw Maddox turn a light shade of red. "He threw up, babe." I took him from his arms before Jon took the burp cloth off his shoulder and took off his shirt. I placed Maddox in his bassinet and laid back down as Jon walked back in the room. "I'm doing what you're doing, baby. Sleeping." I laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

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