Chapter 22

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Five days had passed since Rin made himself known to the Nanases. It had been an emotional ride for the certain raven haired male, but in some ways, it was worth it in the end.

Right at that moment, Haru was food shopping. He passed by the fish area and spotted the Mackerel he loved. Though Sora constantly complained about the fish, he couldn't see what she had against it. Mackerel never did anyone wrong. It was full of good nutritious substances like omega 3 and useful acids. He supposed she was like Rin- a Mackerel hater.

With the shopping list firmly grasped within his grips, Haru pushed the trolley down a few aisles to find himself in the fruit and veg section. He grabbed carrots, potatoes, cabbage, oranges and everything he needed. Since Rin had reentered his life, Haru felt that he was going to be cooking for more than just two mouths. Nonetheless, it didn't bother him.

There were a few other items left to get, including milk and the frozen products. Though he was in no rush, seeing as Rin was at home with their daughter, he felt an urge to return home as soon as possible so that he could spend as much time with his family as he could.

"Haru, hey" called out a familiar voice.

Haru turned around to encounter his best friend, Makoto. "Oh, hello. Fancy seeing you here"

"Well you know me, gotta make sure to keep fit and healthy. So how're things settling? With you, Rin and Sora?"

The happy countenance said it all, he couldn't be more than delighted with the outcome.

"It couldn't be better." He exclaimed, "So, how's Gou? I heard you and her met a few days ago. Rin was telling me about it."

Haru remembered Rin's rants about how Makoto should keep his hands off his little sister. Honestly, he was acting overprotective over his only sibling. Gou was old enough and was more than capable of taking care of herself. She knew what to do and what not to do. Had the six years of managing Rin not prove that already?

Makoto scratched the back of his head and blushed with embarrassment. "Yeah, I'm taking her out on a date tomorrow"

"Oh, anywhere ni-"

Haru's usual composed self felt like it was shattered when he walked past a stand and suddenly spotted a newspaper article with Rin holding hands with a red haired little girl with a blurred out face. It was obvious to him that that was their daughter. The newspaper was titled with a heading that made him want to throw up: Rin Matsuoka's secret child?

Haru immeadietly let go of his trolley and rushed to the spot. Other newspapers had similar photos with similar headings. Picking up one of them, he read the article.

Gold medalist, Rin Matsuoka, was spotted taking his allegedly biological daughter swimming at the Iwatobi Swimming Club last Sunday. Witnesses stated that though he attracted attention, he kept by his daughter at all times. An eye witness claimed that the girl was in fact not his daughter, but someone else's, leading fans to wonder what is going on.

The 23 year old has a lot of explaining to do about why he chose to keep his alleged daughter a secret. If the girl is in fact his, the public sure want in on the news.

Makoto came over and hovered around the newspapers. Haru's reaction was not positive. Anyone could tell.

"How do you feel, Haru?"

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