Chapter 27

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The raven haired male lay alone in his bed. His daughter was already sleeping soundly in her own room, leaving the two adults awake.

Haru sighed as he waited for Rin to finish with his 'important' phone call. It had literally been past an hour and the red haired man still hadn't stopped talking. Was it bad that Haru felt jealous of that phone? Rin had certainly been paying more attention to it recently. He couldn't help but wonder if there was something his boyfriend was hiding from him.

Having had enough of aimlessly lying there waiting, the 23 year old crept downstairs, making sure his footsteps were as light as a fairy's. Haruka Nanase wanted to know what was so important that it kept his lover away from him.

"Bullshit! Don't give me that. You know exactly why I can't go!" Yelled Rin.

Haru sat on the stairs, listening in on Rin's conversation. Whatever he was talking about, it certainly didn't sound like it was positive.

"I don't care. As if I'd fall for that one, it's not mine!"

He knew he shouldn't be eavesdropping, but it was so intriguing to listen to his lover's conversations. Especially when they sounded as interesting as this one.

"Don't fuck with me! I don't remember ever doing it with that thing!" He raised his voice louder.

Haru's eyes widened, he stood up and walked towards the noise till he reached the closed door of the living room. Without making his presence known, he peaked through the gap of the door to find Rin standing with his back faced towards him dressed in a dark green sleeveless top, loose-fitting bottoms and his trainers.

"I don't love that freak! And I know for a fact that that child isn't mine!"

The blue eyed man froze in shock. It was like the wind had been knocked out of him completely. There was a sudden tightening in the walls of his throat, causing the lack of air to suffocate him. Silently, he covered his mouth in fear of being sick.

"You've got to be kidding me! Just because of what happened at that interview, doesn't mean that you can jump to conclusions. You- shut up! I don't give two shits!"

"No..." Haru whispered ever so slightly; quiet enough for Rin's ears not to pick up.

Haru had just witnessed Rin deny their daughter. It couldn't be possible could it? They had gotten in so well for the past month. And now with the surprise news Haru planned to tell Rin...

"I never want to have another child! Especially with- what are you on about?"

Haru placed his left hand protectively over his stomach. So Rin doesn't want another child with him...

"I'll go talk to my sister tomorrow. This is getting out of hand. I'm done with this bullshit!"

The door fully opened, revealing an agitated Rin. Haru looked into the taller male's eyes: it made him feel even more nauseous. His reflexes forced him to take a few steps back. He couldn't feel safe anymore.

"Haru... What's wrong?" Rin asked, walking towards Haru with his hand wavering.

"Don't touch me!" Retorted Haru when he felt his back hit the hard, cold walls on his house.

"Haru, are you alright-"

"I heard everything you said," Nanase began with grief in his voice, "Just go... Get out of my house." He whispered, barely able to force those words from his lips.

"Wha-? Haru, don't do this. It's not true what you heard. It was all a load of bull."

"I heard you! The way you would disown your own child like that... I never want to see you again."

He couldn't help but let the tears fall down his cheeks. To think it could all go smoothly once Rin had returned. How naive could Haru possibly get? Yet never would he have thought that Rin would cast aside their daughter... Their daughter!

"That's not even my child. You don't understand, Haru. It's not what you think. I didn't cheat on you." Said Rin defensively.

The swimming coach looked at the well known Olympic medalist and cried tears of pain, tears of agony. He hadn't felt this bad for such a long time. To have his heart broken by the same person twice was the worst feeling he'd every experienced.

With a gulp, Haru picked up his house keys and unlocked the front door. He took one more look at the already dressed Rin and opened the door. It pained him to say these next few words, but he couldn't allow this to carry on. Hurting him was one thing, but hurting his daughter was a whole different level.

"Don't come back. Sora is better off without someone like you. I don't want her growing up like this. It's bad for our health." He cried.

"Stop it, Haru. Don't joke like that. It's not funny." Replied Rin, angered with the thought that his boyfriend pulled a stunt like that.

"I'm not joking! Get out!" Haru yelled louder.

By this point, Haruka could care less what happened next, he just wanted the man out of his home. Rin looked at him, completely dumbstruck, before growling and walking out of the house.

When the crimson eyed male exited the building, Haru ran to the nearest toilet, which was downstairs, and ended up hurling that night's dinner. He choked on the sick and ended up emptying out everything into the toilet bowl. Tears ran endlessly down his cheeks and the snot dribbled from his nose. He clutched his stomach and cried even harder.

...Not again...

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