Chapter 17

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It was nearly eight in the evening. Sora ought to be asleep by now, as she usually was by this time.

Haru sat on his bed, contemplating everything that had happened to him. He was supposed to be happy that Rin had finally returned, but why did it feel so painful in his heart? Six years he waited. Six years without Rin by his side.

For a while, he sat there in the same spot, staring into space. He had a lot to tell Rin about Sora. Now that he had returned, Haru owed him that much. But there was a deep worry within his mind that Rin would outright reject Sora, calling her a freak of nature. As a parent, Haru couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't put his daughter in that situation where she would feel unloved and loathed. Haru worked hard to give his daughter all she needed. She never went a day without food and water, a hot shower, clean clothes and a smile upon her face. Even if Rin were to reject her, Sora would still be provided with love and a home.

Feeling restless, since Rin had yet to come out of Sora's bedroom, Nanase rose from the spot and quietly headed towards the child's room. The light appeared to be shining, which was an indication that father and daughter were still awake.

Luckily, the door was not closed so he peeked through the gap in between the door hinges. There, to his surprise, Haruka witnessed a peaceful scene before him. Rin lay besides Sora on the same position Haru did when he read stories to his daughter.

Smiling at the sight, Haru felt ease in his heart, for there was still a chance that Sora's biological father won't abandon her with the knowledge of her existence.

To his surprise, Haru watched as his six year old daughter yawned and kissed Rin's cheek.

"Well. It looks like someone's a little sleepy. Try your best and one day you'll live your dreams. Goodnight Sora" Rin kissed her forehead affectionately.

"Night daddy. I love you..."

The expression on Haru's face said it all. He couldn't believe that Sora had said that. When Rin wasn't around, she would never bring him up. And now they act like they've known each other all their life.

Maybe we could finally be a family for once and for all...

At the movement of Rin getting out of the bed, Haru dashed back as quietly into his own bedroom before Rin could catch him listening in on them. He closed the door and sat back down in his bed. What happens next could either go terribly wrong or thankfully right. It was a 50/50 chance that it would go his way or downhill. Not that great of a probability to be honest, but it was a chance he was willing to take.

Footsteps could be heard exiting Sora's sleeping chamber. He hoped Rin would search for him instead of leaving his house so suddenly.

"Haru?" Called Rin as he moved closer to Haru's bedroom.

"I'm in here. Come in" replied Haru.

Without any further notice, the white wooden door slowly opened and in poked the head of the 23 year old swimmer. Rin went in and closed the door behind him. He stood in front of his ex boyfriend and shoved his hands in the pockets of his black hoodie.

"Um... Haru.... I um.... "


"I know it's not my place, any of my business or anything to do with me, but can you tell me more about Sora?"

Haru couldn't help but smile. "Well it has more to do with you than you think."

"What are you talking about?"

There was a large protruding lump lodged in his throat. The raven haired man swallowed and stood up to face the father of his child. It was now or never.

"She's yours"

Throughout that time, the pair refused to look away. They stared into each others' eyes to get some sort of reaction.

"What do you mean she's mine?"

"You're her biological father, Rin" spoke Haru.

"That's the worst joke you've ever made Haru. Stop playing. I haven't fathered any children yet. I'm pretty sure she can't be mine. She's obviously yours with some girl"

He felt like crying. Of course Rin would try to deny it, deny her. Who would believe it was actually Haru who physically gave birth to her.

"Rin. I'm her mother. You're her father"

"This is nonsense!" Rin shouted, "Have you gone crazy?"

Two salty tears ran down Haru's face as he pressed his lips together with the intention of not crying. Rin must've realised how upset Haru was becoming, because he tried to wrap his arms around him.

"Don't touch me!" Haru cried.

"Haru, stop doing thi-"

"Shut up! Sora is your daughter! Don't you dare deny her. She's spent all her life without her stupid father, just for him to reject her!"

By now, he couldn't hold back the river of tears anymore. All those hard years without the person he needed the most was let out at an instant. Thank goodness the walls were sound proof and Sora was a heavy sleeper otherwise she would've definitely been woken up.

"What the heck, Haru?"

"Just look at her, she has the same hair as you! Take a useless paternity test if you don't believe me! She's your daughter!"

"Haru please just stop-"

"Just get out! I never want to see you again! Go back to Australia already, Sora and I can manage on our own. We don't need you!" He shouted.

But that was a lie. They needed him. Not particularly financially, but emotionally and mentally. Haru needed him to be by his side like the old times. And Sora needed her father that she always secretly wanted.

"Please Haru..." Rin spoke, sounding heartbroken, "I won't leave you"

"Just when I thought we could finally be a family. Just get out."

Haru opened the door and pushed the taller male out and forced him downstairs. He wiped away the tears before taking the keys to reopen his front door, expecting Rin to leave.

Cry. 😭 Haru my baby. Rin my child. Thank you for reading this RINHARU fanfiction.

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