Chapter 25

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Haru smiled, waving his fingers at the swimming students he had. It was Thursday, meaning that it was a working day. Currently, the time was 11 in the morning.

"Coach Nanase! Are we going to learn the butterfly today?" Asked one of his students.

"No, I don't think we're all quite ready to try that move out yet. Let's practice breast stroke again, OK?"

"Aye, aye captain!" The children saluted with glee.

Haru watched as his 8 students climbed into the pool and started to splash about. Ever since Rin's appearance, the swim club has become the busiest it has ever been. Although most were adults who wanted another glimpse of his partner, Haru was glad to see more and more locals interested in swimming. Sharing his passion with others had always lightened his mood.

Shaking off his thoughts, the sapphire eyed man dunked himself into the arms of the waters. With the Iwatobi swimsuit on, he glided towards the kids, ready to start the lesson.

"Right. Let's start off with a warm up. I want you to swim from here to the end of the pool and back. It's not a race, so don't worry about being the fastest."

Haru chose the width of the pool, instead of the length. The width was less that half the size of the length. After all, he didn't want to tire them out before the lesson actually began.

The kids lined up, placing their goggles on their eyes to protect them from the reaches of chlorine. There were eight of the little kids, consisting of four boys and four girls.

"Ready... Steady... Go!" He called.

The eight immediately started swimming breast stroke. They were getting better and better by each lesson. Haru smiled. His students never ceased to amaze him. He wondered whether some of them would peruse a path in the waters. The chances were quite unlikely, but nevertheless, it didn't stop the man from using his imagination.

"Finished coach!" Said a bunch of kids.

As a reply, Haru smiled, waiting for the other children to catch up.

"Right. I think it's time you kids move on to the next level."

"Will we be learning the butterfly?" Asked one of them.

"What about backstroke? It looks so cool!" Called out another.

"Well... You lot have improved so much. I guess I'll show you how it's done. Let's start with backstroke."

"YAY!" The children cheered.

Nanase prepared himself, hoisting his lean frame onto the metal poles on the edge of the pool. With his goggles placed firmly on his eyes, he pushed himself back into the waters.

The resistance against the chlorine filled water and his skin felt somewhat soothing. As of late, Haruka's back and stomach had been hurting. No doubt that Rin was to blame. Sometimes, the professional swimmer could forget his strength during their intimate activities and end up causing his partner a lot of trouble. However, who was Haru to complain- he thoroughly enjoyed it to say the least. He was thankful that every night, Sora slept like a log.

Finishing his backstroke, Haru declared his next move, getting ready once again. "Right, next is the butterfly."

For the second time that day, the black haired 23 year old steadied himself in the pool. He began lunging both arms forwards, enabling him to breathe once his face was above water.

Ha had to admit, butterfly had never been one of his strengths, but he shouldn't feel this tired. It was like fatigue had suddenly took control of his body. He stopped before doing his second lap of the pool.

Carefully, he got out, walking to where his pupils were. They all clambered in concern, getting out themselves.

"Coach, what's wrong?"

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," he reassured them, "I probably didn't get enough sleep last night. That's why I'm tired."

But it was a lie. He had a hunch why his body wasn't as alert as it usually was, and fatigue most likely wasn't the cause of it.

Haru asked the children to get out of the pool before calling for Goro Sasabe. It was so unlike him to act this way, but if his thoughts turned out to be true, then this situation could either end up not so good, or the other ways round. No matter, he still had Rin. And he was sure that Rin would always stick by him, no matter what. Yet there was a slight doubt in his mind that perhaps Rin would disappear... Like he did all those years ago, leaving him caring for their child. Haru didn't want history to repeat itself.

"Coach Sasabe!"

"Haru, I told ya not to call me that anymore. We're both-"

"I have to head home."

The blond haired man looked at him with a serious expression.

"Ok, I'll fill in for you. Why do you need to go back home? Did something happen with Sora? What about Rin?"

"I'll explain things once I've confirmed it." He called back.

Returning to the men's changing room, Haru took the swimming suit off and dried himself. He had had a feeling that this would happen again, but he did nothing to prevent it. Haru knew his body well, and he knew what was going to happen even before he had solid proof. Call it intuition. A mother's intuition.

I'm working on a MikaYuu fanfic atm. Not sure when it will be published- or if it will ever be published, but it's fresh in my mind.

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